p. 12


Page 12 ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, September 30th. 194.
BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN are fire our were The Japanese get a American Negro Promise Where Slavery Still lives Mending a Wire Lesson Combat Corps of the Sixth Year Under Fire One of the most terrible West African troops figh As the Allied forces sur We enter on our sixth Lance. Bombadier Joh ting in the features of Nazi policy has Kaladan Valley ged north from Florence re year of fighting with the Me Guire was in charge e been the gradual che portahave recently given the Japacently, the High Command end of the European war the maintenance of a sectio tion of more and more wornese their best lesson in mo. announced the anviva! and within measurable distance, of line from an advance!
kers from the occupied bility. To the enemy it was active participation in the and with the steel ring of fol a most painful course of ins fighting of the fast Negro Allied might drawing ever countries to Germany to in observation post to a Fiel combat unit assigned to this closer round Japan.
crease the manpower avai: Artillery Battery for days and nights. His sectio truction.
lable for the German war theatre of operations.
To day the armies of Gerof the line was cut seventy The West African troops, These soldiers, represent many machine.
and its miserable one times during this perio marching fro imthe Kaladan ing elements of the famed rump of discredited and disby shellfire and other cal In spite of the immense Valley for new operations in 92nd Division will become heartened satellites are reelses. During two hours the first coloured grounding back on every European effort which the Nazis have mended it the Kalapanzin foothills, fifteen time forces to engage the enemy front before the advance of made to overcome this la though under fire the ver cauught a Japanese head.
in actual combat in Italy.
bour deficiency, they the Armies of Liberation which was directe quarters in an ambush. The When the story ole this Never in history has any na still, after nearly five years towards cutting his line in enemy had not believed that present, way is fully written, tion achieved more than the of war, in such a position which was heavy several thousand men could it will record many exploits Russians in the progress that the Nazis can make sta shells. The cable route la calibi have moved from one part of of heroism on the part of they have made since those tements such as: Owing to from the gun position a front to another without Negro soldiers. In the figh days (not so very far away)
the terrible threat to through a village which wa being seen They forgot about ting on the islanda of the when the Germans Continent te thotal mobilibeing Iconstantly shelle the tough jungle warriors of Pacific; on ships at sea and knocking at the gates sation of European man of across a bridge to anothe West Africa.
in combat planes over ene Moscow and thousands of power has become a fatefullvillage. Mc Guire was wow bu The Japanese were actua. my territory; in the cam square miles of Russia were necessity which no European ded on the third day lly moving to wipe out the paigns in North Afrien, Si under the Nazi tyranny.
nation is permited to shirk refused to leave his post al.
Africans in a place they had, cily, Italy and in the invaHitler has failed in Rus and remain unpunished.
continued to mend his line sion of France, Negro solo sia. He has failed in France.
balrecdy left, and the enemy diers, aviators and seamen He has faild in Britain. He This is the final resort of tire but refused to allow th.
Eventually he agreed to in were trapped in a narrow re have written and are still has failed in Germany it a nation which has tried line truck to be used an vine and slaughtered. At writing brilliant chapters of self. Something must be veeverything else. familiar walked to an advanced dres later date the enemy made gallantry and service.
the same fatal eror of Judg.
ry rotten in the state of Ger patern has been followed in sing station with the assi all the occupied territories, tante of a comrade.
many for high ranking of ment, only this time they Supplying the not only by Germany but al.
ficers, men who have been thought that the West Afri.
so by Japan. At first, procan guns could not have Pacific War drilled for a lifetime into an paganda was used to cajole attitude reached a certain point on the It is amply clear to anyone obedience, to dare to ques bour service. The propaganof unquestioning the people to enrol for laopposite side of the Kaladan who tours the Pacific wartion the infallibility of Afronts that huge supply comdolf Hitler, Changellor of da was frequently based, River. Once again they forgof about the speed with which creating any new supply mander in Chief of the Germitments in Europe are not the German Reich, Comhowever, on sheer fraud.
African soldiers move through problems in the Pacific area.
the jungle.
man Army. Quarrels bet Spur Of Hunger On the contrary, there are platoon of Gold Coast in many instances improve offer little attraction at the ween thieves and murderers When it troops, who had found the Jaments proved ineffecwhich point more best of times, and the ex tive, pressure was applied.
panese positions, gave a sig. than ever to the fact that cesses of the Borgias pale Compulsory registration was nal and the gunners wiped the European war will not into insignificance beside introduced, and unemployed out the enemy; while Gambian hamper present plans to the latest blood blath into persons failing to volunteer and Sierre Leone troops, who push decisive offensives ai which Hitler has plunged for work in Germany were had crossed the Kaladan tomed eventually at Tokyo.
his unhappy land.
deprived of rations cards.
meet the Gold Coast Troops, In tie ma. or of Lavy General Montgomery To sharpen the spur of huntoppled the Japanese officers shipping, European commit Hope and Honour who plays an important part ger and want unemployment in the war of Germany.
off their horses and inflicted ments will undoubtedly conBut if the position of Ger was deliberately created.
tinue for some time to deheavy casualties on the com many is one of squalor and When even these measures prive the Pacific theatre of lumn.
shame, hope and honour are failed to get the required Saying needed supplies. But the miSuch was the speed with to be found in the occupied response, the enemy resortlitary advances and consoliwhich West Africans moved dation of bases which have pulations are rising as one and yound ups of civilians Continent the total mobilied to compulsory decrees No division has contribut from one spot to another that been stepped up in the past ed more powerfully to the cap many thousands could in a few months have considera to harass his troops, to bat extreme penalties for resis ture of Florence than the 6th man against their oppressor, for mass deportation, with few hours disappear from one bly eased the shipping pro ter down his barracks, to tance.
South African Armoured Di.
battlefield or camp and be. blem. Ships from the blow up his communications.
vision. do hope its achieve.
gin operations miles away, un which formerly were forments will be fully appreciated known to the enemy.
ced to put in and tranship formerly moved much of the Coal cures Potato both in South Africa and Speed of movement is the cargoes at bases far in rear cargo from rear bases to key note of modern warfare, of the front, are now able areas nearer the front.
disease in Britain throughout the Empire.
and it entails a great deal of to use primary unloading At the same time the unplanning, whether by land, ports as far advanced as expetedly low expertditure new British synthetic Hollandia.
sea, or air; but in places like Not only has this speeded the of small invasion chadt in material made from coal eli thrity two centres throug.
Burma the difficulties are in European invasion minates disease in potatoes. hout the country. Reden creased by the absence of up the disbursement of car should have a favorable ef This has been developed by British research has opener goes and the turnaround of fect on the arrivals in the a British lorries. The West Africans coal processing up a tremendous range 03 shps, but is has eased the Pacific area of amphibious company Low Temperatu raw materials obtained fron have overcome this difficulty strain on small Il craft which craft, which at present cons re Carbonization Limited coal as by products. Articles by transporting arms, ammu.
titute one of the biggest in co operation with the Bri now made from coal in Brit nition and equipment on their average of forty pounds, they needs.
tish Department of Scientific ain include antiseptics, dyes heads. Shovels and radio sets march over hills and through Thus despite the terrific and Industrial Research. Un paint, varnish materials, pe form part of their loads.
rivers. One meets these West needs of the European war der the direction of the Bri trol and Diesel oils, and fi In a single line miles long, Africans on the march, chee. the Pacific war theatres aretish Ministry of Agriculture, nished products such as per each man loaded with his own rul, streaming with sweat and still able to build for and supplies of this material fumes, ashtrays, telepbones equipment and carrying an humming some little song. major operations.
have been despatched to and aspirin.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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