
Page 10 ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, 28th. October 1944 SUNNA JUNIOR CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOUR TO STAGE CANTATA Limón Trading Company prevared PAY THE BEST PRICES FOR arones senerel for Slie sa erece que durante ips ultimos antation Wesorize zo varias cas de der 05 Detay. It is stated the youngsters so to give their support to Tassociated with the Baptist the approaching function.
Christian Endeavour will drama entitled, The stage a Cantata on the night Path across the Hills is al.
of Tuesday the 31st, instant. co being prepared by our These Young People need of the same Denomi On cheer and warmth for ration for the entertaining efforts they night of Tuesday the from time to time display, 29th. November proximo.
so we urge all who can do on 2270 Dried Ipecac Root Cocoa, Coconuts and Cópra RUBBER Charges Reasonable. Precios Módicos NOTICE Address all your Eng ineering Requirement to Para todos sus trabajos de ingeniría dirijase a ROIG BOX 923. TELEFONOS 5319, 3201, or 25 SAN JOSE REMEMBER RESIDENTS OF COLOUR ADVISED TO SECURE CITIZEN STATUS WE PAY THE BEST PRICES The Editor, Thas served the government, Dear Sir: ard even offered his life in Kindly permit me the op military service o a certain portunity of again airing a occasion, must call a halt LIMON CADET TROOP LOSES BUDDING AND VALUABLE LINK few pointers for the good to this lack of serious consiOn the eve of the twentieth, sund the hour of four of the a few weeks ago, his fraternal of the public, particularly Joeration for the people of the element of colour. my race, and to issue the year of his earthly life, the morning of Tuesday, the 24h brothers took charge of his re There recently appeared call that they at once get Grim Reaper has removed from instant.
mains and extended the pres in El Diario de Costa Ri. together and ask for citizen our midst a very promising ci The passing of the deceased cribed Rites. The religious ser ca an article calling on the ship status, either as Britizen in the person of Harola nas broken a budding and va vice was conducted in the Hall Minister de Trabajo (La tishers or Costarricans. For Henry, after a brief period of luable link of the chain which of the Salvation Army by Ma bour) to investigate and put most of us, especially those illness. His sorrow striken fa binds the First Limon Cadet for Thos. Yynch. His so ja stop to certain advantages in here are neither Brither, Mr. Herbert Henry, wha Troop Officers and others con rowing comrades of the cadet meted out by a section of tishers nor Costarricans, has long resided in our city nected with the Troop have. Troop, a detachment of Boy the coloured element along though the offspring of Briand earned wide esteem, is spoken of young Harold os a Scouts and a concourse of ma, the Lines, in this Zone, to tish West Indians. Being said to have done everything comrade active, dutiful, sin urners and sympathisers ona, the white (sic) element, who born in the country facilitapossible to save the life of his cere and true. Notwithstand de up the impressive proce were said to be the real tes the means of securing son but all was in vain hising the fact that he became a ssion to his last resting place. Costarricans. The writer of adoption papers, or as it time had come. The exceed member of one of the frater May his soul rest in peace per the article threatened that is called in Spanish, Opcion.
dingly sad event took place ar nal orders operating here only petual.
if no remedy were secured All who do this will, there.
against these wrong doings, after, be able to claim prothey, the complainants, tretion and better attention.
would take the law in their Get in line, therefore, and MISCELLANEOUS lown hands and do injury to declare your nationality. Do No loafers waiting room! No gosip station! The ideal place for the negroes.
not procrastinate any lonyourself and son is Dixons Barber Shop West of the city Marko Living in this my home ger.
ADVERTISEMENTS of adoption as a peoceful ci. More anon. Thanks, TO THE MEMORY OF PRESIDENT tizen, and also as one who WAPET THOMPSON SUPPLY THEODORE ROOSEVELT AND WORKSHOP Stand by us lest we fall support us with your unitec Yesterday, October the twen, clevated him to the supreme strength Eat, and drink, day and night at LA MAGNOLIA Dixon little place West of the city Market.
ty seventh, completed the pe position Theodore Roosevelt Everything in the mechani.
riod of eighty. six years since was the 35th. president of his cal line cane be made, re the human factor of the great native land, and at the age of paired or supplied AssortNorth American Republic was forty two years served for sements of Beds, Springs and ANNOUNCEMENT benefitted by the birth of ven years, five months and 18 other useful equipment.
Theodore Roosevelt, who is cays. Thirty five years have Building.
TO THE COMMERCIAL ESTABLISHMENTS said to have been of Dutch pa rolled by since he left the Whi AND THE GENERAL PUBLIC rental ancestry His father was te Huse. where today there Nº 89 Fifth Avenue toward the Municipal Bath.
a merchant in the city of New is another Roosevelt of out This serves to notify all concerned that my Xork To Harvard University standing international route. GRANT AND CRAWFORD wife. Mrs. Daisy Nairne, of Miles of this probelongs the honour for the NEW HARLEM BAR vince of Limon, having abandoned my home very effective intellectual pre FOR MEN AND RESTUARANT and protection on her own initiative since paration of young Teddy as August of the present year. therefore, do not he was familiarly called. Felt and Straw Hats.
Opens Day and Nigth. Clean hold myself responsible for any debt or any Forty four years ago, he was Shirts and Underwear and Cozy Reservation. Good elected Vice Presidente of the THE LATEST, CHEAPEST Native and Foreign Liquors ather business she may contract.
United States of American AND BEST and experienced Mixers HENRY NAIRNE BROWN.
under the regime of President Do your shopping at Building.
Nine Miles, Limon.
BcKinley, whose assassination THE PEOPLESHOUSE Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del


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