
THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK ATLANTIC VOICE VA as area Hope, like the gleaming taper light, Adorns and cheers our way; Editor: JOS THOMAS BOX 199 And still, as darker grows the night, Emits a brighter ray.
YEAR IX LIMON, SEPTEMBER 9th. 1944 NO 438 BLOODY ENDOUNTERS IN PROGRESS ALONG GERMAN FRONTIER DON ALFREDO CAÑAS EXPLAINS REGARD With such a rapidity, des, ING FUND FOR CITY AMBULANCE During the afternooncon and to have contacted cribed unprecedented hours of the 2nd. instant, rrotorized German troops in the history of modern North American patrols in Baume les Dames, the There appeared in the Spanish section o, oui varfare, have the Allied ar are reported to have pene rast important barfer in raies pursued their offensi trated German territory to the Belfort whence last Saturday impression, a lett er from the highly ve since Day, pust threeja depth of from 20 to 30 Germany may be entered esteemed President of the Limon Auxiliary Red nionths ago, that they are riles. Violent fighting is on the southwest Cross Committee, don Alfredo Cañas, amply renow reported to have rea proceeding in the valley of Intense fighting continues plying to the enquiries of certain parties regarding cl. ed the frontier of Gerthe Moselle in the vicinity at La Havre and Brest, con the cash collected for the purpose of purchasing many where the bloodiest of the important stronghold sequent on the garrisons the an Ambulance for this city, encounters of the invasion of Metz. Other forces are re rejecting the ultimatum are in progress.
said to have occupied Besan tendered by the Allied.
In his exhaustive explanation, don Alfredo Within the short period, since the landing on stated that the sum of 7, 959, 55 colones had been Itthe shore of Normandy, Paris RUSSIAN OFFENSIVE PRODEEDS SUCCEFULLY obtained as the outcome of the Pro Ambulance has been liberated and the movement, and is now on deposit in the Banco Na entire territory of France ON ALL FRONTS cional de Costa Rica. He further mentioned that almost freed of the enemy the price of the equipment, according to the que Belgium has also been Continuing their unbea on the march toward the ca tation received from the United States of America Naxi control that the exilten advance across southern pital, Belgrade.
is 22, 100. 00 colones. This information had been ed government is about, it Rumania, the Russians sha has been stated, to leave ve crossed the River Danu ia Poland, the Soviets ha released in the columns of this Weekly on the 12th.
London for Brussels, their be and entered the territo ve registered more impor4 February last, under the caption, 2, 500. 00 dollars native seat. Holland and ry of Yugoslavia where tant gains, broken through will be the cost of the ambulance for Limon.
the Duchy of Luxemburg ha Ithey have been joined biy the German defences and was also then stated that in view of the collections ve also been invaded. the forces of Marshal Tito introduced a deep salient being approximately 8, 000. 00, it would be necein the region between Warssary to continue the Drive, in order to rr: the NAZIS FLEE BEFORE ALLIED FORCES IN saw and East Prussia.
balance of the cash, if the vehicle is to be secured.
ITALY Allied operations in the Certain maliciously minded persons seem to Palkan area threaten to iso have been indulging in indecent insinuations and Rome release states arid fiertee fighting proce late more than 250, 000 Ger absolutely false assertions regarding the where that troops of the Seventh leis in the region of Coria man troops it is ctated. The abouts of the money and the use to which it was Arny have captured Louros They have also extend forces of Marshal Tito are hans and approach Chalons ed their movement west of pushing an inten se offensi being put. This is much to be regretted. We never kur Saone, while the enemy Florence. The enemy garrive against the communicacould have thought it would have entered the mind entinue their rapid flight son fled from the Principation lines of the Germans of any one to attack the integrity of the Auxiliary, hward.
lity of Monaco on the 1st. wuh much success, while Committee and of belittling their marked unselinstant after their defende the Soviets continue to des fish activities in the interest of our community.
Patrols of the Fifth Ar system had been destroy troy jenemy resistenice in How can we secure the assistance of the worthy may have entered Lucca, ed.
the Rumania area.
ones among us, for the advancement of our community of they are to be subjected to such baseness?
so VU 2S OF THE ATLANTIC ZONE ISLAND OF JAMAICA HARD HT BY STORM OF BANANAS; THE SIGNING OF 69 APPLY TO OUR OFFICE: SITUATED: The twentieh day of the past havoc wrought by this visitation month of August was ancther is exceedingly appalling, parti.
sad day for the people of the cularly with the towns along tine Island of Jamaica. It was, on coast lines.
Os that day, struck by an unsually heavy storm, which is reported The Baptist Church in the to have taken a number of lives town of Falmouth, one of the and caused extensive destruction old landmarks of the Island, is to property and cultivations.
also said to have suffered terris. While the entire Island was bly. Funds for the relief of the affected, it is said that Port Ma sufferers have been opened ria, in the parish of St. Mary, is The ATLANTIC VOICE CXCorrespondence to retends its deepest sympathy aching this city disclose that the all who have suffered.
HOU FRONT OF PARK VARGAS IN THE CITY OF almost desolate ICA EHRMAN, KUTATUD BROWNE ABRAHAMS COMPANY Venta de Mercaderías. Depósito de Azúcar Agentes MUL EN OL y MA TA RAL Frente Unidad Sani aria OFFICE BOX 215 LIMON.
First Aid Anticeptic Apartado 362 Alkaline Tablets Limón Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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