
ATLANTIC VOICE INTERNATIONAL BALSA CO. MAKE MARKED PROGRESS IN LOCAL OPERATIONS eneo ling mot home. so markedly developedia even ditor: JOS THOMAS BOX 199 There is, we believe, no better examplef JeZuZ monstrating the genuine progress of any industry EAR IX LIMON, OCTOBER 21st 1944 No. 443 than the smoothness of its operations, with ovi its human factors working in full co operation ILLIED FORCES INTENSIFY ASSAULT AGAINST THE PHILIPPINES recent visit to the plant of the International Balsa Company which operates in this city, dis losThe important announce China had been receiving, nes and 300 naval units are ent has been made that her much needed require reported destroyed in the ac ed a highly peaceful and marvellous co operrsion Hied troops hace disembar ments from Allied source vities against Formosa between the management and workers. It was ed on the Island of Leyte prior, to its closure by the and the Philippines bet also very interesting to note the scientific our lay ntrally located in the Phi Japs.
ween the 9th. and 15th. of of the colossal industry, for the common good of BC opine archipelago, and More than 900 enemy pla the current month.
all. Without this marked accord and mutual unamedoately north of Min derstanding between all concerned with its muhiinao. landing was also LONG STANDING PRIVILEGE CANCELLED. farious manipulations, the but recently established ated to have been success Man in ordinarily fascinatime for the departures of industry Illy effected on the small Freedom, the local ed by the word and passenger land of Suluan located was gathered from the when he seems tuins. Effective during sout 700 kilometers off official in charge, Costa Rica produces the finest reject the reality. The te the earlier part of the week lanila.
nets of Freedom cannot, to in course, balsa in the world. This bespeake much for the many persons In view of the intense ae.
our mind, be alienated who endeavour to earn al prospects of our Republic in the immediate postial battle which has been from democracy nor, equa part of their honest liveli war programme for the industrial development progress against the ene som democracy nor, aqua hood by the sale of cakes, ththroughout the hemisphere.
ay strategic base of For lly, from the practice equa candies, fruit, ice cream, etc. well organized and efficiently operated 103a, which protects not lity.
at the station had to remain nly the defence of the Phi We have been enjoined to at a rather disadvantageous system of plane saws were also seen at full speed, ppines, but also the coast feed the hungry, clothe the spot not only in prejudice while boilers were systematically cleaned and the China and Japan home naked, succour the widow of their interests, but of wet balsa placed in the kiln being taken out fully erritory, it is considered in and the orphans and aid that too, of the travelling dried and ready for planing. The finished matenilitary circles that Mac Ar the needy. If therefore, we public who patronize the rial is a credit to those directly interested in the hur is about to initiate his!
apply this injuction in the Company transportation work and it is, we have no doubt, playing its part ong proposed campaign reverse, we will be depriv systems.
for the liberation of the aring the hungry of food, the in the air and under water crafts which the United Out going passengers ha chipelago Nations are so effectively using in their struggle raked of clothes and the va been in the habit of further release stated widow and the orphans of effecting their last purcha for the coming final ictory.
hah Manila was under their need.
ses on arriving at the sta Cleanliness throughout the extensively laid ttack by aerial units under We do not know the ori tion, and as this privilege out plant is another all important feature.
ommand of Vice Admiralgin of the syeeping order, yet exists at other stations We wish the industry a long life with much itscher.
but the fact remains that we feel it should be allow prosperity.
An official communique one of Freedom Lights hased to continue, as heretofo that the Japanese bee med by the cance re, in this city. The denial tase of Tiddim, in Burba highay by which tom, a privilege, which has on a deserving sector of our by the Allieds. This victory almost become a vested already suffering citizenry.
ARMY will, it is expected, materia right, of vending confectio We appeal for a revision of ily aid the effort being ma nary and other edibles at the newly enforced regula Under date the 18th. ins. Prussia and seized the the im de to re open the famed the railway station in this tion and for the exercise of tant Moscow reports that portant railway junc, on of Burma higheay by which city on the approach of the a little more human chari Kussian troops had crossed Eytkuhen, situate 65 kilothe Carpathians at variou meters from Insterburg points and entered Czechos the line running from Kovlovakian territory. The of no to Koenigsberg.
fensive was launched by the In the Balkan area, the ci army commanded by Genety of Belgrade is said to be ral Patrov from the south virtally liberated by the of Poland along a front of Russian and Yugoslavian nearly 200 miles.
troops and that the German Pursuing their victorious soldiers are faced with com offensive from the Balticplete annihillation unless aret, the Russians have cros they surrender.
OF BANANAS; THE SIGNING OF sed the frontier of East Folk of the city, Lines and Coast! Without your support S, APPLY TO OUR OFFICE: SITUATED: we shall be knocked out. Please support us eat and drinks at LA MAGNOLIA ixon little place West of the city Marketisite ol ovisont att FRONT OF PARK VARGAS IN THE CITY OF od Toi32940 ata west llation of the years old cus places additional hardship CZECHOSYOVAQUIA INVADED BY SOVET on RS OF THE ATLANTIC ZONE 33 La Proveedora EHRMAN, A COMPANY.
ispino sobre su 90 lod OFFERS YOU CORRECT WEIGHT wa ia gup corso: LOWER PRICES meiton sivobot supo First class Merchandise and best of oblys2 si Courtesy always Please ask for anything in Grocery or other Articles of General dietry not readily seen.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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