
os Page ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, 7th. October 1944.
PUTUBE FROM THE DISTRICT OF ZENT Caribbean Packing Co. By a lover of wholesome entertainments) of this regingo 10 les On the occasion of their. ehorn. The dialogues: What first anniversary, the Girls they know, by Miss Foster sitt storto view CACAO Friendly Society, an auxiliary andothers; idolize by Miss or fin is to Toga of the Anglican Church of this Whitehorn and company; li district of Zent, presented a tich in time by Miss. Why The Cacao Farmer Friend WE ALWAYS buy Cacao worthy programme, over which te and associates; Unjust the Rev. Evans presid. Suspicion by Miss Douglas ed, on the evening of Wednes. and others and Tom practi.
RAICILLA. IPECACUANA day the 27th of the recontly cal oke were specially entre passed month.
ata nning. The soloists were RUBBER The remarks and comments the Misses Thorbourne, of the Rector were very encou. Whyte, Williams, and DIMO and gave evidence that Whitehorn. The duet Beauti.
his spirit was embedded in the sul Dream by Miss Drysdale We are Agents for proceedings.
206 He respectively and partner was well rendered.
entro eulogized the leadresses of the The choristers added spice THE RUBBER DEVELOPMENT CORP. OF THE GOVE Society, Mesdames Kate Green with their anthems and songs.
and Thorbourne, as well as Harmonizing speeches were OFFICES: LEMON. SAN JOSE the organist, Miss Iris White respectively delivered by Mes.
horn dames Kate Green and Thor LE The various items were well bourne and Miss Wirchorn 1907 yilda delivered. The recitations were The singing of the hymn Je.
contributed by the Misses sus meek and gentle and the Malcolm, Peterkin, Fos blessing by the Rector termi.
THE COMING OLD. for presentation in the Hall ter, Whitehorn, Whyte, nated a well spent evening.
Masters Scope and Whit FASHION CONCERT ish by the Women Lite JOSE ACHION NG.
Problem Club.
We adopt this medium to Comerciante detallista Licores, Abarrotes, Cristale.
The night of Monday the advise our esteemed readers Charges Reasonable. Precios Módicos ría, Materiales de Ferrete.
9th instant will soon be with to be on time in order to se ria y Eléctricos, todo se en.
us, and if we gather arighteure comfortable NOTICE accommo cuentra en este an exceedingly large percendation, as we learn a num establecimiento.
tage of our citizenry are ber of persons from Siquis Address all your Eng Para todos sus trabajos already prepared to attend rres and other line towns are ineering Requirement to de ingeniria dirijase a the Old Fashion Concert lis expected.
RETURN OF MRS. VIE ROIG IS JURIS JOHNSON BOX 923. TELEFONOS 5319, 3201, or 25 SAN JOSE BROWNE ABRAHAMS Gladly do we extend a welcome to Mrs. Vie Daley Johnson, who recently retrof Colon, Panama. Mrs. rejoices in again having his Venta de Mercaderías. Depósito de Azúcar ned home after an absen: Johnson, the genial Mana esteemed better half in the Agentes of a few months in the city ger of the Cubs Sport Club homestead.
MUL EN OL y MA TA RAL Frente Unidad San aria Desembarco en Peleliu First Aid Anticeptic. Alkaline Tablets Apartado 362. Limón BOSOMHAMAM 30 Notice To Members of Cacao Cooperation (Mixta)
Our Prices for the folloging Products are CACAO, per quintal. 40. 00 Colones C000ANUT PITH, per quintal. 55. 00 Colones COCO. ANUTS, per hundred 24. 00 Colones HULE, per quintal 145. 00 Colones All Freight. and Cartage will be at Expense of the Cacao Co operation RAUL VELAZQUEZ Manager Costa de la isla de Peleliu cubierta de humo procedente del fuerte bombardeo aéreo y naval durante la invasión de las fuerzas de asalto de la Infantería de Marina de los Estados Unidos. Esta isla del grupo de las Palaos fué ocupada completamente en diez días de encarnizada lucha, durante los cuales perecieron siete mil de los diez mil japoneses que defendían esa importante base en el Pacífico. SC Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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