
Saturday, 7th. October 1944 ATLANTIC VOICE Page 11 RUMA BARCELONA SCORES TRHEE GOALS AND SHUT OUT LIMON JUNIOR Tomorrow is your business 0239 die WEEKLY SAILINGS AND STRUCTURAL ENGIN. Diesel Elcettic OT SUD Hhough a bit tossy, the bill even when the billows rolled lows did no harm to the sai. tempestuously. This was prov.
ing of the vessel in which the en when ose Jackson earned The fast changing post war world isn going to wait for any one to catch up Tomorrow is your business and the time to equip yourself for success is now.
Barcelonians and Limon Juni. his second goal. Despite the Hhousands in the Armed Forces, thousands doin factory work in war proors were the special occupants leading position of their op duction are preparing for business careers by studying the authoritative, practical ost Sunday afternoon. ponents, the Juniors showed Courses of the International Correspondence Schools. Others, already engaged in Shortly after the start, Lanno yellow streak. The ball heir chosen fields, are training with for advancement along those lines.
From these men will cone many of tomorrow leaders. There little room to.
sico left his berth without per slipped over to left wing and day for the executive by accident of by were seniority and there will be less misken and his re entry was Arturo Hall of fected a splen in the world after the war.
sarred by referee Bruja. This did pass to direct center and Otstanding business success slemando: exact knowiedge, power of concen.
added to Barceona hardship, demostrated his ability to sail tration, persevering ambition, intellectual curiosity. You have the last of these quam being aready short one payer. on stormy waters. With a lities or you would not be reading these words. If you hace the third as well then we can give you the first, aid you in dev loping the second The Juniors gamey endeavou. bump of the head, Lalo Rojas The roll call of successful graduates is proof that today I. students are red to upset the berths, but turned over the third cama. tomorrow leaders. 2 a lot were apparently confronted roto. The Anchor fell ti.
We also offer complete courses in dressmaking and home cookery.
with stuborn resistence Navinally without further change TECHNICAL AND INDUSTRIAL COURSES gation progressed in a give in the situation.
AIR CONDITIONING ELECTRICAL SCHOOLS Mold Loft Work and take manner for some We feel it necessary to SCHOOLS Electrical Drafting no Patternmaking Electrical Engineering Patternnaking time until Jose Jackson rumpega ni call attention to the se.
Air Conditioning Electric Utilities Reading Shop led the first sleeping place. riuos disadvantage in which Heating Electronics Blueprints full followed and half of the players and even the referees Plumbing Power House Sheet Metal Drefing voyage was effected.
are placed as a consequence Refrigeration Electrician Sheet Metal Worker On the relifting of sails, of the throng of spectators Steam Fitting Practical Electrician AAHT Ship Drafting Practical Telephony Shipftting Tenorio appeared and thus in who congregate around the CHEMISTRY SCHOOLS Radio, General MotoShop Practice creased his side to ten. Pache goalkeepers. large percen.
Radio Operating and Steel Mill Workers co, of the Junuor had, unfor tage of the unpleasantness Chemical Engineering Radio Servicing amo Tool Designing tunately, to leave the good which, at time arise, is tracea. Chemistry, Analytical Telegraph Engineering Weather Observing Chemistry, ship as the result of a tempo. ble to their presence. In fairn med se to eat Welding, Industrial INTERNAL COMBUSTION Gas and Electric rary injury Breakers beganess to all, no one should be al.
Chemistry, Mfg.
ENGINES SCHOOLS rolling somewhat regularly; ſlowed to remain in such close Iron and Steel Aircraft and RAILROAD COURSES but it was obvious the Barce proximity to the reservations. Plastics Engine Mechanic Air Brake lonians were quite contented, Pulp and Paper Automobile Car Inspector Making Technician Locomotive Engineer Aviation Locomotive Fireman Railroad Rate Clerk NEERING SCHOOLS Diesel Engines Railroad Section Gas Engines Foreman From LIMON to CAHUITA. OLD HARArchitecture MECHANICAL SCHOOLS BOUR COLORADO BAR. PANAMA Architectural Aeronautical face tous. STEAM ENGINEERING Drawing Engineer Junior SCHOOLS mus ACCEPTING PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT Bridge and Airplane Drafting tsb Boilermaking got att For particulars, see or communicate with Building Foreman Coal Mining, evet coupe Combustion Bridge Engineering Flight Engineer Engineering BRYAN BARRIENTOS, Agents Building Estimating Foundry Work Engine Running Civil Engineering Heat Treatment Marine Engines at Post Office Box 144 or at their Office on the lower floor of Contracting and of Metals Petroleum Pension Caribe in front of Park Vargas. COMFORTABLE Building Industrial Refining Plant AND RAPID SAILINGS CAN BE RELIED ON Highway Engineering Engineering Steam Electric Lumber Dealer Inventing, and Steam Engines Sanitary Engineering Patenting Structural Drafting Machine Shup TEXTILE SCHOOLS Structural Practice Cotton Mfg.
Engineering Mechanical Drufaing Rayon Weaving Surveying and Mechangeal Textile Designing Mapping Engineering Woolen Mfg.
The main feature of inc phantly.
entertainment, presented The scenes representing BUSINESS AND ACADEMIC COURSES nthe Hall of the Catholic thr Royal Court were most ACADEMIC SCHOOLS Bookkeeping Secretarial Вку School last Mondayſ attractive, and admiration Business Stenography night, was the well prepar was enhanced by the typi Arithmetic Correspondence Trafic Management the College Preparatory ed drama Over the Unk cal clothing worn by Business Commercial His Majesty Management nown Seas. The plot cover personators.
CIVIL SERVICE SCHOOLS High School Certified Public ed four scenes associated King Ferdinand was perso First Year College City Letter Carrier with the bs38 dream and ac nified by Osmond Evans High School Commercial Soils Post Office Clerk complishments of the young and Her Majesty Queen Isa Higher Mathematics Cost Accounting Railwey Postal Clerk Genoese, Christopher Colub bel by Miss Maria Reid. Ilustrating Federal Tax Course or the im Foremanship mami bus.
LANGUAJE SCHOOLS BUSINESS SCHOOLS Motor Trafic French The play started with a racter. Lloyd Sharp starred Illustrating Managemeit vos Good English presentation of the home as Christopher Columbus, Advertising Salésmanship antic, Spanish isson of the parents of Christo As a pleading mother, who tis er with ss Pearl Gayle did not want her son to Enro! NOW! Special discount grant for the current month of October in nd Master Bernard as venture on the perilous vo celebration of the 53 anniversary bez do the cast of characters. yage across the Atlantic Por further information apply to WARREN MORY, Superintendent, AR Being deeply engaged in Miss Elena Willias was very INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS, his studies of that which pathetic. The Tableau read Box 12. 11, San José, eventually brought glory ing was eloquently effecter to Sapin, christopher ab ed by Mrs. Bernard.
sence Director of the preparatory to be highly congratulated caused much com The Act representing the whºm a number of the ments among his brothers barque and crow which car dia whom Chistopher took stage of the entire program on their effort. The enterand parents. The Rev. Fr. ried the discoverer Over with him. on his return to me, as also Mrs. Reid the tainment was graced with Calenso, a character per Unknown Seas was a re Spain from his first adven Directress of the St. Mar the distinguished presen sonified by Gooden shar markable presentation. The ture.
tha Sewing Club, and all ce of His Lordship Bishol ed the hope of the adventu who was gorgeously attir The Rev. Fr. Hubert, who who helped to effect the Odendahl and the Rev. Fr ar that he would rise trium climax brought on the sce we learn was the general grand success achieved are DRAMA OVER UNKNOWN SEAS OUTSTANDING SUCCESS Accounting a to ta Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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