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Page 12 ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, 7th. October 1944 tha BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN more OUTLCOK FOR CHINA, RAF dropped arms MORE AND BETTER TWO OFFICERS SAVEDI CORNERSTONE OF for Maquis FOOD FOR ALL MAN LIFE FREEDOM China had no representa ᎤᎾᎢ 5 tive at the Quebec confe The strength and prepa.
Food experts of 44 nations Blood transfusions are sa Will there be fair pla rence, but the sad state of redless of the Maquis, or after a year intensive researgh ving thousands of lives on for poor as well as rich, fr that ration must have been and discussion have submitted high upon the agenda France private persons as well French Forces of the Inte unanimous findings to the Unit. the battlefields of of rior, has surprised the world. ed Nations and associated coun. Here is a dramatic story Government officials?
the metin. The military for tunes of China are at their They have projved a vital tries which hold good news for which shows how one of Will the rights of the factor in the liberation of ordinary family folk all over the most important med dividual, subject to his lowest ebb. Her economic France. Paris and other ci the world.
cal discoveries of the warties to the State, be maint and political situation conti ties have fallen to this civi Freedom from hunger is not is helping to lessen the toli ned and sserted and exa nues to deteriorate. Yet it only possible, say the experts, lian army, which challenged but the way is now open to moof war.
is from China, most strate the enemy with up to thes ve towards levels of wellbeing During a sudden rush af gists agree, that our final minute firearms when the hitherto thought unattainable. casualties at a beach Field These are two of the pr blows against Japan must signal was given to rise and The deliberations of high. po. Dressing Station, the sup tical tesis of freedom. be struck.
strike. co Grestas wered, international conferences ply of blood was temporari a modern worl under pea sometimes seem remote from How did a carefully wat the day to day routine of home ly exhausted. Fresh sup time conditions, suggeste Except for the galalnt fight ched civilian population, liv. running, but this report, the lies were sent for, but in by the Prime Minister they are making in Yunnan ing under the direct eye of first submitted by the Interim the interval before they arri his recent speech to the the Chinese forces are badly an army of occupation, Commission on Food and Agri ved, the evacuation tent lian people.
beaten and for all present prepare, so effectively, for culture, is directly concerned. was bombed and several purposes virtually out of of the zero hour? The answer will with the stretcher bearers were kill The questions are simp the War. They cannot stop be found in the existence of working man dinner plate, and ed and others injured.
nary enough; it is the implic the furious Japanese a special organisation Britain tions oftheir answers th ves in central China, and the food on baby high chair. perating from Britain One was severely wound are far reaching. Freed their retreat is carrying our which employed aircraft of SCIENTIFIC ADVANCE ed and lost a lot of blood. cannot be achieved withos forces back with them. This RAF Bomber Command to He was given three pints deliberate and constan is neither our fault nor that operate aan undergļround Tharks to science, inmense stri of plasma, and then the Me effort. It is not enough of China. It is a miracle of air service between this des have been made in the pro. dical Officer wro was loon fight for democracy in wa ing almost everything fortitude that Chirja, lackcountry and the Continent. storing and transport of food ing afer him (Capt. we must work for it in pe to Later the work was taken we know more about nutrition Squire, RAMC, of Bristol) ce.
fight with, and completely up by the Americans and than we ever did. Weknow what desided that he must have unindusrialized compared developed in partnership foods the human body needs some fresh blood. The new Democracy is not just an with Japan, has held off her 201556 30 000 not only ta prevent all the ills supply had not arrived, 20 ther form of ruthl. governmer enemy for GOGUE 56 of malnutrition, but, but to resist he sent for Capt Hugh Cºn It is a way of life, the pa than seven years.
with the RAF, other diseases, to lengthen the way, also of the Ariny duct of traditions modifie span of life, favour the birth Through all these disas Reception Committee of healthy children and raise Blood Transfusion Service. by day to day experienu simple hum the power of many individuals These two officers bled on based on ters and against almost in This organisation has been to do physical and mental work another and the two pints truths. Mr. Churchil superable obstacles we have organising regular trips to formerly thought to be beyond of blood were given to the tessare a timely remi given the Chinese no incon France since January, 1941. their capacity.
22. wounded man. He was, then der of the basic princi.
siderable help. It has sim Between that period and evacuated to Britain in that will help us to bu, ply not been enough. The Day some 30. 000 containers To this confident message of good condition.
a world of freedom.
surge of Japanese strength wereol dropped in Europe hope, the United Nations food from Manchuria has been alone. Every delivery was there must be co operation be.
one warning: BRITISH IDEAS GO against the Japenese in too strong for General Che gathered in by a reception tween the different countries, Pacific nhault devoted fliers, just committee dand the pers. We can now reasorably expect as it has been too much for nel cofre these committees to solve the problem of freedom ROUND THE WORLD British developed the weary Chinese armies. were trained by the same from want if we all act toget: dio set has been wide organisations. Cow her, says the Report. No one Rockets based on a Bri used in American 10 THE HUMAN nation can hope to achieve free.
Women as well as men, dom from want of food by de. tish design are now being buit (for Britain and RUDDER have been regularly dropped pending solely on its own effort. used by American forces, ssia.
by visiting ajreraft, usually operating on monlit nights.
They are still talking about Containers carried rifles Corporal George Tandy of Lon piats, anti tank guns, handdon, 19 year old British Marine, who steered an assault craft grenades, pistols, machinewith his foot 14 miles through guns and bazookas Light bbstacle and mine filled water artillery, light armoured ve.
urder shellfire. They call him hicles, medical sturus, food the human rudder.
and boots were also dropped po The craft he steered duvitig regular delveries. In involved in one the first waves of landings. Just as it was being a period of three nionths.
launched from an infantry lan. 10. 000 containers went down ding ship seven miles offshore, to the Maquis and the total 11i farge hook carried away the weight of supplies sent in steering wheel and shattered the one Comonth amounted to engine room telegraph.
Corporal Tandy, without a mox dhe men and women if nearly 000 tome ment hesitation, lowered him self over the ship stern, placed the Maquis fook frightful one foot on the rudder guard risks to recover the contaiPrail and with the other contro nels, sometimes getting their lled the rudder. With only the shallow rim of wood around the precious supplies a few mistern to hold, he steered the nutes before the arrival of craft to shore, through obstacles a German pátrol. Once they topped with mines and through worked 72 shellfire.
to secure a single conHe landed his safely tainer. On another occasion Tanques del ejército estadounidense aparecen en esta fotografia pasando entre una faja only three minutes behind sche.
de obstáculos alemanes antitanques después de haberlos hecho saltar por ese trecho.
they recoverd one which dule then made the journey back Estos obstáculos, así como fortificaciones, de la línea Sigfrido han sido bombardeados The two trips together took four had fallen on to a factory desde tierra y aire. Foto transmitida por inalámbrico desde Londres a Washington. and a half hours.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
tan was snow men roof.


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