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Page 12 ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, September 23rd. 194 BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN C6 MR. NORMAN MAYERS Nazi. Spanish Trade Cut By Allies New British Charge Affaires TOAST TO THE ROYAL NAVY and shortly after these LISBOA, Portugal. Allie events came the renewed know them, and salute them as my friends, advances across France advance of the Axis forces Hard bitten ships, their red St. George cross ve practically shut off to the borders of Egypt. Tho That lights up the last perilous waves which toss man trade with Portug se were indeed anxious days Upon this globe, and to the grim war lends and Spain.
for Britain in the Mediterra The benison of chivarlry, each gaff Flies proudly; valiant at their sea gray guns Although there is evid nean, because of the Axis view once more the fresh faced courteous sons ce that a certain amount submarines and superior Of Englard; can hear their hearty laugh goods arrived from air power of the enemy, As sneaking foes are trapped; see hard hands Reich last week, there we but they have now faded in Reach down to help, the trust that folks ashore hardly any loaded tra to history with the great Have in these men, and how their plenteous store Of kinlness spends itself through wasted lands.
reaching the Franco SI victories of General MontLet us drink deep: BULWARK OF LIBERTY nish frontier, and it is mo gomery in Egypt, Lybia, Cy Lift hearts! THE ROYAL NAVY, THREE TIMES THREE! lly certain that Germa renaica and Tripoli, and the now will not be able to annihilation of the Italo Ger Ens. JOHN ACKERSON, USMM.
tain any appreciable qu man armies by the Anglotity of goods from the American forces in Tunisia. Convoy off Gibraltar, rian peninsula for the du Again Mr. Mayers was trans tion of the war. No Germ ferred to a trouble spot, na ships are reaching Lisbs On Sunday, September mely to Isaphan, the beauti Sixty. Six German and goods which used ful city in Iran (Persia) He 10th, Mr. Francis Joseph Loyal Burmesse be dispatched by train Generals Dead blocked.
Patron, the British Chargé was there when a British Affaires abandoned Costa army marched into the coun Tribesmen Accurate figures of the Rica, and his duties have try from the South and a Rus One third of an important lue of this annual trade a been taken over by sian army from the North Mr.
Chiefs of the Naga tribes German military group has lot easily obtairtable, to expel notorious Axis ele Norman Mayers, who comes ments from the country. He men of Burma were recen been put out of action wi last year Germany bouge to Costa Rica from the Fotly thanked by the Viceroy thin the past two months: some 25. 000. 000 worth reign Office in London.
terminated his experiences of India for their loyalty When Day dawned the wofram alone from Por Mr. Mayers entered the in the Near East with a term, and help to the British dur German Army had two hun gal and also obtained lar of duty in Mersin, one of British Foreign Service afing the campaign which dred generals and general quantities of sardines, with a ter the last the only two ports then open frustrated Japanese designs officers. By August no less and cork cert: war, during which he saw military ser tain their commercial rela to the Nations to main for a land invasion of India than sixty six of these had amount of iron ore.
This cessation of tra vice as a infantry officer in tions with Turkey.
and during the retreat from been put out of action India. Since then he has had Burma in 1942.
through various causes.
will seriously affect the very considerable experien ed to London in 1943 zWhen Mr. Mayers returnApart from supplying in The biggest toll has been nancial situation of all co ce as a diplomat in the Near to valuable operation intelli exacted by the vast Eastern tries concerned.
occupy a post in the Foreign Meanwhile, entire GA East, having served in the Office, he experienced some hardy, and intelligent hill Lieut General Franek, Com man colonies in Spaina a gence, the Nagas, who are Front, where the capture of via, Arabia, Egypt and Ethio of the Luftwaffe bomb men, made themselves use mander of the 73rd German Portugal are theatened with Bri ing attacks from the tish Embassy in Cairo.
air, ful in many ways. They cap Infantry Division, brought virtual Having been in Addis Abecity at the beginning of Auand just before leaving the tured more unwounded Ja the number of German Ge Allied occupation of Fre ba during the Italian panese than our own troops neral officers who had capiſce, while diplomatic pouc quest of that country, he gust, he was exposed to the did and killed a fair num tulated to twenty seven. Ni will be forced to resort to met Hailie Selassie, the savage attacks of the flying ber. Their villages co operat ne generals and major gene increasingly hazardous bombas sento cover by the King of Kings of Ethiopia Germans in a last minute se infiltration. They harbou the Eastern Front.
ed to prevent the Japane rals have died in action on trip.
In Syria he met many years attempt to stop Britain all red and guided to safety es Lufthansa, the Gern ago the two well known aircraft concern, hithe French generals Gamelin out war effort.
caping British and Indian In Normandy, where the has operated by way of and Weygand, who led the Britain Was The Rallyng prisoner of war.
front is shorter, seven gene drid and Lyons. But Lys French armies before their The loyalty and help they rals have been killed in accan no longer be used.
collapse in 1940. He also Point Of European gave our troops are attribution an dtwo have capitulat re is reason to believe knows Ibn Saud, the first Freedom monarch of Arabia, and the ted to their natural courage ed. The Commander of the Germans already may hi and independent spirit, and German 7th Army. Colonel started to use some Með late King Fuad of Egypt.
in a large degree to the exGeneral Dollman, died on rranean route, possibly At the beginning of the pre In June 1940 when France cellence of the civil adminis June 30.
rin and Barcelona.
sent conflict, Mr. Mayers surrendered and Western Eu ſtration of Naga Territory This cutting off of co was stationed as Consul in rope came under German con which built up a spirit of munication, of course, the capital of Rumania, Bu trol, every European patriot confidence and trust betplies also to Hungarian, but ever present British radio manian, and Bulgarian le carest, and was an eye wit identified his patriotism with ween the tribesmen and Bri ness to many vicissitudes Britain struggle. Thousands tish oficials. The good con to admit after three years of la, all of whose diplom, propaganda. and were forced tions in the Iberian penir that country passed during of them came to London to duct of the Indian troops repressive occupation that, for couriers normally cros: the German occupation. He tght on under British leaderovercame the prejudice abandoned Rumania in com ship with British weapons and which, for one reason instance, the majority of the France by train.
Dutch workers considered men pany of Majesty Mi in another, the Nagas have British uniforms, which Lufthansa has long sir nister when diplomatic rela bore instead of the English re.
against the Indians: and es like Churchill as their savio. given up running daily tions between Britain and gimental flash the word Eran caping Indian prisoners ofurs and their ideal. TheB. vice, and it is dificult to Rumania were severed ince. or Belgium. or war were helped by them broadcasting neraly forty how the line can possibly 1941.
equally with land. Allied four hours per day and in pe with the present siti British Governments and Returning to the British were set up in London pieces Gurkhas with whom they twenty four languages, beca tion.
Embassy in Cairo for a few of English soil becoming for are more at home.
me Europe only regular con Another result of the le tact with the free world and of France will be the months, Mr. Mayers arrived the time being Czech of Greek gainst the Germans drew their the sustaining hope of the op of German propaganda there in time to see the Bri or Belgian territory.
tish Expeditionary Force eva hope and guidance and mate. pressed millions. Subsequently re, which had been cuating first Greece and rial resources from Britain. arms were sent to the forces with a large scale offi then Crete after fighting so The Voice Of London The Germans were quick to of resistance, dropped first by with constantly changing me of the most heroic bat At the same time patriots see the hand of Britain in the the Royal Air Force and later plays, backed up with pi tles of the war against a who stayed in the occupied European resistance movem by the United States Air Forted goods from Munich a numerically superior enemy countries to work secretly a.
ents. They spoke of invisible ce as well.
other German centers.
or Po. Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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