
AROMAT ATLANTIC VOICE Page Saturday, September 30th. 1944 ZZZZ Caribbean Packing Co.
In Fond and Never Fading Memory.
OH uw Like the sprig of an evergreen plant, is the freshness of our memory for our beloved CHAUNCY BRVING SWABY who was summoned to the Great Unknown on September 29th, 1940. Four years have passed since our dear one has been absent in body, though it seams but yesterday.
CACAO The Cacao Farmer Friend WE ALWAYS buy Cacao RAICILLA. IPECACUANA RUBBER We did not know the pain he suffered, We did not see him die, We only know he left our care And never said good bye Keep. oh keep him, King of Kings Beneath Thine own Almighty wings.
We did not see the angels there; Their hovering sounds we did not hear; We only know they bore him away To rest in peace forever more.
Oh, to rest in peace forever more, With the happy hosts above.
In loving and never fading memory of our departed Husband and Father LIFE PROBLEM COMING ENTERTAINMENT to take a chance of encounter ing them. We can, therefore, only advise all lovers of high JOHN HENRY NELSON It is stated that the mem. some information, but a class entertainments to be in bers of the Women Life was in vain. It remains a readiness for the night of the who died on the 2nd of October 1942 Prow of the St. Mark problem. The rumour is 9th. October proximo.
Loving and kind in all his ways, Church will take off on Mon afloat that a dug out for Upright and just to the end of his days, day night. the 9th provimo, the rehearsals has been esta. WITH MUCH REGRET Sincere and true in heart and mind, with an Old Fashion Contlished either on the premise beautiful memory he has left behind.
cert. in the Hall of the of President Addaša Daysley Widow. Nelson, and Son Ernesto Parish. in order to give our or that of Vice President Ma. Byettingly we inention esteemed readers a hint of rion Brotherton, but as sathat Mr. Jeter Blackman what really is in the making, vage hounds are kept on eyesight continues to we endeavourred to gather both places we cant afford him much trouble, though it Viene de la pág. rian front state that troops was only about two months Baltic army of General Mas Tof the 2nd. Ukranian army.
ago that he under went lennior, 21 miles north of Ri. under Marshal Malinovsky, delicate surgical treatment ga, while other forces are a: in uion with the Rumanians, THE NATIONAL HOLIDAY AT ESTRADA in the Capital. Fearing ano.
a point 30 miles eastward. have beaten the enemy in the ther serious attack, Czechoslovakian units vicinity of The Iron Port Though somewat late, we in a splendid exercise and pa widely regarded fellow citi.
have joined the fourth Ukra and driven them across the mevertheless beg to pass al. rade, which earned the troop Jose to seek further optical nian army under Gerli frontier. By way of Berlin, accom.
ong the report respecting the distinctive admiration Petrov and are They registering it is stated that Soviet forge grand me experienced at much praise Estrada is excec panied by his wille.
gains despite strong German have invaded Yugoslavia Estrada. on Independence Day dingly proud of these young are expected back this after. and Hungarian opposition. with the permission of Genes the Fifteenth September sters who are also associated Notices from the Hungi. ral Tito.
Under the guidance of the with the highly displined au The Atlantic Voice hopes Directress, Miss Blake, the liary of the Anglican Church this additional effort will rechildren of the school, re. in. We owe a debt of gratitude sult in our good friend regain forced by the by and girl sco to the Rev. James Evans, ing his normal sight in the əqgол ә44 40 əsuәртлә чум the Scout Commissioner We near future.
uts of the district, marched must also tender our sincere from the school building to thanks to Mr. Windell Cle.
To Members of Cacao Cooperation lice, where they impressively Miss Daphney Lawson, the Gen (Mixta)
YOUNG CITIZENS tendered their respects which eral Instructress of the Troop, were graciously accepted by for their unselfish labours and Our Prices for the folloging Products are don Castelo At the close of the untiring zeal We are in receipt of the Tribute the Scouts were seem RESIDENT pleasing information that du ring the recently passed month of August, Miss Liliet CACAO, per quintal. 40. 00 Colones HOTEL HISPANG AMERICA Cunningham, the much garded daughter of Mr. and CO0OANUT PITH, per quintal. 55. 00 Colones City of Limon Mrs. Benjamin Cunningham, Beautiofully situated in fron the Sea, became the wife of Mr. Leo OCCOANUTS, per hundred. 24. 00 Colones pola popularly known as Jo.
Airy, Cool, Comfortable Rooms hnnie) Skipton Allan, by a HULE, per quintal 145. 00 Colones Special Dining Room Service civil cerentony which was per WELL STOCKED BAR WITH NATIVE formed in San ose by the Gi.
All Freight and Cartage will be at Expense of the Cacao Co operation ERNEST CECIL LEWIS The ATLANTIC VOICE Proprietor.
wishes the newly weds a lon RAUL VELAZQUEZ gthly union filled with haupi Manager ness and prosperity Notice the office of the Agent of Poveland. the Scout Moster, and MARRIAGE OF TWO re Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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