
Page 10 ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, 14th. October SEVERE PUNISHMENT FOR ADULTERATION OF COFFEE Limon Trading Company once orso REIE hace jempu, une Unidad Sciario PAY THE BEST PRICES FOR The members of the Instituthe Institute have been specia te for the Defence of our Colly instructed to proceed ffee Industry have once again gainst all whom they find inraiser voice against the perni. dulging in the practice. Con cious practice indulged in by sumers are also requested to some dealers, who mix the co report the offending parties ffee they prepare for public to the proper authorities. The consumption with corn, diffe. law which deals with the mat rent kinds of grain, peanut ter, provides the imposition of thrash, and other matter like. fines ranging from 100 to ly to endanger the health of 500 against the guilty par.
their clients.
The Inspectors employed by ties.
Dried Ipecac Root Cocoa, Coconuts and Copr RUBBER No loafers waiting room! No gosip station! The ideal place for yourself and son is Dixons Barber Shop West of the city Market APPROACHING METHODIST EVENTS MR. JAMES MC CATTY REMOVED FROM MUNDANE LABOURS On Sunday morning. the, vement Association, the lo 8th. instant, the news of the cal Branch of the Jamaica REMEMBER sudden death of Mr. Jame Burial Scheme Sogiety, his Mc Catty fell sharply chosen fraternal order, the upon many human ears in St. Anthony Burial and WE PAY THE BEST PRICES this city; not in resentment Sick Aid Asociation, He of God will, but being so was also the Founder and well regarded a citizen the President of the Win the.
re was every desire to War Club an effort which enjoyed his association ad greatly enhanced the finan.
services for many more cial contributions to the Ayears.
Hied Overseas Red Cross He is said to have finish. Fund.
ed his regular clerical work It has been announced ned, the Methodists of F3. ty on Sunday, the Mr. McCatty was born in at the local Custom House the parish of Westmoreland, quirres will present a pro are assured an evening 01 Hearvest Progran that the Girls League of Si trada as well as their friendNovember next, went to his residence, reti in the Island of Jamaica, red to bed and in the morn and was the recipient of a Estrada, on Tuesday. night gramme at the Church at rich treat.
be staged on the ing was found dead. Human good English education, Tuesday the 21 st.
the 17th. instant, for the sympathy was stirred The annual Harvest Fes principal items wi which earned him distingex tensively, and hundreds of tion during his lengthenedcial efforts of the Church ved in the church in this ci ry. and play purpose of aiding the finan. tival services will be obser drama entitled our citizens wended their sojourn on this terrestrial From what we have glea.
way to the house of mourn sphere. In this Republic he ing to behold for themsel. served effectively both the ves the last remains of a United Fruit Company and man who had walked up the Northern Railway Comrightly in the streets of our pany. We can truthfully say city for many years; a man the deceased had known to very useful to his fellow pray, and was embosomed creatures; a man possessed deeply in his devotion to of the propellant force of our Blessed Father in who.
race consciusness. Ma y se cross he had gloried, and If you suffer frequently from backache were the high offices in we pray that his last whisyou can be fairly certain that Kidney Trouble is to blame. The kidneys are which he had rendered outs. per fas burdened with the wo of the hardest worked organs in tanding services in such or name of Christ. Mr. Leslie spour body. They act as the ganizations as the Costa Ri Angus performed the funebody filters preventing imca Burial Scheme Associa ral rite at the last resting hpur ties and poisons from tion, the Lily Choral Union, place. May his soul be ever escaping into the blood.
the Universal Negro Impro at rest.
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Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
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