
UZ SUZU on The ATE ock in ours.
was La Proveedora a 24 Saturday, September 30th. 1944 ATLANTIC VOICE Page GIMNASTICA CLIPS 1943 1944 FOOTBALL CHAMPION HONOUR STRANGE HAPPENINGS AT MATINA The deep red shirts with of the Jupiters have, in view earned as follows Casasola vertical white stripes, worn by of their very poor showing in 3, Smith 2, Roy Hayling Tre ATLANTIC VOICE le. When, however, he attended to the Gimnasticas, and the the match under review, com 1; and the other was a gift arns that strange happenings take delivery of the package, strong blue uniform with ye. mented rather strongly from Jupiter goalie. The have been registered at the he was instructed by the lo.
llow of the Jupiters, pro the presence somehere of slack honour for Jupiter single shot township of Matina.
cal mail delivery employee to wed very catchy to the eye as screws. The markers of the went to Garron.
It is said that on Monday of sign for One Thousand Colothe players dashed hither and Gimnastica encountered no se The ATLANTIC VOICE ex the week in course the Agent nes. On returning to his home thither on the city play rious opposition from start to tends its sincere congrats to who represents a Plantain Pur he discovered much to his sur ground last Sunday afternoon finish, so it was no means a Captain Stanley Wade and his chasing Interest in San Jose, prise by medium of the let surprise that they gained a associates for having won the was sent the sum of fifteen ter, that the amount should Being on the eve of reach score of seven goals against Season chanpionship hon hundred colones under cover have been fifteen hundred. ing the summit, Gimnastica one.
of a letter by registered mail. He hastened to investigate the could not afford to be other. Casasola had things at his matter and presented wise than most aggressive will At one time he created with evidence of the robbe.
with a marked determination a sensation by out smarting ry, to clip the championship ho the Jupiters goalkeeper and nours However, those familiar calmly effecting his shot It has also been mention with the outstanding ability Gimnastica seven goals were OFFERS YOU CORRECT WEIGHT ed that the teacher and schol LOWER PRICES ars of the government school are being denied the conve.
THE PIONEER CABINET AND GENERAL nient use of the building cons First class Merchandise and best of tructed for the purpose and to CARPENTER SHOP OF THIS CITY Courtesy always the extend of the children be.
Please ask for anything in Grocery or other ing prevented from using the EVERYTHING BEAUTIFULLY AND STRONGLY Articles of General dietry not readily sen. water and other facilities in BUILT FOR stalled on the premises. Oth.
er persons are stated to have HOME AND OFFICE LA PROVEEDORA taken mandatory possession High grade Shellac Polish with a mirror finish specialized in LIMON CITY of the whole place and its con the design and construction of Coffins.
weniences, much to the dis satisfaction of the teacher 4th. Street. Entrance to Gamez THE FIFTEENTH AT GUACIMO and pupils. The attention of Lumber Yard.
the Educational Authorities is The district of Guacimo scene and dished out invited to the matter.
SYDNEY BECKFORD. Propietor was aglow on the night of the goodly number of captivating Fifteenth of September, Swings. The Bodega was the native woman is reported when the true spirit of indecenter of dancing for nearly, to have lost her life by drow dence. The school staged ils Notwithstanding the cos ning in the Matina River, at a under the bridge called few evenings ago we se, the time of his marvellous accustomed entertainment mopolitan character of the the Wheeling Water. Her cretly entered the rehear dream about the lan locat and it was well attended by participants, not a discordant sal soom of the charactersed over the unknown seas.
body was discovered two days the children of the section note was struck. At an ear.
selected for the Drama Over The scenes will represent him and vicinity. very enjoylier hour of the evening a re.
afterwards at Barmouth. Our the Unknown Seas. which is at his mother home in Ge able time was spent. The freshing shower of rain fell sympathy is extended the be.
be staged on the night of noa as also in the royal pa joys of the evening as if in praise for the nota. reft relatives of the unfortu.
nate woman the 2nd of October proximo, lace, where he presented his enhanced when several ble commemoration.
under the management of the Scheme to the King and young musicians of the PaSt. Martha Sewing Club. Queen.
rismina Branch came on the Special Correspondent MISCELLANEOUS Having crossed the threshold Coincidentally, this narra.
of this retreat, we investigat tive will be portrayed a few RALLY OF THE MONT BY WOMEN ed and discovered that the days in advance of the ADVERTISEMENTS Drama theats of the period 452nd anniversary of the FEDERATION from the childhood, days of discovery of our hemisphere THOMPSON SUPPLY Christopher Columbus up to by the noted Genoese. This Our friends of the Baptist standing personages and we be AND WORKSHOP in itself, should serve as a Women Federation should lieve this is still being obser FOR MEN stimufting medfum for an experience no difficulty in ved It has been said that Everything in the mechanioverwelming attendance at cal line cane be made, re: securing a rich financial su the thirty one days of each Felt and Straw Hats.
the entertainment. The smail paired or supplied Assort.
Shirts and Underwear sum of fifty centimos is being ve months of the year listed August derive their pport for the Rally of the twel of the Months of July and ments of Beds, Springs and history THE LATEST, CHEAPEST charged for admission to the for presentation on the even from the days of the Caesars other useful equipment.
AND BEST Hall of the Catholic Day Building ing of Tuesday the 17. Octob One of these rulers Do your shopping at School where the function was NO 89 Fifth Avenue toward THE PEOPLE HOL SE wlill be held.
er, proximo, in the city chur born in the month of July with the Municipal Bath.
ch. Breathes there a one who its original thirty. one days, Folk of the city, Lines and Coast! Without your support would not give a push for the and when his brother also got GRANT AND CRAWFORDI we shall be knocked out. Please support us. eat and drink month of his nativity? into power, he added another NEW HARLEM BAR at LA MAGNOLIA ixon little place West of the city Throughout the ages, great day to the original thirty days AND RESTUARANT Market.
importance has been attach of August, the month in which ed to the birth months of out he was born.
Opens Day and Nigth. Clean and Cozy Reservation. Good di a Native and Foreign Liquor Nor permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back and experienced Mixers de su recibo que dice: of receip! which reads: Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina dentro Thie hill must be paid at our office before Building.
the 10th, of the month LEONEL MONDOL de los primeros 10 días de cada mes Be so gcou as to comply with this request and do not East Indian Burber and Hait Le rogamos, recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service, a step which de tener que cortar su servicio wo would much regret to take.
Culturist. All sanitary arrax gements and general clean surroundings. In front of the old Motive Power DRAMA BY ST. MARTHA SEWING CLUB Pendence was much in evi. the entire night.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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