
ATLANTIC VOICE ZE VITZKISSINZ Welcome lo his Excellency the President and party the.
THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK If we engage in low and grovelling pursuit we cannot entertain noble and generous sentiments; our thoughts must always, necesarily; Editor: JOS THOMAS BOX 199 be somewhat similar to our employment.
YEAR IX LIMON, SEPTEMBER 30th. 1944 NO 440 THE NUMBER TWO CEMETERY NEEDS ATTENTION Sceneries seem to form a more lasting impresHaving accepted the invi, his Secretary of State will be. son of Costa Rica and his se. sion on our consciousness than any other element; tation to perform the cere four guests tomorrow, Sunday lected Party. The Atlantic and that which recently came under our observemony of Inauguration in con October 1st.
Voice extends them a cor.
junction with the Federation dial welcome and pray they tion on the extension ground of our city Number Workers, His Excellency All Limon will, we are will have a most enjoyable Two Cemetery, consequent on the tall and thickly ne President of the Republic confident, be delighted with time in our community and grown grass, has deeply impressed us.
Lic. don Teodoro Picado, and the visit of this illustrious a safe return to the Capital. The dead, being unconscious and unreprehensive, this unfavourable condition, neither inconve.
BRITISH PARACHUTE TROOPS SUFFER HEAVILY IN HOLLAND niences them nor offers any objectionable sight; but we who still breathe, feel that our Hallowed nird Army launch powerful attack against fortifications of Metz Acre should always appear a place of peaceful comunique from the the Second Army. Conse. part of the Duchy of Luxem repose, a spot where the rays of the sun and the slied Command in France quent on the heroic resisten. bourg is now controlled by moon can freely play on the last resting places of discloses that after eight days ce of the Britishers, the Nazis the Germans. In the sector of the most heroic fighting our departed ones.
are said to have lost the north of Nijmegen, the Bri.
We do not know if there be against much superior enemy hope of success and retired tish troops are reported adany reason which forces, numerous tanks and across the river Maas, with vancing despite fierce oppo.
prevents this retired spot from being kept in the various other weapons of the view of establishing bet sition.
same good condition as its sister cementery. We war, the British parachute ter defence systems against double fanking attack hope there be none. The influence of human nature troops who landed in the re. the inevitable invasion of has been launched against usually leads strangers to visit public burying pla gion of Arnhem, on the nor Germany by way of Holland the Sigfried Line which was ces. Should those, therefore, who come among us, thern side of the Rhine in Ho Aided by numerous air reported to be favourably wend their way to our Number Two Cemetery llank were compelled to give units, the forces under the progressing they would not, we are sure, be favourably impres way. The report states that command of General Patton Another batch of parachu.
2, 000 of the men succeeded in launched, last Wednesday, a tists have landed in Holland o oro sed with the existing condition.
tretiring across river, most powerful attack against in an effort to oppose the es.
We hope that these modest expressions of whie more than 6, 000 were numerous fortifications of cape of the Germans from ours will lead to the matter being early attend taken prisoners and 200 Metz The infantry troops the western sector.
ed to.
are said to have reached the ditch of the Drinant Fort, but Notwithstanding this reti were forced to beat a retreat SCHOOL BOARD TO HOLD FAIR IN SOVIETS LAUNCH NEI rement, military circles reg as the result of the intense 2012 PARK VARGAS OFFENSIVE ard the effort as having been gun fire by the defending Joi sissa an outstanding aid to the es. Germans.
The man on the street is of a pair of parts.
INTENSITED Cablishment, on a firm basis, Fighting of an unusually no doubt quite unacquainted In furtherance of these lau of the Allied corridor in Ho. Jintense character is also in with the essential expense dable efforts, the Sehool Com fland, and which has since progress in the region west budget which the members mittee have now arranged to Latest notices, from the oeen enlarged by forces of of the Moselle. But a small of the Board of Management hold a Fair in Park Vargas Russian battle fronts ind cate of the Tomas Guardia School on Saturday and Sunday, ile we are told, that the Sovies have to constantly face, and 7th and 8th. October provi. Command have under way a the consequent necessity of mo; and they, and their asso.
thrco fold offensive of a their being, from time to timeciates of the teaching staff, most intensified charaeter, forced to call upon the public are calculating on the charac with the view of fins liv li.
for financial assistance. teristic goodwill of our citi. quidating the German forces As the result of the Board zenry to put their effort over who operate in the Baltic efforts. an appreciable nam the top. We trust none will States, ber of the more needy amo ig shrink from giving the General Gororovs army 18 the children are always pro greatest support to this wor. from the Leningrade front vided with some nourishment thy cause.
have united with the Third and much needed items of Pasa a la pág. NING OF ulothing We are assured that only on the recently pa. MUL. EN. OL ssed Independance Day, the FICE: SITUATED: FIRST AID ANTICEPTIC 15th. five hundred boys were NEEDED IN EVERY HOME FOR the recipients, respectively Burris, Cuts, Insect Bites, etc.
RGAS IN THE CITY OF Also splendid as Cargle, Mouthwash ALLIED TROOPS LAND and Dentrifice.
Headed by Monsieur Pier.
liot, as Prime Minister, the MA TA RAL members of the newly formed government of liberated Be!
ALKALINE TABLETS gium have assumed their res good for gases on the stomach, headaches, Musculac pain.
pective positions The oath minor colds, neuralgia, etc. Splendid after of office was administered by the Regent Prince Carlos, in EXCESSIVE DRINKING OF LIQUORS TO GET YOU SOBER. Very effective, try it. LIMON.
Brussles, on the night of AGENTS AND DISTRIBUTORS Tuesday last, the 26th. ins.
tant. He also presided at the PAN AMERICAN AGENCIES, A.
inaugural sesion of the Ca.
SAN JOSE binet.
ATLANTIC ZONE Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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