p. 12


Page 12 ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, September 9th. 1944.
BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN Polish vengeance On of th every form of merchant pentr. mont Batches of men, although its daily work after victory. We stop. The Germans seized their of men of all nations who figh 03 151 Germany transport Our duty now as ther 2329 problems Drong Express NO 189 on the Stutt Whether it be perce or war Coastal Command of the RAF gat Kowel line recently passed peace with its broadening an will look back on the month of 33 the bridge on the river San and brightening prosperity, now wi July, 1944, as the peak period of. Dean the Lipa station and wes rushing thin our reach, or war with it its specialised offensive on targets other than borts. Victim of the at full speed towards Zaklikow. measureless carnage and destru se highly damaging attacks is damp cold night hung over the tion, we must strive to frame sd forests of the Lublin region. Ex me system of human relations German shipping off the North 00 PM press NO 189 carrying 800 Ger the future, which will bring European coasts, Principal strikmans, carefully observed a series an ond this prolonged hideous u ing weapon of the Commando is 20 the Beaufighter, which is hitting, of precautionary measures. Tho certainty, which will let the work carriages were dark, machine ing and creative forces again and again, with torpedoes, Beaufighters of Coastal Command have been attacging guns were manned anti armoured world get on with their job, ang rockets, cannonfire and machine enemy shipping off the Norwegian and Dutch coasts with a new guns.
guns were set up at the windows which will no longer leave th GHOU PODNA weapon The Rocket Projectile.
baseeiCER and armed guards covered the whole life of mankind đependep SALE. 090 doors. Several hundred yards upon the virtues, the caprice, o Dangerous Journey LOL Mules turned into flying Danish Patriotic ahead of the train rolled a récon the wickedness of a single man naisance locomotive. It seemed These words were spoken fiv There is no lack of targets now cytu on horses honoured that nothing could have threaten yaers ago; they were part of the that the battle is engaged in Fran No one On July 12th the people of led the 800 Germans soldiers in last peace time speech made by ce. The devastation attacks of Ten days instead of five of Copenhagen observed a two minuſ the 14 cars.
Mr. Churchill in a broadcast to Allied aircraft on Continental rail six weeks. This was the saving te silence in memory of those who ways since this Spring have oblig of time when the 5th, Indian Di fell during the people strike. The a clearing where the level road Yet as the train emerged into the United States of America.
Since that day five years o.
ed Nazi transport to rely more vision was flown from one battle previous night hamdbills had been took a sharp turn, about a mile war, with its measureless carna and more on coastal shipping front to another in Burma to help distributed with a proclamation from the Lipa station, death sud jge and destruction have passed routes.
break the Japanese offensive di from the Liberty Council, It said: denly struck.
Yet the words of our great lea Wherever possible, goods are rected against Imphal. United the population went into Out of the night guns opened, der remain as true now as then being shipped up and down the This was an amazing achieve battle and united it returned to fire. The locomotive began to They find an echo in the heart Europe in.
trained to be erect any visible arms and rushed to the windows. with us. They challenge us, men But such havoc has been wrought all their equipment, guns, ammu memorial to the victms in the At that moment a fiery crater of lesser vision than he, to strive among these convoys by RAFnition, jeeps and mules were struggle for freedom, but we can opened up in front of th train with all our might, not only to Beaufighter Wings that it is pos whisked out one battle into ano honour them and show our sympa and the tracks blew up with a bring war to a speedy close, bu.
sible Germany will be forced to ther hundreds of miles awey wit thy with their families by a two thundering roar. The violent to build also that system which adjust transport plans accordin hin fortyeight hours by British minute silence a week after the shock threw the German soldiers shall ensure that our children and gly and revert to road or rail in and American transport planes.
finish of the battle. All the popu off their feet. The locomotive our children children shall live spite of the grave disadvantage Brigadier remarked: Yesterlation of Copenhagen which jumped the split and twisted rails their lives in peace and security.
of those methods.
day was helping to direct a bat stood together in the people and dragged the carriages behind On July 21st, Beaufighters settle in the Arakan, To day m strike will take a united part in it.
up a record. formation laun making my recce for another this memorial service. Popenhached a determinsd attack on a one in Manipur, and m doing it geners! During five days we helt The đin and clatter had not yet Indian centre for blind subsided when fierce fighting convoy of about forty German in my own, jeep, with my own together inseparably. Let us now broke out all along the train. Five new St, Dunstan Training vessels off Heligoland. This is criver and orderly. 842 09 today at twelve o clock again af machine guns and five pistol at Centre has just been opened ir one of the largest German confirm our unity against the Ger omizers revealed their positions India. It is situated at STEG 10, Dehr: voys to be attacked, since war be. Backroom boys of peace man oppressors and remember a few yards from the track when Dun, comprises quarters in a valgen. It was formed of nine merthose whom they murdered.
pre 991 they began to fire. The train roc ley lying between the jungle cov chantmen and more than thirty To day it is universally agreed The stoppage at twelve o clock ked with groans and screams ofered Swalik Hills and the rising escorts.
that science and scientific resc was total. When the bells of the pain. hail of bullets struck the ramparts of the outer Himalaya.
arch must play a prominent part city hall chimed at noon, all traf sheet metal, smashing window It was formerly the camp for Photographic reconnaissance rev in our plans for the post war fic stopped as if by magic. Lorr panes and piercing the walls of Italian generals and prisioners o ealed later that four of the nine world. The startling inventions of ies, taxis, trams halted. Cyclists the compartment. The last car war captured in Egypt and Liby merchantmen were hit with torthis century, whether in the cau got off their cycles. Pedestrians riages of the train, carrying the by Indian units. Among them wa pedoes and two of them left sink se of war or peace, have made it stopped and took off their hats, antiarmoured guns, became with the Italian general Electric Whi: ing. Five escort vessels were bur clear how powerful a weapon we Everywhere in factories, offices in a few minutes a collective kers, ing fiercely when the Beaufighhold in our hands Now is the and institutions people rose and grave. erg turned for home. Other esmoment for determine that stood at attention, Latar a hospital train picked The opening of the new Train rort vessels were smoking from the future shall use this weapon The sirens whose angry how up more than 150 dead and 300 ing Centre at Dehra Dun is a feat cannon fire and rocket hits: for the service, and not the des cut the air at twelve o clock were wounded Germans. Around the of organisation, the result of close practically every ship in the contruction, of humanity.
like a symbol of the annoyance tracks the Nazis found many leaf cooperation between the Governroy had been raked with cannon of the Nazis, which got a more lets telling them that what had ment of India and St. Dunstan fire, During this war the backroom specific expression when a lorry happened was only a partial angthrough Lt. Col. Sir Clutha MacSET boys of the armaments industry filled with Nazis stopped dead in wer to the brutalities committed kenzie, their representative in In Smoke And Flames have leapt into fame. But in Langebro Street. The chauffeur by the Gestapo.
dia, himself a blinded officer of other, more peaceful spheres, bac was Danish and in spite of Ger The Polish assault group and the Great War.
The attack was carried out kroom boys have been working man pistol threats he refused to the detachment which accompain Over thirty blinded Indian solwithout loss to the Beaufighetrs. with equal pitch and energy. In drive on. The Germans, themsel ied it suffered no casualties. The diers have already been received Yet to press home the attack the mid war they have given us a ves, thus took part in the mem stunned Nazis dià not attempt to at Dehra Dun.
aircraft had to penetrate heavy foretaste of the gifts which their orial service for their own vic organise any pursuit.
flak from ships and shore batte particular talents can bestow in tims.
LOS YANQUIS LEGARON ries and were also fired upon with many fields of human activity.
BENSANCON LOS FRANCESES TOMARON PONTAR parachute projectiles. One of the These are the talents which can fer wide vistas of scientific proRUMBO ALEMANIA LIER pilots returned home with 50 be developed and multiplied in gress. There have been great yards of steel cable wrapped ar days of peace.
war time discoveries and develop Cuarteles supremos aliados. ROMA, UP. Tropas yanound his wing and a piece of his Medicine and public health of ments which already augur we! LONDRES, UP. Fuerzas blin quis en el sur de Francia han tailplane torn off Pilots have desfor peace. Penicillin, blood trans dadas yauquis están abriéndose llegado a Besancón situada a só paso a través de Bélgica a lo lar lo 75 kilómetros del desfiladera cribed the confusion they left One of the vessels, probably fusion, mass radiography are but go de ambas márgenes del río Mo de Belfort que conduce al Reich; behind. Vessels were enveloped in struck by a torpedo in its boilers, three which open up great possi sa rumbo a Alemania. Los yan por su parte, fuerzas francesas thick, black smoke and tongues blew up before the attackers tur bilities of saving lives and prev quis avanzaron ayer hasta 23 ki han tomado a Pontarlier que dista of flame were leaping upward. ned away.
enting the spread of disease. lómetros de Lieja puerta de acocho kilómetros de la frontera ceso al Valle del Rhin, suiza, 03 LOD Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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