
Page 10 ATLANTIC VOICE. Saturday, September 30th. 19 VIRU PEMUTITIWA KUMTIRDIRIT IMMAT WIHT THE METHODIST CIRCUIT The 1944 Methodist Missio, following night was graced aced HPRESO Limón Trading Company PAY THE BEST PRICES FOR 32 was nary Services and Public Me with the presence of the Rev.
etings are said to have been Dean Lewis and Dr.
impressively celebrated at the Shaw as guest speakers.
Line Churches of the Circuit ESTRADA (San Jose Creek)
and in the following order. The Message at the divine worship on the night of Sun.
CAIRO The services we day the 17th. Was delivered re held at this Mission on Sun by the Rev. Dean Lewis. The day the 17th. instant. The Youngsters programme Rev. Dean Lewis of the Cen presented during the afterno.
tral American Mission of San on. The public addresses were Jose officiated at the forenoon delivered by the Rev.
Dean service. There was a Young Lewis and Mr. Fair.
People programme at three clough. The Minister of the o clock in the afternoon. On Circuit presided.
the night of Thursday the 21st. the public meeting was ZENT UNION CHAPEL. conducted by the Rev. The Rev. Kolmes, con Holmes. The guest speakers ducted the forenoon service were Messrs. James Muir, on the 17th. The addresses in Gregory and Terence Hine. conjunction with the missio SIQUIRRES The services nary work were delivered on were also observed here on Wednesday night, the 20th.
Sunday the 17th, along with a The special speakers were the Young People programme in Rev. Dean Lewis, Messrs. Ja.
the afternoon. The platform at mes Franklin and Bryan Ed, the public meeting held the wards.
ur Dried Ipecac Root Cocoa, Coconuts and Copra RUBBER REMEMBER WE PAY THE BEST PRICES AMONG THE SICK PERSONALIA BACKACHE GOES when kidneys are active again!
Consequent on impaure, in this city for several weeks. turn of the gallant Major to health our good friend, Miss She was able to go back to the homestead after being a Maud Barrett is a patient in her home on Friday of last patient in the Clinica Biblica tress of the English Privs the San Juan de Dios Hospic week. She is the esteemed in San Jose for several weeks We were exceedingly plea. School of the district.
tal, San Jose. We wish her a wife of Mr. Joseph Gould. It is our sincere hope he will sed to have recently coniec, speedy relief from her suf bourne, one of Liverpool soon be completely fit to re ted, in this city, two of cur After spending a par fering and complete recovery most energetic agriculturists sume his useful and multi former distinguished residents their well earned vacatio in due course.
and also widely known in our farious activities in the inte Dr. Cuevillas and Atorney this city, Mr. and Mrs.
We gladly mention the community.
rests of the material spiritual Rodrigo Odo. The former re. wells of the Siquirres tov!
recuperation of Mrs. France. We share the joy of Mrs. and general advancement of cently separated from the serip have returned home. Ila Gouldbourne of Liverpool Lynch and comrades of the his fellow creatures.
vices of the United Medical presence was much appre who had been on the sick lisa Salvation Army for the re.
and Sanitary Department of ted. Mr. Howells holds pi In our Province, and the latter eering rank in the emplo is our immediate ex Captain the Costa Rica Banana of the Port, who left us many pany.
months ago for the Capital to take up a professional posi. Mr. Stanley Lettman, tion with the Cia. Bananera right hand man in the o de Costa Rica. Visits by these of the Caribbean Paci two esteemed former citizens Company, having termin If you suffer frequently from backache are always fervently welcom his well merited vacation, you can be fairly certain that Kidney ed.
resumed his responsible Trouble is to blame. The kidneys are ties.
two of the hardest worked organs in your body. They act as the hearty welcome is exten.
body filters preventing imded Mr. and Mrs. Sawyers of Miss Betsie Smith of purities and poisons from Zent, who have been guests lon, was a visitor here escaping into the blood.
in this city during the past se period of eight days and Weak and sluggish kidneys cannot do this important job properly. Not veral days. Mr. Sawyers is a in the Capital. She has ex until those kidneys are active again responsible employee in the sed her warm appreciation can you be certain of getting relief from aches and pains.
Zent Section of the Cia. Ba the Republic and our peo That is why De Witt Kidney and Bladder nanera de Costa Rca, and his She effected her return fli Pills are prepared especially to act directly on esteemed wife is the Direc last Saturday.
the kidneys. Quick relief from backache follows the first dose for that very reason. Within 24 hours of your first dose, De Witt Pills get No loafers waiting room! No gosip station! The ideal place to the source of your trouble the kidneys.
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At the same time, a remarkable internal If you suffer with backache don be antiseptic clears the kidneys of all clogging content with half measures. Get at the impurities and poisonous matter.
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