
Page 10 ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, 21st. October 1944.
ON OUR CRICKET OVAL Limón Trading Company Dried Ipecac Root Cocoa, Coconuts and Copra RUBBER The announced game of Do not halloo until you dricket between players gressives were dismissed from 28 Miles and the are out of the wood.
Wanderers of this city, beca Amid lound applaudis, me a realization last Sun the first pair for the visiting day, and was a medium of batsmen went to the wie.
PAY THE BEST PRICES FOR great attraction on the well kets. They batted cautiously prepared playground. The and at a score of 17 a sepa visitors opened the batting ration was effected. Lance feature of the exercise, and Binns of Siquirres filled the their eleven wickets fell vacancy, the scene changea For a total of Vifty nine immediately, and our minds runs. This score was regar began wandering back to ded as an easy walk over the performances of many for the homesters, but fate batting magnets such as decided otherwise, and they George Headly, Bradman, or y aggregated thirty fi Nethersole, Cameron, Sea ve runs; thus the men from ly, Constantine and Grant.
Valdeck came off with After playing for les than flying. colours.
one hour, Binns earned for ty five runs and retired to MONDAY MATCH attend to other special mat AGAINST THE PATH ters. His successor and part FINDERS ner brought the score to REMEMBER eighty runs, when a dismi An unusually large num ssal was secured by a catch ber of Fans and generall taken by Sutton, who also spectators were in attendan took the third wicket, when WE PAY THE BEST PRICES ce at the match between the tins read ninety.
the same team from 28 Mi Clayton came on, and facles and the Pathfinder Sejing Sutton drove his first lection. The Homesters delivery to the four run went first to bat under ve borundary. Deafening was zly compatible conditions, the short of joy. Another SENATOR MCKELLAR OF ON ACQUISITION OF BRITISH They readily reduced the delivery by the same bowvelocity of the bowling ler, and the batsman repea BRITISH WEST INDIAN ISLANDS strength of their opponents ted his marvellous drive for and terminated their inning four more runs. The Pathfin According to foreign ad saying that they had been the most difficult island to for the robust score of ni ders score of ninety vices, it is released that Se more than generous to obtain would be Bermuda, nety four runs.
four runs was passed. The.
nator Kenneth McKellar, a Great Britain in two great since is stands out as the Optimism van high that game was brought to a clo Democrat of the State of wars and that England principal point of defence Jour Boys had found a path se with a total of 108 runs Tenessee has raised the mat should grant the United Stain the event of attack by a way one which the visi for Waldeck for the loss of ter of the acquisition by tes permanent possession of European power. He is al tors would not be able to only four wickets plus the United States of Ame the Bermudas and the West so stated to have emphasiz easily tread; but once again that of Binns who had re.
rica of the British West In Indian Islands now controlled that the United States the Duke of Welingtons ad tired. Our sincere congrats.
dian Islands, in the Senate ed by her. Speaking in sup should have these islands by vice was made manifestof that Republic.
port of his motion, Mr. Mcall means.
The Senator is quoted as Kellar statert that pehraps It would seem that, not withstanding the repeated assertions of the British Go vernment, this Senator and others, who yet harp on TO THE COMMERCIAL ESTABLISHMENTS the transfer of these islands AND THE GENERAL PUBLIC To Members of Cacao Cooperation are not cognizant of the This serves to notify all concerned that my fact that they are of (Mixta)
far wife. Mrs. Daisy Nairne, of Miles of this pro greeter value to the British vince of Limon, having abandoned my home Commonwealth of Nations, Our Prices for the following Products are than casual seedlings. that and protection on her own initiative since they are held as precious August of the present year. therefore, do not jewels which cost the li. hold myself responsible for any debt or any ves of hundreds of CACAO, per quintal. 42. 00 Colones thouather business she may contract.
sands of her sons. No, the Isles of the Caribbean will COCOANUT PITH, per quintal 55. 00 Colones HENRY NAIRNE BROWN.
ever remain the pride of Nine Miles, Limon.
the British Empire, and peo COCOANUTS, per hundred. 24. 00 Colones pled by the most loyal of Stand by us lest we fall support us with your uniter subjects whose loyalty will strength Eat, and drink, day and night at LA MAGNOLI HULE, per quintal. 145. 00 Colones never swe ve from the Dixon little place West of the city Market, tem eva Union Jack the em ish 0908 blem of right, justice and All Freight and Cartage will be at Expense equality.
of the Cacao Co operation Charges Reasonable. Precios Módicos 10 givino FOR MEN RAUL VELAZQUEZ Manager Address all your Eng Para todos sus trabajos Felt and Straw Hats.
ineering Requirement to de ingeniria dirijase a Shirts and Underwear THE LATEST, CHEAPEST MOSCU, 20 UP. El alto man Los alemanes dicen que el ejérAND BEST do soviético mantiene silencio cito rojo Se arrojó a través de la BOX 923 acerca de informes procedentes antigua frontera del Reich y que. TELEFONOS 5319, 3201, or 25 Do your shopping at de Berlín de que los rusos han tomó por lo menos un pueblo SAN JOSE THE PEOPLE HOUSE Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteka kacional Miguel Obregon Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliode inisiadang una invasión mayor en alemán.
de Prusia Oriental.
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