
a Page 10 ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, September 23rd. 1944 PATHFINDER AND LIMON JUNIOR IN BASKETBALL CONTEST BROWNE ABRAHAMS rather welcomed diver: Taylor. Noel Lord augmented marked aggressiveness score by another tho Venta de Mercaderías. Depósito de Azúcar noon of the FIFTEENTH by couple. Maruja continued field. Lloyd Gouldburne Agentes the presentation on the Court the counting order for the gained points for the Path.
MUL EN OL y MA TA RAL of the General Tomas Guar. Juniors.
finders, Jolly two, Byron, by Frente Unidad San aria dia School, of a Basket ball the collection of a fine, one, contest between the Pathfin In a mix up, a penalty was and another by Rupert First Aid Anticeptic. Alkaline Tablets ders and Limon Juniors. given against Junior and Brown, for a similar offence.
Apartado 362 Limón Many spectators were pre Dixon collected the fine. In The total for the Pathfin.
sent. Mr. Frank Rivers and a machine like order, Alfon. ders was 20. The honours in Mrs. Annie Charles were the so clipped three sets of dou. Junior second half time timekeepers. At the sound of bles. The first half play dis went to Noel Lord 2, Clifford CRICKET AT MATINA the whistle by the Referee, closed ten points for Pathfin Taylor 2, Alfonso Taylor 4, Mr. Rodolfo Johnson, the plader and fifteen for Limon Maruja 6, Frank Jackson (by The Battan Cricket Club Clarke. Lewis was caughtyers went off.
Junior. Returning after the penalty) 1, Rogelio Total et the Mighty Club of Ma by Alterner, bowled Rowe, 0; Limon Junior led the at rest period, both sides shew 34.
na on the latter Oval on Graham, caught Burke, bow tack and blocked the Pathe 10th. instant. The home led Clarke, O; Mathews was finders. The scene became GERMANS IN CRETE BLOCKADED am won the tass, but gave not out batsman. Extras pro thrilling, with rapid passes, e batting preference to the duced Total 51 runs. spills and jostlings commandi. London advice statestes, it is also reported the siting players.
The Mighty responded as ing attention. The Pathfinde: Battan opened their inning follows. Williamson, caught moved into caging position that Allied aerial and naval Aegean Sea and blocked all units have established a means of escape for the eneth Escoe and Hall. The Hall, bowled Manley, 0; and Purga Brown made the my forces stationed in the ter was dismissed Riley, stumped Jones, 0; basket. Retaliation followed strong blockade against the Island of Crete.
numerous Islands between ter making runs Escoe pla Alterner, caught wicketkeeper, quickly by Rogelio Sotela.
The British fleet domina. Greece and Turkey. a brilliant game and was bowled Manley, 3; Burke Byroute of a penalty Jolly wled by Rowe for 18 runs. got dismissed by murdering added a single for his side.
Folk of the city, Lines and Coast! Without your support Manley was caught by Ri. his wickets, off Manley, 0:. Foul ruled the Referee, and we shall be knocked out. Please support us. eat and drink after scoring 13: Hall Alterner, bowled Manley, 0; Junior earned another basket at LA MAGNOLIA. ixon little place West of the city L. off Clarke for 4; Davis, bowled Manley, 13; Again Brown scored. The Market.
Clarke, caught by wicket. Bloomfield, bowled and Juniors recharged their batte and Alfonso Taylor regisde and was given caught Graham, bowled Jones, ſtered two baskets. By in.
WEEKLY SAILINGS Clarke: Clarke caught O: Rowe and Bryan were bat fringement, Pathfinder added were comes erner, bowled Clarke, 0; ting when Time was caled another point.
kie, caught Alterner bow. The score then stood at 23 From LIMON to CAHUITA. OLD HARRiley, 0; Maxwell contribut runs for the loss of eight wic. The encounter increased BOUR. COLORADO BAR PANAMA runs and was stumped by kets.
SY in heat, and referee, Pedro ACCEPTING PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT Grau, had to frequently reFor particulars, see or communicate with sort to his whistle. Dribbling RETAN LOS JAPONESES, resultado dei recio ataque norte the ball from center, Byron BRYAN BARRIENTOS, Agents LEY MARCIAL EN LAS americano efectuado el miércoles a la región de Manila. Por lo earned two points. The Jupi Post Office Box 144 or at their Office on the lower floor of visto los nipones temen que los ters whipped themselves into SARL HARBOR, 22 UP Filipinos se levanten pues es evi striking order and two more Pension Caribe in front of Park Vargas. COMFORTABLE AND RAPID SAILINGS CAN BE RELIED ON japoneses han decretado la dente que la hora de su liberación narcial en las Filipinas como está acermándose rápidamente. warks were added by Alfonso WALDECK ON THE SCENE per ott Riley, or Jones. coughie Jones. sem. Minto, pur and LIPINAS Ġet quick relief from RHEUMATISM Dear Mr. Editor, reply, the homesters register ed 37 runs, which gave a di My thanks in advance for fference of runs in favour the space required to mention of the Waldeck Club.
the cricket match which hap The deportment was of a pened here on the 16th. ins real sportmanslike character tant.
throughout the exercise team from the Victory which was well attended by Club of Madre de Dios paid spectators.
us a visit and met our pla Thanks again, Mr. Editor, yers on our Oval. The visi for the courtesy.
tors went first to the bat and Sincerely yours, their eleven wickets fell for a total of 32 runs. In their Cricket Wasp Rheumatism, pain in joints and muscles are due to the formation of sharp crystals from excess uric acid which weak kidneys have allowed to escape into the system.
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SYDNEY BECKFORD. Propietor Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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