
ATLANTIC VOICE Page Saturday, 21st. October 1944.
ON THE WESTERN EUROPEAN BATTLE ERONTS Tomorrow is your business duetion are preparing for business careers by studying the authoritative, practical SAN JOSE CYCLISTS PROVIDE BIT OF PLEASURE The fight for the impor important city of Venray in The fast changing post war world isn going to wait for any one to catch up Tomorrow is your business and the time to equip yourself for success is now.
tant position of Aquisgran Holland on the borderland Armed Forces, proceeds furiously, we are with Germany has been oc.
informed, though the North cuplied by British troops. Courses of the International Correspondence Schools. Others, already engaged in Americans are said to be The place had been heavily their chosen fields, are training with for advancement along those lines.
methodically pursuing their fortified by the Germans.
From these men will come many of tomorrow leaders. There little room to.
penetration, despite the ine The victorious troops are re day for the executive by accident or by mere seniority and there will be less in the world after the war.
ffective efforts of the Ger ported pursuing their offen Outstanding business success demands: exact knowledge, power of concen mans ato break down thesive toward the River Men tration, persevering ambition, intellectual curiosity. You have the last of these quo.
offensive. The greater partse. The populated area of lities or you would not be reading these words. If you have the third as well then of the city is now held by Overbooek, as well as the we can give you the first, aid you in dev loping the second.
mans to break down the fortified position of Veulen The roll call of successful graduates is proof that today I. students are tomorrow leaders.
fight continues from house have also fallen under their We also offer complete courses in dressmaking and home cookery.
to house control TECHNICAL AND INDUSTRIAL COURSES After a fierce battle, the ty.
AIR CONDITIONING ELECTRICAL SCHOOLS Mold Loft Work SCHOOLS Electrical Drafting Patternmaking Electrical Engineering Patternhaking Air Conditioning Electric Utilities Reading Shop Heating Electronics Blueprints Plumbing Power House Sheet Metal Drafing Refrigeration Electrician Sheet Metal Worker Steam Fitting Practical Electrician Ship Drafting Praetical Telephony Shipitting maximum of apprecia traffic officer also gave vaCHEMISTRY SCHOOLS Radio, General Shop Practice tion was evidenced on Sunlluable guide service on his Radio Operating Steel Mill Workers dal morning with the bicy motor cycle.
Chemical Engineering Radio Servicing Tool Designing cle race presented by ri There were twelve contes Chemistry, Analytical Telegraph Engineering Weather Observing Chemistry, Welding, ders from the Capital. Toftantsand they dasked off Industrial INTERNAL COMBUSTION Gas and Electric the great disappointment in ample form at the sound Chemistry, Mig.
ENGINES SCHOOLS of all our city is not in of the whistle of our don Iron and Steel Aircraft and RAILROAD COURSES a position to be represented Hernan Aubert, who atted Plastics Engine Mechanic Air Brake The race started from as starter. The contest prov Pulp and Paper Automobile Car Inspector the Municipal market ed one of sprint and endu Making Technician Locomotive Engineer CIVIL ARCHITECTURAL Aviation then along 2nd. Avenue, by rance. Rigoberto Salazar of Locomotive Fireman AND STRUCTURAL ENGIN Diesel Electric Ralroad Rate Clerk way of the both house, the Philip Cycle Club, NEERING SCHOOLS Diesel Engines Railroad Section and on through 7th, street was the winner, with EvanGas Engines Foreman and back along Commerce gelista Echavarria a very Architecture MECHANICAL SCHOOLS Avenue to the point of start. close second.
Architectural Aeronautical STEAM ENGINEERING This route, being estimated One of the riders éneoun Drawing Engineer Juliior SCHOOLS Bridge and kas a mile, it was necessary tered an unfortunate fall af Airplane Drafting Boilermaking Building Foreman Coal Mining Combustion for the riders to make fiveſtre riding only about three Bridge Engineering Flight Engineer. Engineering laps to cover the prescribed quarters of the way in the Building Betimating Foundry Work Engine Running distance of five miles. first lap. He was rushed Civil Engineering Heat Treatment Marine Engines The truck of the Volun to the hospital in the Fire Contrating and of Metals Petroleum teer Fire System breezad Engine.
Building Industrial Refining Plant Highway Engineering Engineering Steam Electric along the course, in order We are very grateful to 19 Lumber) Dealers Inventing and Steam Engines to permit a clearance for the Josefinos for this splen Sanitary Engineering Patenting the contestants. The city did treat.
Structural Drafting Machine Shup TEXTILE SCHOOLS Structural Practice Cottoa Mg.
Engineering Mechanical Drufaing Rayon Weaving LOST, LOST, LOST Surveying and Mechanical Textile Designing Mapping Engineering Wooler Mfg.
The loss of a very costly lady gold watch (wrist)
BUSINESS AND ACADEMIC COURSES has been reported by Mrs. Eubanks by having drop.
ACADEMIC SCHOOLS sed off her wrist in this city. Any one finding same is Bookkeeping Secretarial Business Stenography, requested to turn it to the undersigned and receive Arithmetic Correspondence Trafic Management reward.
College Preparatory Business Commersial Management CIVIL SERVICE SCHOOLS JOS. THOMAS High School Certified Public First Year College Aceounting City Letter Carrier High School Commerciai Post Office Clerk Higher Mathematics Cost Accounting Raihwey Postal Clerk Ilustrating Federal Tax Course Foremanship LANGUAJE SCHOOLS BUSINESS SCHOOLS Motor Trafie French fllustrating Management Good English Advertising Salesmanship Bpanish Augmenting the events, Clarke, to Senior 08 in conection with the celte fór nil. Hall, bowled se Enrol NOW! Special discount grant od for the current month of October in bration of Columus Day nior, 1; Jones stumped celebrotion of the 53 anniversary.
the 12th. instant, a cricket by wicketkeeper, Ma Por further information apply to ARREN MORY, Superintendent, eontest took rita betweat Pacu: thews caught wicketkeeper players of o; Hall batted dashinINTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS. Progressive Club of the gly and was top scorer wiith Box 1211, San José, district and of the Battan 26 runs, he was bowled by of 25 Miles.
Barrett. After gathering 11 66 runs.
led Jones, Denis, Fratcis caught Berrard, The homesters Wo:1 the runs. Bernard was unIn their reply, the Pro bawled Manley, F. De bowled Jones: Ste toss but gave preference fortunately run out. Gra gressives were dismissed nnis, bowled and caught wart, bowled Manley, to the visitors, who accumv ham, caught Campbell, bow for the low seore of 42 Manley, Senior, caught Elannett, bowled Jones.
lated a score of 66 runs in led Barrett, Maitlana rung, contributed as fol Bernard, bowled Manley caught Clarke, Brown the following manner C. Campbell, caught Mainot out, Woolery, bo Riley, caught Kelly, Manley was not out with S. Woolery, bowled Man tland, bowled Manley 9, led Manley, Extras bowled Bars et, runs. 11. Byes produced total ley, runs. Kelly, bow bowled Manley. total 42 rurrs.
CRICKET AT PACUARITA bowled Allen. Captain lows.
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