
SAR iest 7810 TVNS NW222 his FLORIDA ICE AND very lucrative time in the 10 Murray of Liverpool. To the.
DIC Saturday, September 30th. 1944 ATLANT LC VOICE Page 2322 ALLED TROPS JAMES ALFRED MURRAY PASSES BEYOND EMBRACE THIS OPPORTUNITY TO With the view of impeding THE VEIL the retirement of the Geri OBTAIN GOOD FARM IN THE VICINITY man forces, estimated at OFTHE CITY OF LIMON: 200, 000 who operate in the The Angel of Death dee. order In addition to his pion Balkan States, Allied troops med it necessaory to suddenly neering status, he was famed are officially reported to close the earthly career of as a Barber in our communi.
At four o clock on Saturday the 6th of October have landed in Albania and our highly regarded fellow to ty: there will be placed at Auetion Sale in the Civil Court on the Islands off the coast wnsman, Mr. James Alfred The obsequies were held on of this Province, with a price base of Seven Thousand of Dalmatia, to the north on Murray, on the night of Tues the afternoon following that Colones (7, 000, 00. the Farm called SAN JUAN properly Yugoeslavia.
day the 26th. instant We are of his demise Mr. Days inscribed in the Register of Property, District of Limon Volume 501 Folio 365 584, entry 13, and which told he was about his regular ley, the Catechist of the St.
comprises a measurement of approximately 53 acres activities up to a few minutes Mark Church, conducted the with Cacao cultivation, pasture and fruit trees, situat. COSTA RICA prior to his passing beyond the ceremony at the residence of ed one and one half miles from the city of Limon, facSODA WATER Veil the deceased and at the gra ing the San Jose railroad line; bordering North, fac.
FACTORY West, by lands denounced by Dora Pucci and ceded to Barber Murray, as he was ve. representative concour Gérardo Echeverria on the East by the little Limon popularly called, was born in se of mourners and sympathi River in the middle property of Mrs. Lizzie Cash ArSpanish Town in the Island of sers were in attendance.
nold and on the South by the Atlantic Railroad in the Fábrica de Hielo Jamaica, and came to this Rel The deceased is survived by middle property of Lucas Daniel Alvarado.
y Refrescos the This farm will be sold at Auction free of all en cumbrance by having been ordered so in the judgment ring the many years he resi Fray of 25 Miles, his daugh of Succession of Mr. Juan Jose Leon Yee.
Agencia Cervecería ided in this city, he displa ters, Mrs. Mildred Wright of For any other information see or address the Traube yed much usefulness in the San Jose and Mrs. Ina Pugh Executor of said Succession.
LIMON various avenues of his career, of Panama, several grand chil and is said to have enjoyed a dren, and a niece, Miss Vie GEORGE LAZARUS DAVIS wery days of his monhood. He se sorrowing ones the ATLAN OFFICE: Fourth Avenue was a true turfite and gen TIC VOICE pours out its profacing the Girls School Post Office Box 449 cral sportsman of no mean found sympathy: SUNDAY SCHOOL ANNIVERSARY TO BE LA FLORIDA Ma deras OBSERVED HAPPY LANDING Fábrica de Hielo IT IS THE LANDING. BOYS AND GIRLS The annual celebrations in lie Ongus, sthe Cirenit Ste.
998 tot vo WHERE YOU WILL BE SERVED conjuntion with the Methoward, will preside over the MRR. HAROLD los dist Sunday School will be rtainment ata pomm VARIETY OF FRESCOS, DELICIOUS PASTRIES, CE effected tomorrow, Sunday It is also understood that SMITH CREAMS AND FRUIT, SALAD ON SUNDAY NIGHTS the 1st. October, and on the Monday night function will MAXE, THE LANDING YOUR COOL SPOT LOOATED following night. Several feature a contest among the Rather startling it was to 10 orto youngsters of the school dres children of the system alt classes of our citizenry Goro NORTH OF LINDO ICE FACTORY listed, we understand, for The accustomed cordial ia when it became known, on OUR MOTTO da yobiw geld bis important participation invitatiomis extended the pud Thursday of last week, that Service with a smile the while tomorrow services. Mr. Les blic.
our popular and widely es.
teemen townsman, Mr. Ha lison BUTTLER. Proprietress rold Smith, had fallen a vic.
Charges Reasonable Precios Módicos tim to paralysis.
Stand by us lest we fall support us with your united NOTICE The attack took him on the strength Eat, and drink, day and night at LA MAGNOLI)
night of the 20th. instant. 6 Dixon little place West of the city Market.
Address all your Eng Para todos sus trabaigs is now va patient in the local UZ ineering Requirement to de ingeniria diríjase hospital where, we learn, everyr possible medical and other attention is being ex.
tented him. We BOX 923 TELEFONOS 5319, 3201, or 25 earnestly SAN JOSE pray for his speedy recovery, the meantime extending our The most Popular Refreshment Parlour 3)
sincere sympathy to him, his located cozily in the City Market.
family and other relatives.
As You can best the warm temperature and satisfy the appetite by making.
la. Bombarderos de picada, avio dar IN ITALY nes, torpederos y cazas de la ter cera flota norteamerivana del Pa Your refreshing spot. Our table Menu After having broken their soners.
cífico despegaron de las cubier Speaks for itself. The very best way through the stronges later report states that tas de sus porta aviones en serviee is our PLEDGE.
sectors of the enemy noted the city of Bellario, situate avión torpedero informa: No pu ehagafuriosas. Un piloto de un Gothic defence system and seven north Miles of Rimini, dimos errar. Los buques por de repelled their several violento nthe Adriatic coast, has cir así, estaban sentados en la HYMAN WALTERS Proprietor attacks last bahia. Yo escogi un buque de tuesday, the been seized by troops of the carga de nueve mil tonelaas y trops of the Fifth North glione, about midway bet. mis torpedos do alcanzaron American army pursue ween Florence and Bologna, their movement toward has been occupied by the LA SECHETARIA DE ESTADO DAI HIOR UN ANUNC the important city of Bologna South African and North WEEKLY SAILINGS SORE LAS CONDERENIMAS in Italy. The Germans are merican troops. The safety of DE FAZ reported to have suffered se. the enemy forces in the WASICSGTON, 29. UP. La From LIMON to CAHUITA OLD HARvere losses in their man merican troops threatened by secretaria de Estado dar a la pa BOUR COLORADO BAR. PANAMA power. The Eighth British the e expected capture of olividad esta mañana a PU (1)
Army are also stated to have Imola.
mesto que según se cree resu:ACCEPTING PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT a los ritos fundamentales de For particulars, see or communicate with registered importanti gains convenio efectuado entre Rusia, which enabled them to cross ABORDO de un buque insignia los Estados Unidos e Inglaterra BRYAN BARRIENTOS, Agents the famed Rubicon of Cae norteamericano frente a Luzón; durante las conferencias do paz 29. UP. La United Press ha en Washington, Más tarde durant sar. large number of the recibido la primera descripción te el día los representantes an. Post Office Box 144 or at their Office on the lower floor of Pension Caribe in front of Park Vargäs. COMFORTABLE Eighth Army, while. Cast. del aplastante asalto aéreo de glo americanos reanudarán la dias efectuados la semana conferencia con delegados chiS AND RAPID SAILINGS CAN BE RELIED ON Nazi troops were taken pri.
pasada contra la bahía de Maní. nos. ROIG Vitan si LAS BRISAS GERMANS VIOLENTLY COUNTER ATTACK rados Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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