
Tomorrow is your business 65, 000 SHIPS CONSTRUCTED IN FIVE YEARS Saturday, 28th October 1944 ATLANTIC VOICE Page MATRIZDAMIT MR. STEPHEN EZEKIAH DALEY PASSES TO THE LIFE BEYOND Fifty years ago, in the tow uit Galead Lodge of the Aner of his youth, Mr. Stephen vient Order of Foresters, and Ezekiah Daley Walker of the is said to have been in good fi The fast changing post war world is t going to wait for any one to catch up.
Tomorrow is your business and the time to equip yourself for success is now.
parish of Manchester, Jamainancial standing up to the Thousands in the Armed Forces, thousands doing factory work in war proca, arrived in this Republic me of his sad passing boy. duction are preparing for business careers by studying the authoritative, practical and adjusted himself in a very and the Veil; due, hower, to Courses of the International Correspondence Schools. Others, already engaged in tangible manner as one of its his having recently adopted a their chosen fields, are training with for advancement along those lines.
From these men will come many of tomorrow leaders. There little room to.
adopted sons He was a mem particular Faith. his frater day for the executive by accident or by mere seniority and there will be less ber of a family well known in aal brothers were unable te in the world after the war.
that Island, one of his relati extend his remains the rites Outstanding business success demands: exact knowledge, power of concen ves being Mr. Jim Daley, a which he had so highly merit tration, persevering ambition, intellectual curiosity. You have the last of these quo Justice of the Peace and the ed 19911 lities or you would not be reading these words. If you have the third as well then we can give you the first, aid you in dev loping the second owner of a famed Racing Sta Mr. Daley had been experi.
The roll call of successful graduates is proof that today I. students are ble which included the great encing imparied health from tomorrow leaders. Barkwood and Tender and the earlier period of the cu.
We also offer complete courses in dressmaking and home cookery.
True rrent year, and notwithstand TECHNICAL AND INDUSTRIAL COURSES The deceased arrived in Cosing the splendid medical eff.
AIR CONDITIONING ELECTRICAL SCHOOLS Mold Loft Work ta Rica at a time when the ser orts accorded him and the ten SCHOOLS Electrical Drafting Patternmaking vices of the well prepared fo der care of his wife, he suc Electrical Engineering Patternnaking reigner were much in demand, cumbed on the 19th. instant Air Conditioning Electric Utilities Reading Shop Heating Electronics Blueprints and it is said he very efficien at his 68th year of age. Plumbing Power House Sheet Metal Drafing 110 tly performed the duties asso Among those who mourn his Refrigeration Electrician Sheet Metal Worker ciated with many positions of oss are his widow, Mrs. Fto Steam Fitting Practical Electrician Ship Drafting responsibility and trust By rence Daley; his sister, Miss Practical Telephony Shipftting rectitude and economical livl Caroline Daley; his adopted CHEMISTRY SCHOOLS Radio, General Shop Practice Radio Operating Steel Mill Workers ing he was able to separate son and daughter, Mr. Nark Chemical Engineering Radio Servicing Tool Designing himself from the role of an on Davidson and Miss Henrio Chemistry, Analytical Telegraph Engineering Weather Observing employee and become a suc. ita Blandford; his nephew and Chemistry. Welding, cessful agriculturist and real niece, in this country, and Industrial INTERNAL COMBUSTION Gas and Electric estate man other relatives in Jamaica and Chemistry, Mfg.
ENGINES SCHOOLS Iron and Steel Aircraft and RAILROAD COURSES them Along with several others, elsewhere. We extend Plastics Engine Mechanic Air Brake who predeceased him, he, for all our sincerest condolence.
Pulp and Paper Automobile Car Inspector ty years ago founded the Co.
Making Technician Locomotive Engineer CIVIL ARCHITECTURAL Aviation Locomotive Fireman AND STRUCTURAL ENGIN Diesel Electric Railroad Rate Clerk NEERING SCHOOLS Diesel Engines Railroad Section Gas Engines Foreman Architecture MECHANICAL SCHOOLS From Washington comes the Marine Department, who Architectural Aeronautical STEAM ENGINEERING the significant announce stated that 36 per cent of Drawing Engineer Junior SCHOOLS Bridge and Airplane Drafting Boilermaking ment that during the past the total were ships of war Building Foreman landing Coal Mining Combustion five years ithe outstanding and 29 Bridge Engineering Flight Engineer Engineering total of 65. 000 ships were ships, for use in the war Building Estimating Foundry Work Engine Running cox structed in the United operations effe. ed in Eu: Civil Engineering Heat Treatment Marine Engines States of America.
ope, Africa and the Paci. Contrasting and of Metals Petroleum The announcement Industrial Building was tic Refining Plant Engineering made by the Secretary Highway Engineering Steam Electric of Lumber Dealer Inventing and Steam Engines Sanitary Engineering Patenting EXCURSION!
Structural Drafting TEXTILE SCHOOLS Machine Shop Structural Practice Cotton Mfg.
Limon To Bocas del Toro and Almirante Engineering Mechanical Drufaing Rayon Weaving Surveying and Mechanical Textile Designing Leave Limon November 4th. at 10 Mapping Engineering Woolen Mfg.
Leave Bocas del Toro November 5th.
BUSINESS AND ACADEMIC COURSES Sunday 10 ACADEMIC SCHOOLS Bookkeeping Secretarial arriving at this port early Monday morning in Business Stenography time for workers to report for work.
Arithmetic Correspondence Trafic Management College Preparatory Business As capacity of vessel is limited make you Commercial Management CIVIL SERVICE SCHOOLS reservations on time. No passport required.
High School Certified Public For Booking and other particulars see ou.
First Year College Accounting City Letter Carrier High School Commercial Post Office Clerk Agent Mr.
Higher Mathematics Cost Accounting Railwey Postal Clerk PETER BLACKMAN Dustrating Federal Tax Course Limon Foremanship LANGUAJE SCHOOLS BUSINESS SCHOOLS Motor Trafic French Hlustrating Good English Advertising Salesmanship Spanish Enrol NOW! Special discount grant ed for the current month of October in celebration of the 53 anniversary.
to ARREN MORY, Superintendent, Having as their honourees, At the commencement of INTERNATIONAL CORRE SPONDENCE SCHOOLS, ssrs. Browne and Abra. the exercise Mr. Abrahams, Box 1211, San José, hams, the Propietors of the accompanied by his son, widely known commercial took up the position of ho and after ten minutes of a there, and in a flash those, game terminated without establishment, the Juvenile nour the youngster kicked distinctive struggle, the Marn the Marte team retaliated any change in the scores.
Footers of the Cariari and off the ball, and was thefte goalie was taken off his and secured a point. Play The beautiful medals proviMarte Club demostrated an recipient of loud cheers. Mr ard and the shot effected. contnued in a rather ded by the honourees, for equality of strength last llubert Francis (Vinici) was with their characteristic a lively manner each side the winners had to be held Sunday afternoon, when the referee.
gility, the boys dashed over attacking and throwing off over for another engageeach earned one goal in the the playground exercising atacks. None seemed wil ment, which is slated for tocontest.
The Cariaris led the attack admirable. passes, here and ling to give way; and the li rrow afternoon.
per cent 27 MESSRS. BROWNE AND ABRAHAMS HONOUREES AT FOOTBALL CONTEST Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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