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10 Page 12 UGAO GLICE ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, 21st. October 1945 BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN are a to a close.
with and ag.
ang wor are coun ces.
are a CITIZENS OF ONE LONDON WORKERS CHINESE SNATCH RA AFRICANS MOVE 100 BRITISH NURSEY FOI WORLD The high morale of the ILROAD FROM JAPS FAST FOR JAPS BABIES ordinary citizen has been COLOURED The time has come to say Every one of the rails acknowledged the main fac The West Africans in Bur good bye to many of our which make up the railtor in the Victory of Lonma have shown their high In a big house overlook Allies. The French are back tracks in way war time don. second and very im fighting quality over anding a public garden in the in Paris, the Belgians in China has its own adventu over again. Now they have city of Liverpool the firs Brusse. si other European portant factor was the ama re story. Railways are the given the Japanese a lesson nursery opened in Britain Governments are rady and zing efficiency of its Civil Defence Services, main arteries of war in Chi in speed of movement also for coloured babies is flo staffed waiting to go back to their na, where distances are vast mainly by vounteers.
Of In such country as the rishing liberated homelands the mi thousands of London Air and roads are few. The de Burmese jungle the usual By clock every morni.
panese were able to occupy forms of transport are using, excluding Sunday, nu The long years of exile on Road Wardens, for exam ple, only 18 were large areas of central and less, so the West Africans ses and matron are busy paid Brit. e. soil drawing eastern China because they full time workers. After carry arms, ammunition Stanley House. Twenty os captured, quickly heavy day work London equipment on their children, ranging in We look on their departu men and women took over their powerful mechanised heads. Shovels, radio sety from four months to re with mingled regret at the duties of rescue forces, the main raiways. and even office furniture thing under five years. whe the loss from our midst of ker, first aid personnel, or ver been beaten by superior way. The long line of nen been left there by moth But the Chinese have he.
swung aloft in this they go to school) have Allies who have become ambulance drivers. Others friends, and delight that did Fire Guaild duty. Lon force alone, and in Free each loaded with his own who work in war factorie the heavy yoke of Nazism doners China today there are over equipment and carrying at The fathers of nearly. women aged betis lifted from their 000 miles of railroad track average of forty tries. For their presence in ve, and men between eigh been quietly removed from over hills and streams, at merchant seamen. The exc ween twenty and forty fi built from rails which have marches steadily and silently cans, who are serving pounds. the children are West Af these islands has given us teen and sixty five unless opportunities never vouchsaf specially exempt, to twelve the Japanese held provinching the enemy unawares tions are two little gir ed to us in peace time; op hours firewatching whose father is an Aral per portun ties, cooperation week. Every business house ENEMY TRAPPED but their mother is We and fr. endship such as na in London maintains a cong SUPPLIES FOR ARMIES On one occasion the da; a Africans too tions have rarely enjoyed tant fire guard, every block Every month these. pre nese moved to attack the before.
its cious lengths of iron of private residences West Africans in a position)
The children day be Learn ng To Word Togeher own före party. Even to day snatched fout by foot from which they had already left gins with a bath a prc Nations will learn to work fire watching has not been Japan grasp, to be rebuilt and were themselves trapcess which produces together. President Roose relaxed. London, Hitler slowly and laboriously with ped, suffering heavy ca. enormous amount of delig veit has said, only by work Target Nº 1, is taking no handpicks and chisels. In sualties.
ted squealing, splashing an ing together. This is the chances.
ehing their way though step On another, they brought laughter. Then they put a lesson that we have been mounains and over marshy disaster upon themselysstheir nursery clothes learn ng during the being washe War SLOVAKIEAS REDUCE hat lands, they carry sup by an error of judgment in their own years. We are learning to plies to the Chinese armies assuming that our gune meantime, if mother understand each other NAZI, WAR EFFORT and bear refugees to safe could not have reached a been too busy to have point of view, to judge each According to veliable in lty in the west.
certain point on the opposi wash day and breakfas other by experience rather formation received in Was China railroad engineerste side of the Kalandan Ribegins.
than by presconckeptions hington, Sloyakian, workers have done a wonderful job ver. They had reckoned which have more often than are doing their best to slow of engineering and in his without the swiftfooted Afri One of the secrets of the turned out to be mis down the production serv case that means strategy pio nursery success is that conceptions. True knowled ing the Nazi, war. effort. The neering and systematic des fore he is placed in his ce re and undjerstanding is report said: The attitude truction as well. The Chine AMERICAN TRIBUTE and after he has hadh the on y basis on which of the workers can be easily se Ministry of Communicamutual friendship and soli understood from the sane American belie bottle each baby glets the facttion and its engineers sawves we could have saved cuddling which helps darity can be built.
that they are the same wor in advance what difficulties ourselves alone. Britain de make him completely happ The opportunities for greakers, who, before the war they would have to face fended our freedom, as her An when a toddler perha, ter understandnig have, co with Russia, wrote on the in getling new rails and own, by holding the Nazi new to the nursery, look me to men and women of roads which they had had rolling stock for essential tide until Russia, then Ame doubtfully at his breakfası every rank and station. In to built under German com new tracks once the enemy rica, were forced into the a nurse is quick to see the councils of statesmen of mand in Slovakia, the follol had occupied China eas lists. She is carrying on and to coax him skilfully many nations they have bor wing inscription. We will tern cast and was in a posi with us, splendidly, to day. eat it ne much fruit. For they, in not build roads for tanks tion to blockade the coun From an editorial in the deed, have learnt through which will fight against our try. Chicago Sun. But on the whole childre dire necessity the lesson of brothers. speeial scorched earth need on cajolin at mealworking together. Thus Today, the same wor technique had to be workmes. The circle of herg when the day comes forkers decrease Slovakian pro ed out. Engineers were sent of bridges and rolling stock with tneir dark ringlets o them to meet at the tables duction by reducing work into villages in districts as well as railroads. Forty flufy little plaits are ber of the Peace Conference, to about 50 in complari behind the Japanese lines, steel bridges have been dis low ever plates while the thy will sit side by side not son with their work of pre along the railways of the mantled, smuggled into wes owners eat cheerfully ever!
merely as Allies, but also war days. The preaching of eastern seaboard. Theretern China, and reconstructhing set before them. pe as friends.
Mssgrs. Jozef Tiso and the they instructed the farmers ed.
haps because the Warde Meanwhile, ordinary men speeches of Mach were all and villagers what to do if and Welfare Officer, Mis and women from all in vain. Slovakian workers the enemy approached. LUXURY TRAINS Eleanore Devling, and th the world have bļeen get and farmers know verty Sometimes the track was CARRY SOLDIERS staff, most of whom ting to know each other well, who their enemy is torn up before the Japane Thirty four types of loco coloured, see to it that better. In the towns and vi and await eagerly for the se army arrived; sometimes motive, taken from every far a3 possible all the llages of Britain the fight day when they will be able the rails were hauled away pre war railway line in oc shes on the childrens table ing men of every nation, to overthrow the present Na eight men to each rail cupied territory, are pull are pretty to look at. Re from the vast United States zi rulers.
and hidden in a river beding supply trains in Free iam for instance appea, 1ST to tiny Luxemburg, have or in the mud of a ricefield China. Famous luxury ex more often than yellow. talked with each other over until they could be safely presses are clirrying soil cause they like that colou mugs of ber and cups of tea. proved (for himself that, conveyed by secret pathsdiers, war correspondents best. They have it at brea As they go back to their behind the barriers of langua to the nearest Chinese held and thousands of refugees fast with their toast, coco respective homes they will ge and below the superficial railhead or river.
over twentynine different or milk, and porridge. The carry with them memories differences of customs and These brave farmers, types of rail. Such variety are fascinated by bright of friendships made and habits, lie aspirations and carrying out plans outlined mlakes for slow and bum llies and colourful dessert knowledge gained. Each ideals common to all men, t) them bly the engineers, py hauling, but supplies get and practically cheer wher and every one will have whatever their race or creed have deprived the enemy! through.
la nurse brings in a trayfu not can. No san over an.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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