p. 12


ATLANTIC Page 12 VOICE Saturday, September 2nd, 1944 BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN tas.
LONG OCCUPATION THEY CROSS FINGERS Tanks Short of fuel Allied Wounded Flown From France OF THE REICH The second Infantry Battalion Fiji has been sent to the NorthWith the onset of this year For some time the attitude of the British people toward the pro ern Solomons is maintaining the offensives in Russia, It ly an blem of post war treatment of Fijians fine reputation for jungle France, the strain on the enemy fighting.
margin of supplies began to te Germnay has been stiffening. To this trend ihe buzz bomb attacks Recently the Battalion was de and the task of the heavy bon.
on southern England have made tailed to carry out a series of sea bers then was to keep the ene no small contribution. Robot borne raids behind the Jap lines my short of the things she seen bomb attacks on this country In a single week they made three ed most to need. Those shortage and the wanton murder of British landings in enemy territory, ki are being revealed by the figis prisioners of war by the Germans hled many Japanese, including ting on the various fronts. Amon have brought about a widespreone Garrison Commander, cap them, the evident shortage of a tured ad feeling that no action is too nine field and anti tank craft must be explained larger drastic if it offers any real home of guns and blew up huge ammu by direct attacks on the produ nition dumps Each landing took toin of aircraft. Tanks may hav preventing a recurrence of Ger.
ma aggression ten, twenty or the Japs completely by surprise. been prevented from reaching SY battle merely by the breaking u thirty years hence, Many Narrow Escapes of railways and bridges. Aircra One straw in the wind is a 13 are unlikely to by absent for memorandum just released by a Both Fijian Battalions have similar reason. Yet both may hav, post war policy group consisting had extraordinary luck since a limit set to their usefulness of members of both houses of Parliament, under the chairmanthey went into action in the Solo lack of fuel. There have been o ship of Sir John Wardlaw Milne.
mons, and the disproportion bet casional reports in Normandy ween their own fosses and casual tanks left behind because the This document holds that the ties inflicted on the Japanese is had run out of fuel Rhineland, Westphalia, Hesse, Ha fantastic. They have had so many nover, Schleswig Holstein and the narrow escapes that now the two That again might be explaine old Hanseatic towns and territorie PLANES WHICH TAKB SUPPLIES to the Normandy battlefield airstrips Battalion Commanders exchange by transport difficulties or must be liberted from Prussiam return to Britain with battle casualties. This picture shows Corporal Lydia a new form of salute they cross the destruction of local fu rule and established as autonoAlford, a nursing orderly of Britain Women Auxiliary Air Force, helping one of the wounded being loaded on a Douglas Dakota transport plane of the their fingers.
dumps, but allowing this to mous statesma status to be sha Her job will be to tend the wounded during the fight back.
the immediate explanation, the red by Bavaria, Wuerttemberg, must be an additional element o Saxony and Baden, Thus, the me THE DUTCH AIR FORCE vice. Previously, this squadron anxiety for the German Com morandum argues, Prussia would operated over the North Sea, unu 14 OF TODAY Civilians saved Pitol mand if a state of scarcity hs exercise sovereignty over.
der the British Coastal Command foce cougozapists been brought about far to ti 13, 000, 000 persons instead of sinking more than 110, 000 tons life rear as well. In other words, th 39, 000, 000, as at preesnt. The Netherlands Air Forces, of German shipping. Many of the The memorandum holds that fighting on both the European members of the squadron come long range attacks of the heas fighter pilot was striking bombers on the oil refineries is East In ag inst enemy armour in the Rumania and in Germany, an patriotism left in some of the sta today considerably stronger than dies.
Caen area when a burst of flak on the synthetic oil plants, ar tes that have been absorbed by they were the time of the Nazi The Netherlands Spitfire Squawounded his leg. When he tried, now backed by attacks on stores Prussia to be nutured as a basis invasion of Holland. The nucleus dron, flying with the Royal Air to land at his forward airfield, he oil and on the rail and road vih for a policy of decentralization of these air forces is formed by Force, is composed of pilots of could not use the leg to operate cles that transport fuel.
of Germany, and for that reason veterans of aerial battles over the Netherlands Army Air Arm. the rudder bar. His aircraft over the committee recommends a long Holland in May, 1940, and by pi Many of these have been trained shot the runway, crashed into period of occupation of the Reich lots who fought in the Nether. under the British Commonwealth another aircraft and burst into to permit the development of lands Indies lagoinst the invading. Air Training Plan in Canada.
another aircraft and burst into THE AFRICAN MAKES local self government and pride.
Japanege air force. large number of Netherlands flames.
It was suggested in the memoFighting with the Second Tac pilots and observers, partly reGOOD BAKER randum that the tical Air Force in Britain is the cruited from among navel flyers He ll Get Better peace treaty might well provide for penalties Mitchell Bomber Squadron of the but mostly from army airmen, Sections of up to 50 Africa to be inflicted for any attempt Netherlands Naval Air Service are flying with practically all of Badly burned he was dragged men are trained, equipped an create another highly centralized which has won laurels for succes the commands. They are from the cockpit and the squa sent off into the field where, Reich under Prussian domination, sful raids on northern France, in piloting night fighters, heavy dron doctor immediately adminisyeast is not readily obtainably Only reducing Prussia to a point cluding the rocket coast. Many bombers and flying boats and are tereď blood plasma. Before reach they have to manufacture barr where she no longer can exerci of the members of this squadron also acting as instrumentors.
iny the field hospital the pilot the froth on fermenting malt, se hegemony over the rest of Ger have been awarded British and had had four pints of plasma use in its place, Eech East Afr.
group argued, could Dutch decorations for loyal serLESSON OF THREE and during the operation which can brigade has its own bakery Europe be freed of the fear of re, lasted more than three hours, The East Africa Field Bakery ha current German aggression.
New Technique. Young people to DECADES four pints were given.
also organiseda nd equipped ba day in the Colonies as well as three hours, four pints were eries for prisioner of war camp in Britain and the Dominions if YOUTH SERVICES This week in August our given, in the East Africa Command an.
they wish to join an association of thoughts must inevitably turn to DUB is responsible for their technį Youth Services have in recent any, kind have a wide range of that momentous day thirty years Now he is going to recover. His cal supervision.
years received almost universal choice, ago when the men and women of life was saved because civilians recognition as one means whe Idea of service. Day by day the Britain went to war against a Ger in Britain had given their blood reby, sound foundations may now children of the Colonies are being many who was even then seeking and more and more blood donors be laid for the future of the imbued with the idea that their world domination are needed.
PENICILLIN TO world. Great Britain, where some efforts are required if their coun Under God providence, the of the most famous international tries are to advance. By their ac enemy was crushed in four years PRISONERS youth movements have been born tive cooperation in the prosecu of toil and bloodshed. Yet only stern task, and the end is not in the past is to day sponsoring tion of the war through Salva for a time. Twenty years of un yet. At this critical time, let us Penicillin is being flown a wide expansion of the idea in ge Collections, Dig for Victory easy peace and the forces of ha turn to Him with thankfulness German prison camps to help the United Kingdom, and giving Campaigns, and so forth they, tred and evil rose once more to and hope, remembering that our ve wounded British soldiers caj every encouragement to those like the children of the United threaten humanity.
daily work, our unceasing effort tured in Normandy and on othe mcking similar provision for the Kingdom are learning the mean We know that our cause is in the cause of a victorious and fronts. The first consignment boys and girles of the Colonialling of service for the good of the just, that by our hand God will true peace are in themselves was sent at the beginning of the Empire.
succour the oppressed. It is a acts of gleaming righteousness. month.
there are enough u mracen los tocat and the Pacific Vatile fronts, are from the Nethermana many, the 18 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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