
M MU WEEKLY SAILINGS US e2 WINT Page 10 ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, September 9th. 1944.
SOME WELCOMED VISITORS AN APPROACHING During several days of last bition, at least, of his grand abi DRAMA NSUMO week, our comfunity had the (lity in the pugilistic art, but From LIMON to CAHUITA. OLD HARpleasing presence of Mr. Clif ir, view of certain restrictive me In keeping with our promise, BOUR. COLORADO BAR. PANAMA ford Douglas (Young Finnegan. asures which must be obwe beg to report things are getthe Lightweight Champion of served, as alto a fixture to ting into tip top shape for the ACCEPTING PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT Panama and the Idol of Colon. defend his title against a Cuban drama Over the unknown For particulars, see or communicate with With him were Mr. Arnold An challenger, it may not be possi Seas. soon to be portrayed by glin, his brother and Marager; ble for him to do so. The visi Ja cast of characters from the BRYAN BARRIENTOS, Agents Mr. John Hall, his Trainer, and tors were the house guests of members of the St. Martha Post Office Box 144 or at their Office on the lower floor of Mesdames Una Genore and Vie Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Gray and Sewing Club.
Pension Caribe in front of Park Vargas. COMFORTABLE Wallace.
two enjoyable receptions were The entertainment is slated AND RAPID SAILINGS CAN BE RELIED ON The Champion and his two given in their honour. Mrs. Ge to take place, in the Hall of the principal associates in his punore returned to the Capital in day school of the Catholic Pagilistic career, are enjoying a time for her homeward flight rish, on the evening of Tuesday WALDECK ON THE SCENE Well earned vacation ard hope on Tuesday of this week. Messrs. the 26th. instant.
The playground at Wal bowled Mulling s, 0; Moo to be greatly benefitted by the Douglas, Anglin and Hall are deck was the scene of ady, bowled Mullings, O; invigorating climate of the Ca continuing their rest and recrevell fought game of cricket McLeod, stumped wicketpital. They have expvessed pro ation in San Jose. It has been ZUERZAS ALIADAS CRUZAN on August the 20th. beth keper Howell, 8; Wilson found appreciation for the hos hinted that at some future date, EL CANAL ALBERTO ween the local team and the clwed Eutumbiley, 4; Hypitality extended them by our we shall be afforded the happi Cuarteels supremos de las fuer players of the Sportsmen man, bowled Brumbley, citizenry, ness of witnesing Young Finzas expedicionarias aliadas, UP.
We learn the Champion has negan on exhibition in one of Tropas alit das en el NE de Bei Ciub of Cairo. The Homes L 8; Porter, bow Mason.
been requested to give an exhi. our show houses.
gica han cruzado el Canal de Al. ters whipped their visitors tel Brumley, 13; berto en la rsgión de Beeringen to the tune of 66 against 50 bowled and caught MuElementos avanzados han llegado is.
ilings, 7; Hyman, bowl la región de Bourge. Leopoldo.
No loafers waiting room! No gosip station! ideal place for La ciudad de Ypres fué ocupada THE PLAY ed Brombley, Scott, bod!
yourself and son is Dixons Barber Shop West of the city Market por los yanquis.
CAIRO McLean, ed Mullings 1; Porter, not ExZUZUMIZTURVIMINE stuiaped my wicket keeper, ont, 0; extras total 66 LISTA LA EVACUACION DE runsi Binns, bowled Hy runs.
SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTS HOLD MINISTODO EL NORTE DE FIN man, 11; Tulley, caught The Waldeck players also LANDIA Porter, 1; Mullings, won the laurels on the foll stumped Scott, bowled Malioing day against the Sa LONDRES, UP Un perro son, 0; Brombley, bowle Matire Club of Rio Hondo.
dico londinense dice que la po blación del norte de Finlandia eon, O; Morris, bowled The visitors, in their first We are in receipt of the in As a consequence of the Con está lista para evacuar sus ho. Moore, 10; Smith, bowl inning, accumulated only formation that a Ministerial Con ference, we were afforded the gares en caso de que el gobierec Hyman, 5; Armstrong, 13 runs for the fall of elegress was held, recently, by the pleasure of a brief visit by our no finlandés lo ordene. El inbowled Mason and, caught Yen wickets. Waldeck reforme insinúa que los alemanes Seventh Day Adventists at their former much regarded citizen, posiblemente no se retiren de Porter, 4; Forbes, bowl plied with 45 runs. In their Headquarters in Tres Ríos. El Elder Sam Farrell, who now la Fin əndia antes del 15 del mes ed Moore, 2; Howell, gecond attempt at the wie ders and Evangelists from all bours in the Colon sphere of the actual cuando vencerá pl wilti bowled Mason and caught (kets the Satires went down points of the Central American Denomination activities.
matum de los rusos que están He dispuestos a iniciar una ofens)
Wilson, 4; Hanson caught for the small score of 28 Division were in attendance, and conducted last Sunday night va contra los nazis que perma Porter and bowled Ma runswhich, in consequence, the meetings are said to have service and the Bible Class on nezcan en Finlandia después de son, 0; Allen (Captain) not brougth them a defeat by been of outstandir. spiritual be the following evening in the dicha fecha. Otros informes di out, 7, Total 50 runs. one inning and seven runs.
local Temple. He was warmly cen que el canje de enviados en tre Helsinki y Berlín ha sido WALDECK Moore AN OBSERVER greeted by all.
avlazado hasta el lunes.
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PROVEEDORA LIMON CITY Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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