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Four years been parcel o1 were as en, 408625 Submarine Score Czech soldiers go over Pair of Socks from a When Great Britain was: London bombed auto Allies String at Bay houses Sixteen more Japanese ves A0 000 ya asce sels, including an enemy war The London Radio of June It is said of the Chicago To day, with the armies of ship, have ben sunk by 28th reported that the Cze meatpackers that they use the United Nations crushing been doubled in order to re Building labor in London ha merican submarines in the Pachoslovak Government in Lon every part of the pig except the life out the enemy, wat. pair houses damaged by flyin cific area, the Navy De Icon has received information its squeal. Something similar ched partment, reported on August according to which and protected by the bombs. Skilled workers fram hthous. can well be said of Red Cross vast armada of Allied air po all parts of the country havio 10.
ands of Czech soldiers, ser food parcels when they reach wer, it is difficult to recall the been drafted in and men fron This brought to 839 the ving with the Protectorate the prison camps in Germany. time when Britain was at bay the Services are assisting. Ir number of all kinds of Japane. army have already succeeded se craft sent to the bottom in escaping or in going over TINS INTO FRYING PANS ago with the the middle of June, those by American undersea xessels, verdict of the Battle of Britain engaged on general repair to the Allies. The appeals of or probably sunk or damaged. the Czechoslovak Govern consumed to the last crumb, Ipeoples of the world looked on 24, 000. By July the total All the food, of course, is still in the balance the free work in London numbered Apparently the latest raids byment to Czechoslovak soldiers but that is far from the end in dismay. They could not see had been raised to more than American submarines were in to desert, which have Tins, waters comparatively near the for instance, how Britain could fail to fall. 30, 000, and by the end broadcast over the London which have contained perhaps the massed squadrons in Po. July. nearly 60. 000 Japanese mainland.
Radio have been frequent and dried milk, meat or fish, are land, Norway The Navy also revea.
and France, employed.
led that American naval los.
eviodently effective.
carefully cleaned and then ma were turned on the British The latest official comment de up into all kinds of diffe Islands, last bastion of freedom ses to August 10 in ships of the Czechoslovak Govern rent cooking utensils and camp in the West. By September sunk, overdue and presumed ment in London broadcast on gadgets.
boxes which he had construct fost or desroyed to prevent cap the London Radio on 15, the day subsequently set June ed out of carboard containers.
ture, totalled only 174, Recently a special booklet aside for commemoration of a contrasted with the 839 Ja. of the solemn promise that Cross, and went to camps to been joined some five weeks; 29th, is as follows: In spite was prepared for the Red striking victory, the battle had the forces that were to sweep Fascism from conquered terri.
panese vessels, both naval and the Protectorate army sho enable prisoners to make the. it tory.
merchant,. sunk, probably had another six weeks to uld be used in the Protecto most scientific use of any kind run.
sunk or damaged by Ameri.
rate only, Czechs have been of tin container. Full instruc One other effect has since can submarines alone. So the sent to Italy. So far Germans tions with diagrams were giv. STATISTICS OF VICTORY manifested itself in various United States has absolutely have avaided giving arms to of for making dozens or presumably lost only twen.
Czechs. Members of the troops articles including such things ics of that victory, have pas. Goebbels propaganda mach.
The result, and the statist. ways. The myth of German ia vincibility had been shattered, ty saven. submarines, which had to sign an announcement may be compared with the 500 as coffee pots, multiple frying sed into history. For the loss that their families would be ine screamed in vain of the in German boats announced to pans, spoons, toilet racks, pic of 733 aircraft and 375 pilots shot if they went over to the comparable German fighting have been sunk since the war iure frames, sun dials, mouse. killed, the Luftwaffe lost enemy. Yet even on the way traps and gardening tools.
man. The world had seen for began.
2, 375 aircraft in daylight. On itself Even when fighting Included in the total of 839 to Italy there were deşertions.
The contents of the parcelsly certain kills were counted; The Germans not only send with numerical odds in his fav Japanese vessels, 687 have are fiumily packed with paper it is now certain that scores of been sunk, 37 other those men to Italy because craft or cellophane shavings, and additional casualties occurred our, the Germa airman was no match for the highly trained have been probably sunk and they need men but because this material, which is often between the battle area and they also suspect large bodies brightly coloured, has several the German bases.
fighter pilots of the RAF. This 115 damaged.
of men bat home. This suspi. uses in the camp. Play. produ.
proved over more than The immediate effects of eleven weeks ceaseless comb Just penalties for Crime cion is well founded.
cers for instance, make it up the battle were obvious. The The Science of Mosquito into Hula Hula skirts and Luftwaffe front line strength eiy uses of the food boxes is other props for entertain was permanently impaired. The wheed of war has come reduction ments, while at some camps it Britain was saved from inva.
full circle. Triumphant Allied CU SA has been found possible to sion. breathing space, of Press reports of the capture armies have swept into the vi.
Sir Donald Ross had traced produce useful dyes by boil, which excellent use was made, of German airmen had a cu.
llages and towns though malaria back to the mosquito. ing the shavings which, four years ago, the bat with some had been gained, together rious similarity in those hectic Sir Malcolm Watson had dis sort of white material. Valua. with a rallying point for all days of August October, 1940.
tered but undaunted British covered sound and easy means ble additions to effective stage Practically every man who es.
Expeditionary Force retreated capel from his foundering ma.
towards Lunkirk.
of attacking the particular costumes have been made in species which carry the disea this way, and in civilian camps chine by parachute maintain It is a natural templation, been won.
internees have ed a pose of arrogance when in such circumstances, to long se: the anopheles mosquito. many wamen His method was based on hos been able to create little addi eagerly collected for storing marched into captivity. Not for revenge, if only for the sa.
tisfaction of wiping out for pital research work, entomolo. tions to their necessarily lim personal possessions and trea few. spat in their captor of the parcels are, of course, faces. All showed disdain for mer humiliations. Such satis.
gical surveys and engineeringited wardrobes sures in the camp and it has the British fighting man and The string round the Red faction would be shortlived. plans. Since then further reoften been noticed at repa Britain generally. They had search and new discoveries by Cross food parcel has dozens Vindictiveness could only cau.
triation scenes how many of British scientists and medical of uses in addition to the oby.
been told, year in, year out, se misery to ourselves as well the homecoming men brought that the British were effete as to our victims, for it would men, especially in the Colonial ious one of tying things toge their luggage back in old Red and decadent. They believed be a betrayal of the ideals for Empire, have reduced the art ther It is unravelled to make Cross food boxes.
it, even when they had to bale of mosquito reduction for which we are fighting.
to a wigs and false beards out to save their lives. They Just punishment is science, and in the East Afri stage shows. knitted up into GREW TOMATOES IN CAMP went behind barbed wire wii.
thing, revenge quite another. can war zone reduced mala slippers; split up into separate high heads confident that The United Nations have deci. ria casualties to of the fibres and then used for croch In the camps themselves, within a few days or weeks at ded that war criminals shall total casualties compared with et and embroidery work. One the cardboard is extremely va most, they would be rescued be punished, and their deci 17 in the last war. But the woman internee in Vittel mo. Huable. Theatrical producers by comrades who had stamped British Government holds the de herself a most wearable and sion will be translated into ac use it extensively. The boxes out all opposition.
tion. Mass vengeance would 1940 figure to be just 17 presentable pair of ankle socks are flattened out, glued togtoo high. Since then over out of the white cotton string ether and then made up into add needlessly to the horrors They waited four years for of this five? year struggle 170, 000 has been granted used on some parcels.
For further anti malarial work The cardboard that rescue. To day the most scenery or even furniture.
containers Let us stand steadfcitly for Perhaps one of the most hom hard bitten of them must have the claims of a Justice mat is in various parts of the British referred to in a recent letter realised that it will Colonial Empire. Research in not blindfolded by a craving to new anti malarial measures from a camp, in which a pris come. Germany has lost the for revenge but is activated still continues. Britain will pur oner describes raising tomato war; the Luftwaffe lost it long by determination that the guil for crimes that have appalled sue her offensive against ma plants from seeds in tins and ago.
ty shall pay the just penalty the civilised world.
loria until the total victory has then transplanting them into was Os at.
one lat war. Bu never Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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