
RUSSIANS IN VICINITY OF BELGRADE LOS CÈNTIMOS DE HOY SERAN LOS COLONES DEL MANANA, SI USTED SABE AHORRAR COMIENCE HOY: DEPOSITE SUS AHORROS en el thos BANCO DE COSTA RICA 099 Moscow reports that the So despite the strong defence sysviet forces successfully pursue tems of the Germans. In the their advance in Yugoeslavia region of the border line of and have been joined by units Lithuania fith Prussia o Com of the patrioti: fighters. The pany of Nazi troops were an.
German defences to the north nihilated by the Soviets.
and north east of Belgrade Forces under the command have been penetrated and as of General Govorov have at units of General Tito are mor tached the Island of Oesel ing in from the south and west which dominates the strait of it is expected that the fate of Irvon, nn en effort, it is thou the Capital is sealed and its ght to completely isolate the fall will shortly be announced strategic city of Riga.
In Poland, the Russian as. In thousand Nazi soldiers sault troops have crossed the lost their lives wohen light River Narew and arrived at a large transports were sunk mi point about 20 kilometers off the Baltie by the Russians.
the frontier of East Prussia, ibiza2 on (Sicursal en Limón)
Realiza Toda Clase de Operación Bancaria LA FORTUNA ES UN LARGO AHORRO in CHEERS FOR THE ST. MARTHA SEWING CLUB ON THE CITY CRICKET OVAL Supreme felicity descending panels, hanging beams. with her song. The palm of Starting at the ed on the splendid endea and background were neatly my hand. She gave evidence mid day, with speculations as to the pos vours of the members of the trimmed with red, yellow of a budding vocalist. Master hour, last Sunday, there was sibility of the veterans ability in evidence, our St. Martha Sewing Club and blue.
Cricket to measure up to such a score.
This feature was James, with Miss Charles the presentation of the artistic work of Herma. as his charm, song Hawaiian Oval, demostratiore; of an out. They, however, took their entertainment that no Pedro of the Cathedral. Paradise. With rich gestu.
standing revival of the grand stand with apparent confidem or cheered, on the night of Mon The entertaining were the fall of their ros Miss Dunn contribut.
age old exercise, due princi ce, and at day of the week in course. thus Iprossented: Opened the song Just a little too pally to the re appearance of tenth wicket had accumulated Truly elated are we in stating Overture with Mr. Este. late. Mr. Cuza maintained the veterans of the Wande. a score of 75 ruas. The Path ing that the labours of those rine at the piano. An action his reputation with his song rer Club: players who had finders were scen in conferen tihwere at helm crowne, a song entitled The more we Whistling in the Dark.
earned their laurels ip the ce, and at its close, Sut.
with outstanding success get together. in which Miss Miss Juanita Hawkins gained past. Appearing for the first ton was placed to do the trun From he fall of it even ful Lady in blue. typically loud applauds as she thrilling time since the renovation of Sing at the southern end, Cap ing shadows the School Hall rendered by the Misses Nely rendered the age old but the Pitch, they were in a cont. tain Stewart remaining at the began to groan under the da Reid and Elena Willis.
ever moving song Mammie est with the Pathfinder Se north. He had the delivery burden of its human cargo, Their rich evening gowns in Mr. Lloyd tuned in with the lection, and gamely did they and the batsman scored him while more and more men, the corresponding colours song Lonely and stirred hold aloft their standard by for a single. An overthrow by women and children carne added grace. Attired in a emotion as he climaxed the defeating Captain Stewart a fieldsman followed and four equipped with chairs and Mexican opera custume, Mr. number with deep Sarding. twelve.
byes were added. At this junc.
stools shuffling for foot Osmond Evans sang Under The closing number of part Captain Butler and his men ture the tins shewed a total of hold.
a Texas Moon. Gracefully one of the programme took the field, while the Path 80 runs which was augmented Countless others invaded did Miss Maria Bermudez Christopher Columbus sung finders offected to bat and by nine prior to the catch the prch, the doors and the, render her song Down the by Mr. Osmond.
went down for a total of 78 which terminated the match.
windows. The scenery was River. Ten paire of boys and The air was charged admirable from every stand girls thrilled the audience point. The stage was fasci with their Codfish Dance, natingly decorated; its swing Wright won a reusing cheer was runs.
Limon Trading Company La Proveedora OFFERS YOU CORRECT WEIGHT LOWER PRICES بارها أكبر PAY THE BEST PRICES FOR First class Merchandise and best of Courtesy always Please ask for anything in Grocery or other Articles of General dietry not readily sen.
LA PROVEEDORA LIMON CITY Dried Ipecac Roof Cocoa, Coconuts and Cópra RUBBER GREECE INVADED BY ALLIED FORCES REMEMBER Parachutists and soldiers troops were heartily weloom.
of the Adriatic nd forces ed by the Greeks and they landed in the region of Pelo quickly advanced inland.
ponnesus in Greece on the The German garrison at 3rd of the current month Tripoli surrendered to the without, it is said, encounter British.
ing any enemy oposition. Landings hare also been Units of the Balkan air for effected in Albania and se ce, which operated from veral of the Greek Islands, bases in Greek territory, These new movements caused much damage among have, it is stated augmented the Germans who were in the difficulties of the Ger.
full retreat. The invading mans in the Balkan aereas.
WE PAY THE BEST PRICES GON 3579010Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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