
constante re THE TWELFTH DAY OF OCTOBER The Four Hundred and Thirty Second Anniversary of the discovery of our hemisphere has come and gone, and there are reasons to believe the larP. BOX 199 ge majority of the peoples dispersed over this Editor: JOS THOMAS continent and, doubless elsewhere, celebrated the YEAR IX LIMON, OCTOBER, 14th. 1944 NO 442 commemorative event on Thursday, the 12th.
instant in due form.
From the earliest period of man existence, AQUISGRAN, NAZI STRONGHOLD. UNDER FIERCE BOMBARDMENT he has been used as the instrument for the carrying Figthting of a most furious can Army occupied the city of dam is being destroyed by the out of the plans of his Creator, hence the young character was commenced last Aachen in Germany. retiring Nazis.
the (Genoese, Christopher Columbus, was selected to Wednesday afternoon in The strategic port of Rotter Nazi take the torch of civilization to a then dark section near vicinity of the of the universe. God looked to him for the dis stronghold of Aquisgran, the expiration of the ultima closure of the lands westward of the Atlantic tion for an unconditional sur THE LBERATION OF GREECE Ocean, and he, himself believed he could discover render given the beseiged gafor Catholic Spain, new territories which could be rrison by the Ist. North Ame Allied operations in Grecce, ric for of the Peloponnesus re brought into Christendom.
have reached a stage, it is sa gions, has been captured. The To have impressed King, Fordinaand of Aragon The fortifications were said id, which points to the comple occupation of the Capital, with his scheme of discovery was, at the outset, a to be under the of that country thens, is also shortly anticipa.
most trying experience for the dreamer. but his of artillery firs and aerial bom in a short time. Rome advisested.
British troops operat ng in indomitable persistence carried him into the presen bings. The German Command that the German garrisons are the ce of Queen Isabel of Castile, who on becoming as it is said, to re inforce the go without engaging in rear gua port of Saarande and is lated are making desperate efforts, all retiring toward the north Albania have captured quainted with it, weilded her influence for good rrison, but these have allard actions. tasto the Nazis on the Island of even in the highest places in Church and State.
been frustrated. The taking Corinth, the ancient histo Corfu.
Christopher adventures on the sea, and the of this strategic position will ន ន. main land of the American continent has indelibly constitute the first great all.
inscribed his name among all peoples, particularly ied vicory on German soil.
those who came into prominence, as the result of Aquisgran is noted for its RUSSIANS SURROUND PORT OF MEMEL his successful venture. Of unswerving loyalty to ancient and historic cathedral, MORE SUCCESSES IN ITALY his ideas and that to which his life was dedicated, which dates from the eighthe Christopher Columbus will ever remain one of the century. The city curries normal population of 160. 000 Information has been relea unced officially from Moscow.
outstanding personages of the human race.
sed, by way of London, that Moscow also reports that The infantry force comman important port of Memel, si Bulgaria has accepted the pre BON VOYAGE ded by General Hodges contituate on the Baltic Sea in East liminary terms of the armisti nue their advance across the Prussia, has been surrounded ce presented by Russia, En.
Siegfried Line, their objective by Soviet troops gland and the United States of The ATLANTIC VOICE en goes to further the interests being the basin of the Ruhr The city of Tilsit, a German America, one of which demans tends its heartiest good wishes of the Industry which he has located tocated opposite an imposition, in East Prussia, is the retirement, within the pe.
for a safe voyage to Señor don so efficiently established and sortant system of highways in also stated to be under fire riod of fifteen days, of all the Raul Velazquez, the widely is energetically managing. a region gradually, it is stated, from Soviet cannon.
Hungrarian troops in Greece 18steemed General Manager of It is our sincere hope that succumbing to the preponderan The capture of the Hungra and Yugoeslavia. The Hunga vte Limon Cacao Co operation, camplete success will crown Ice of the Allied offensive rian city of Szeged as also ofrians have also started peace who left us yesterday, Friday don Raul efforts and that he During the forenoon yester Cluj, the capital of Transilva negotiations.
the 13th, for Miami, Florida, will have an uninterrupted re day troops of the 1st. Ameri nia, by the Russia, is anno United States of America, He turn to our shores.
Limón To Bocas del Toro and Almirante Leave November 4th. at 10 mn.
Leave Bocas del Toro November 5th.
Sunday) 10 m.
ws arriving at this Port early Monday morning in time for workers to report for work As capacity of vessel is limited make your reservations on time. No passport required.
For Booking and other particulars see our Agent Mr.
Soft PETER BLACKMAN Tortos bados BW strany Limón.
LeveriaMORE SUCCESSES IN ITALY SOWOOD The bad atmospheric heric condi. Po. In their sector, the Sth.
tions in Italy continues, we have greatly improved their are advised, to impede the o position in the area of Mount perations of the Allied forces, Farneto.
notwithst anding this howev. It is somewhat gener ly be er, troops of the 5th. Army as lieved that the Germans are also those of the 8th. are still preparing to evacuate the advancing.
North of Italy, as high func In the central war zone, tionaries of the Fascist Party, the 5th, after several days and Officers of the army con LIMON.
of fierce fighting, captured nected with them, have been Mount Cece which dominates given instructions to send the highway running from Patheir families to German with lazzuelo to the Valley of the out the loss of time.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica EHRMAN, RAMAN COMPANY.


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