
THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK ATLANTIC VOICE WITH THE UZITIE LITUS on the mons Those who make themselves conspicuous only to dazzle, are influenced merely by custom and example; they never examine the motives of their actions and are often oblivious of the pain produced by their va. Editor: JOS THOMAS BOX 199 nity.
YEAR IX LIMON, OCTOBER, 7th. 1944 No. 441 DITORIAL WATER, WATER IS AGAIN THE CRY MINISTER OF LABÜUR AND PARIY TENDERED HEARTY WELO ME Consequent an. that due to certain unfortu cy, Col. Enrique Esquivel; noucement that His Exce. nates happenings he would don Joaquín Hernandez, Our attention has again been called to the llency the President of the not have been able to leave the moving spirit Linadequate supply of water in the circulation Republic, Lic. don Teodoro the Capital.
Labour Movement; system of our city. In almost every section the Picado, was to arrive in This, however, in no man the Boy and Girl Scouts of carcity of the precious fluid is keenly felt during this city last Sunday to par ner affected the genuine St. Mark s, 25 miles ud Es ticipate in the inauguration greetings and gala recep trada; the Carets; members lengthened periods.
of the Workers Federation, tion which thousands of of the different branches of it was observer that almost our people tendered the Mithe Labour Union; other per The absence of water, when most needed by all the trians were more nister of Labour, don Mi sonages, and the Sneral the residents in our community, is not a matter of than capacity occupier on guel Brenes; the Sub Secre public, the distinguished yesterday it has claimed the close attention of their arrival at this weretary of abour, don Herman guests proceeded to the Mu several administrative regimes, and much, we ad more than capacity occu Bejarano, and the members nicipal Bath house where mit, has been attempted. The unsatisfactory sipied on their arrival at this of the National Committee the formal exchange of terminal. There was do of the Confederation of Lagreeings Fuation, however, remains, to the serious inconveexpo inded doubt that this evidenced bour.
and folowed by the gala re nience of all.
the sincere desire of the Hdeaded by the Military ception.
people of this Zone to ex Band, under the command Interesting discourses we It is of paramount importance that the city of tend our Chief Magistrate of Colonel Qesada, an ac re delivered by dou Joaimon should possess an adequate flow of water a spontaneous and magnani companied by our highly quín Hernandez, don Victor all timse, in order not only to meet the domes mous welcome. Great, there esteemed Governor, Colonel Sordero, don Rodolfo Guz ic needs of our citizenry, but to protect our general fore, was the disappoint. Abel Robles; our widely remán and the Minister of ealth conditions. The efforts of the Public Health ment when it become knowngarded Commander of Poli Labour.
Department can hardly be effective or successful were niet supported by a proper and constante supply: GERMANY DEFENCE SYSTEM CRUMBLING BENEATH ALL his unfavourable condition prejudices strucural improvements, as insurance against fire canot be obtained except af very high premium rates.
is our earnest hope that the present Adminiszan will not permit this pressing and vital need Imon to escape consideration, and that another ort will be made to permanently improve existconditions. We urge that this be done in as hort a time as possible.
tand by us lest we fall support us with your uniter strength Eat, and drink, day and night at LA MAGNOLI Dixon little place West of the city Market.
GUN FIRE Advices released by the Al methodical advance across the the bridge over the Rhine.
lied Comand in France disclose complicated Siegfried Line to In the sector south of Bel.
that the complicated and ele the north of Aquisgran, after fort Allied forces are said to borate systems, constructed capturing the important posi have much advantage from for the defence of the German tion of Beggendorf in the vici their extensive patrol opera.
territory are crumbling bene nity ow Ubach, and menacing ons, while General Patton ath the terrific pounding to the important transport center Third Army are reporie: pur.
which they are being subjected of Geileskirchen further north. suig their offensive against from the Allied Artillery and Assault forces are reported several distinct points of the aerial units.
to have reconquered the north Metz fortifications, which giver eastern sector of the Driant entrance to the Saar region.
Troops of the First North fortification of the Metz stron Dunkirk, the port wh ch has American army continue their ghold, eight kilometers from played so important a part in the city. Terrific assaults are the present war, has been un also under way against the der a series of violent citacks forts of Jeanne Arce and Ma by the Canadian troops its fall reville north of Driant. Mili is expected at any mor. ent.
tary observars declare these Canadian forces have reach operations are a prelude to a de Lilo, north west of Ambe.
grand offensive against the res; other Allied troops have Reich arrived at the Brasschat Schat TYS British troops have opened ten fort east of Amberes.
a new offensive, over a front General Hodges and his of nine kilometers in Holland, men have further peenrated south of Arnhem, and about in German territory.
Limón To Bocas del Toro and Almirante Leave Limon November 4th. at 10 Leave Bocas del Toro November 5th.
Sunday) 10 m.
arriving at this Port early Monday morning in time for workers to report for work.
As capacity of vessel is limited make your reservations on time. No passport required.
For Booking and other particulars see our Agent Mr. Clifford Steel. Excelsior Tailor in front the British Pharmacy LIMON OFFICE BOX 215 LIMON.
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