
Saturday, 14th. October 1944 ATLANTIC VOICE Page 11 Tomorrow is your business PAN AMERICAN AGENCIES, A.
ANOTHER GRAND NORTH AMERICAN CROSSES THE GREAT DIVIDE The news of the sad passing ly four years ago, and we yet of Mr. Wendell Wilkie, ano. remember how mightily he titani The fast changing post war world isn going to wait for any one to catch up ther of the outstanding sons championed the cause for Tomorrow is your business and the time to equip yourself for success is now, of the Great North American help to England after his re.
Thousands in the Armed Forces, thousands doing factory work in war pro.
Republic, came as a surprise to turn from that country as the Huction are preparing for business careers by studying the authoritative, practical our community. He succum special envoy of President Ro Courses of the International Correspondence Schools. Olhers, already engaged in their chosen fields, are training with for advancement along those lines.
bed. last Sunday, to a sudden osevelt.
From these men will conte many of tomorrow leaders. There little room to.
cardiac attack Death has robbed the civi day for the executive by accident or by seva seniority and there will be less We recall the tense battle lized world of the services of in the world after the war: birong 197 ur.
which the deceased fought du a man who would have occupi Outstanding business success, demands: exact knowledge, power of concen.
ring his cantpaign for the Pre ed a prominent place in post tration, persevering ambition, intellectual curiosity. You have the last of these qualities or you would not be reading these words. If you have the third as well then sidency of the Republic near wer activities we can give you the first, aid you in developing the second The roll call of successful graduates is prock that today I. students are MUL. EN. OL tomorrow leaders.
We also offer complete courses in dressmaking and home cookery. FIRST AID ANTICEPTIC TECHNICAL AND INDUSTRIAL COURSES NEEDED IN EVERY HOME FOR AIR CONDITIONING ELECTRICAL SCHOOLS Mold Loft Work Burns, Cuts, Insect Bites, etc.
SCHOOLS Electrical Drafting Patternmaking Also splendid as Cargle, Mouthwash Electrical Engincering Patternnaking Air Conditioning Electric Utilities Reading Shop and Dentrifice.
Heating Electronics MACHA Blueprints IS GREASELESS, FREE OF SMELL AND Plumbing Power House Sheet Metal Dr:fing PLEASANT OF TASTE.
Refrigeration Electrician Sheet Metal Worker Steam Fitting Preetical Electrician Ship Drafting Practical Telephony Shipftting MA TA RAL CHEMISTRY SCHOOLS Radio, General Shop Practice Radio Operating Steel Mill Workers ALKALINE TABLETS Chemical Engineering Radio Servicing Tool Designing Chemistry, Analytical Telegraph Engineering Weather Observing good for gases on the stomach, headaches, Muscular pains, Chemistry, ola DS Welding, minor colds, neuralgia, etc. Splendid after Industrial INTERNAL COMBUSTION Gas and Electric EXCESSIVE DRINKING OF LIQUORS Chemistry, Mfg.
ENGINES SCHOOLS Iron and Steel Aircraft and RAILROAD COURSES TO GET YOU SOBER. Very effective, try it.
Plastics Engine Mechanic Air Brake AGENTS AND DISTRIBUTORS Pulp and Paper Automobile. ro Car Inspector Making Technician Locomotive Engineer CIVIL ARCHITECTURAL Aviation Entre Locomotive Fireman SAN JOSE AND STRUCTURAL ENGIN Diesel Electric Railroad Rate Clerk NEERING SCHOOLS Diesel Engines Railroad Section Gas Engines 92 Foreman Architecture MECHANICAL SCHOOLS SUNDAY SCHOOL ANNIVERSARY Architectural Aeronautical STEAM ENGINEERING Drawing Engineer Junior SCHOOLS en In their acts of vejoicing, propounded a very penetra Bridge and Airplene Drafting 50 Boilermaking and thanskgiving to God ting discourse to the chil Building Foreman Coal Mining is to ans.
Combustion Bridge Engineering Flight Engineer Engineering for the witnessing of ann dren.
Building Estimating Foundry work to be Engine Running ther of their Sunday School The programme at three Civil Engineering Heat Trtátment and Marine Engines anniversaries, the chi ex o clock in the afternoon war Contracting and 29 of Metals 32 1925 Petroleum of the city Methodist presided over by Mr. Leslie Building Industriale to Refining Plant Church, augmented by the Angus. With the assistance Highway Engineering Engineering Steam Electric Lumber Dealer choristers, came to the front of other youngsters, Mr.
Inventing, and Steam Engines Sanitary Engineering Patenting BIUO 10 an Sunday and Monday, the Delbert Stennette led the Structural Drafting Machine Shub 1875s TEXTILE SCHOOLS 1st and 2nd. of the current evening worship. The Minis. Structural Practice wolle Cotton Mfg.
ter delivered the sermoni Engineering Mechanidal Drufaing, 9220 Rayon Weaving Led by Mr. Edzraund Jaric The entertaining features Surveying and Mechanical noto 99701 Textile Designing son, with Miss Mabel We were in evidence on Monday Mapping Engineering Woolen Mfg.
lery at the organ, the Sun night, when individual and BUSINESS AND ACADEMIC COURSES day School Choir impressi collective talent was made Soyut 759238 091 vely rendered their items manifest. Due to unavoida ACADEMIC SCHOOLS Bookkeeping Secretarial 09 Business The foremoon service was ble circumstances, only two Stenography ALE Arithmetic Correspondence Trafic Management led by Miss Markland contestants were present for College Preparatory Business 15 TET615032 assisted by others of the the announced elocutionary Commercial Management in! CIVIL SERVICE SCHOOLS School. The Message was contest. They, however, com High Sehool Certified Publico com delivered by the Rev. peted, and Miss Orlean Cole First Year College Accounting City Letter Carrier Holmes, the Minister of the of Siquirres triumphed over High School, Commercial Post Office Clerk Higher Mathematics Cost Accounting Circuit.
Railwey Postal Clerk Mr. Barref: Miss Hazel Gray of this city, Ilustrating Federal Tax Course Foremanship LANGUAJE SCHOOLS BUSINESS SCHOOLS Motor Trafic French Stand by us lest we fall support us with your uniter Hlustrating Management Good English strength Eat, and drink, day and night at LA MAGNOLI Advertising Salesmanship Spanish Dixon little piace West of the city Market.
Enrol NOW! Special discount granted for the current month of October in celebration of the 53 anniversary MARTI FLOGGED CARIARI Por further information apply to WARREN MORY, Superintendent, INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS, There is always a feeling, highly esteemed Señor don of deep impression when Victor Echeverria, Vicepre. Box 1211, San José, our juvenile footers are seen sident of our Municipa)
in action, and this feeling Council, and at the termina was gratified with the con tion of the encounter, the ti are under the tutorship as he is so amicably ealled, is traceable to his grea!
test between Cariari and honouree presented the Cap. of our esteemed and popu due to the wearing of hisskill and devotion in the va Marti on last Sunday. tain of the team trimphantlar shoemaker, don José typical Russian beard and rious branches to bring a The latter emerged victo a costly ball and which was raya Arias, who not only moustache, which has madebout effective ability in suck rius with two goals against accompaded with his fra trains but exercises on and him conspiciously admira out door sports. We move a one for Cariari. The play grant congratulations. off the playground, a real bly. The marked success of vote of appreciation for Pa was dedicated to our very The bando atrophe Cdatkiedkalnaitrigat begg. Hizanatteztiažaiona Papiedelulaitorio bem vista ylwidths, dahericápigskin pie.


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