
JOSE MARIA ZUÑIGA set, that, the battle would have win Jackson commanded his 2AO RIV ON Saturday, September 9th. 1944 ATLANTIC VOICE Page 11 2001. MUL. EN. OL BARCELONA. GIMNASTICA FOOTBALL ENGAGEMENT VAMA uoa pic FIRST AID ANTICEPTIC With a harmonizing temperathe Barcelonians and the Gim brol Once again the players wert NEEDED IN EVERY HOME FOR ture, a football contest, between násticas, was in evider. ce on our after the ball they ugged Burns, Cuts, Insect Bites, etc.
playground last Sunday after and wrestled, and the refere TW Also splendid as Cargle, Mouthwash.
05 whistled, as if sotiating calm.
x2 VOL and Dentrifice.
It was evident, from the outness; but the batt e raged. Er AUS GREASELESS, FREE OE SMELL AND PLEASANT OF TASTE. 1593 been fought alorg eventful and bomber, and from right casterp terrible strides. Big guns, tanks corner, effectively struck his Our sincere congrats are ex bombers, fighter pla ard target, which gave Barcelona tended our highly esteemed don ever robots were employed in the second goal. Vegas incestea MATA RAL!
dosé María Zúñiga, Chief of the the dangerous encounter. Shor his gallant deed and things be Waitin ALKALINE TABLETS local Detective Bureau, who, ontly after the start, the olay re came even. Another plunge in good for gases on the stomach, headaches, Múscular pains, the 3rd, instant, reached another ached such an intensit that the briny deep ir subitarine, 19 niinocolds, neuralgia, etc. Splendid after to the anniversary of his natal day the attacks and counter atacks and Jorge Rojas torpedoeld the Don José and family left on were directed against opponents enemy vessel. At thig jor, 30 EXCESSIVE DRINKING OF LIQUORS last Monday pasenger train and not the pigskin wider ture, the referee and onbrototh TO GET YOU SOBER. Very effective, try it.
to spend a well earr. ed period of and more excited grew the pla Gimnásticas got on the tidssyr tal AGENTS AND DISTRIBUTORS rest and change in the Capital yers at each stage of the battle. llws and the player was rúle.
PAN AMERICAN AGENCIES, and other towns in the higher The Barcelonians went into high off the fiel. One the resumipticsSAN JOSE 1150 negions. We wish them a very gear, several rapid, effective pas Macaran added another soal for enjoyable time and safe returm ses commanded attention, and his side. With one player short to our city.
Jorge Rojas earned first Gimnastica faced a difficult po goal for Barcelona. Tt was now sition, but gamely soitihuito the ON IMPORTANT a discharging of cannon to the fight until they earnediaRothes 38 WAR RELIEF FUND The Officers and mem right and the left for the Grim gcal Lers when Agricultural nasticas, ard in a nerv. shatte The end of the contest shewe.
According to the recently re San José. and Building Corporation ring attack at Barcelona pobal Barcelona with fours to 234. 486. 00 of Twenty eight Milesti are. Vegas, at right hand corner of their credit against three los leased information, by means of Limon 581. 55 asked to partieuarly note pfected the shot.
the press, the contribution obtai Heredia 490. 00 that the date on which the ned ir connection with Costa Ri Guanacaste 114. 00 General Stockholders Meet Stand by us clestowe fall support us with your united ca aid to the Allied: War Relief Alajuela 3, 195. 00 ing will take place has been strength Eat and drink, day and night at LA MAGNOLIA Fund total the sum of 241. 866 changed from the 17th to 55 colones. Taking into conside TOTAL Dixonis little place West of the city Market. no 241. 866. 55 che 24th of the current ration the number of the inha.
by som math.
bitants of our little Republic, we think the amount is evidence Charges Reasonable Precios Módicoghi The General Committee of San of a spirit of splendid magnani José, the Subcommittees in the WITH THE ANGLICANS oivisto rojivo mity different localities, and the ge AT ESTRADA po sldta a belv The Cortributions obtained in neral public deserve the highest Address all yours Eng Para todos sus trabajos the respective Provinces are as commendation for the success.
The Ans(anis, at Estra ineering Requirement too de ingeniría dirijase a ellas, Tollows: achieved.
da had a rather spiritual vd Lime zon Sunday, and Mon28 day morning last, with the BOX 923. TELEFONOS 5319, 3201, or 25 HAPPY LANDING visit of the Rev. Evans SAN JOSE who conducted the divine TUNA IT IS THE LANDING. BOYS AND GIRLS services and dedicated, in WHERE YOU WILL BE SERVED form, new the COSTA RICA CONTRIBUTION TO ALLIED chiaia NOTICE pairs ROIG rer of the local. Boy band THE DEPARTURE OF MR. AND MRS.
020 VibHENRY SMITH NOTE FROM OLD HARBOUR FOR MEN A VARIETY OF FRESCOS, DELICIOUS PASTRIES, ICE Girl Scouts CREAMS AND FRUIT, SALAD ON SUNDAY NIGHTS service was also cele of brated to the memory MAKE THIE LANDINGK YOUR COOL SPOT LOCATEN Oostwort vir the late Mrs. Beatrice Mr. Hengx: iSmith, whose casion of Limon celebration. NORTH OF LINDO ICE FACTORY Blackwell. Holy Commu cupied the important position the 60th birth anniversary of 79 UR MOT TO licn was administered to of Vice Consul for the Republic President Franklin Roosevelt the members of the Church of the United States of America, and again at the time of the Service with a smile. the while including the recent reci Jie this city, for some time, telt Drive for collecting donations BUTTLER Proprietress pients of the Rite of Confir eight days ago for his homeland for the Allied War Relief Funs mation.
He was accompanied by his es. We learr that Mr. Smith trans AN ESTRADA ANGLICAN teemed wife.
fer has been caused by his pro.
Kmotion to one of the large Eu.
During Mr. Smith tenure or ropean countries, and so, thougy office, he won unbounded adynir he and his much esteemed wiI am pleased to report thairer. number of honorary Felt and Straw Hats.
ation, confidence and esteem of will be greatly missed, we sin.
our small coastal town of old members are included in this Shirts and Underwear. all classes of our citizerry, as cerely congratulate them and Harbour (Puerto Viejo) conti cultural circle, whose aim is to THE LATEST, CHEAPEST. natural consequence of his mar wish them all happiness nues to keep its head above wa help all the young and the AND BEST ked courtesy ard geniality. We prosperity, wherever they go ter.
old of our town and vicinity. Do your shopping at recall, with pleasure, the very the service of their country and Many things tend toward its im COASTER OF THE PEOPLE HOL SE active part, he took on the fellow rationals.
provement. The new day schooi teacher, Miss Brown, who then labours under the auspices of the Old Harbour School Board, is Nor permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back teadily winning her way in the recibo que dice: of receip! which reads: community, Thin hill must be paid at our office before society blished and carries the name of de los primeros 10 días de cada mes the 10th of the month the Old Harbour Ladie LeaBe so goou as to comply with thig request and do not gue. The management rests Le rogamos recorda: esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena oklige us to suspend, our service, a step which with Miss Iris McKenie, Presidde tener que cortar su servicio 120 si nous so weld much regret to take.
a do ent: Mrs. Gordon, Vice President; Mrs. McKenzie, Secretary; Mrs. Paddyfoot, Assistant Secre.
tary, and Miss Myrie, Treasuare fost cel mai este recibo debe paso en la oficina dentro COMPAÑIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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