
Saturday, 28th October 1944 ATLANTIC VOICE Page 11 ON THE SICK LIST Csernur Xan La Proveedora CARD OF THANKS With feelings of the del.
090 pest sympathy we mention the illness of Mrs Muriel Hayling, Greater would be my joy if a more illustratious medium the esteemed wife of ou wi were at my disposal to express my profound gratitude to the dely regarded citizen. Mr.
Medical and Nursing Staffs of the local hospital of the Cia.
Bananera de Costa Rica for the marvellous medical treat.
Chas. Hayling, which necessi CG ment and care extended me during my recent and very seri. tated her being a patient in ous illness. To the Deity, they, and the many friends who the local hospital, whers, we visited and consoled me, my sincerest thanks are tendered.
are assured, she wes extended the very best medical and oth HAROLD SMITH.
her attention The ATLANTIC VOICE ho.
The ATLANTIC VOICE deling, outstanding courtesy, fair, ton, review his labours and sires to express its sincera con dealings with his patrons also feel they have not been in gratulation to our esteeme with the general public and van, havng regard to the mag fellow citizens, don Selim De. the exercise of much thrift nificent acomplishment of Dr Juk and his children for the in don Selim reared his children DeJuk and the other chil formation that their son and Miguel, Alberto, Jose, Radren some of whom have al. OFFERS YOU CORRECT WEIGHT brother, Mr. Miguel Demsa, Emelia, and Nena, and ready climbed and others are LOWER PRICES Jul Yunes, has successfully eventually mintained the tui climbing. Costo Rica educa terminated his studies in the tion and other expenses of tional Ladder School of Medicina at Tulano Miguel at the Tulane Univew Once again we record our; First class Merchandise and best of University, New Orleans, Un sity during a period of six heartfelt congrats to the Day Courtesy always ited States of America. He years. We are sure he can Juk family Please ask for anything in Grocery or other graduated with distinction, as Articles of General dietry not readily seen.
on the month in LA PROVEEDORA course Her Royal Highness Princess, 26th. instant.
SHOQUE LIMON CITY Beatrice, the youngest and Princess Beatrice wasc the SES Dr. DeJuk triumph not last survixing child of Queen mother of Queen Victoria Euti no only does credit to himself, Victoria, the Good, and the senia of Spain and had reach LIMON CONTRIBUTED ITS QUOTA his father, brothers and sis. srand aunt of Hise Majesty ed the advanced age of eighaeb sit to grizzaq 9nT ters, but to this city, where King George VI, is reported ty eight years on the 14th bass nibbud tot 2134. 10 he saw the light of day and to have died during the early April last.
risikerja, rathes satisfying to, forenoon hours of the fosecured his primary education morning of Thursday last, the able to a mention that llowing day, paid tribute to His father, don Selim, is a ci hiss Zone, Particularly our Dr. Rafael Angel Calderón tizen of Lebanon, and beca.
une associated with our local ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY CROSSES P1 of Limonais exer readyCuardia, the immediate exantributs its quase to all Pres dent of the Republic commercial activities in the THE GREAT DIVIDE Patters ofvizational impor on his leaving the country year 1914, when he opened a 144CC. This was, manifested for the United States of Am small stall in the city market. London announces the sad Doctor William Temple 45 recently as Saturday a incrica, where, it is undersHe suffered the loss, by death, passing of His Grace the Ar was, advanced from the arch week ago when when a special tod, he will remain for of his esteemed wife on the chbishop of Canterbury last bishopric of York to that of train garringsumber a number of period of about three monthe 13th December 1927 which Thursday, as the result of a Canterbury in the year 1942, citizens in addition to the The Atlantic Voice wishes hrew the cares of a dual pa cardiac attack He was 63 ye. on the retirement of His Gra Boy Scouts of St. Mark. this illustrious son of Costa rentage on him By noble livors of age.
ce Dr. Cosmo Gordon Land. and the First Limon Cadet Rica every success in the hes: Troop, left for the Capital special mission which takes Masawgment the. mammoth him to the great North Am gathering when during therrerican Republic. medical doctor and surgeon, THE DEATH OF R: PRINCESS BEATRICE TH TEGY Caribbean Packing Co.
MUNTILOST, LOST LOST CACAO. The loss of a very costly lady gold watch (wrist)
has been reported by Mrs. Eubanks by having drop.
ped off her wrist in this city. Any one finding. same is requested taaturn it to the undersigned and receive reward, te brol svitse 94192 2109Y ritrohit nom 548 203 JOS. THOMAS 42091 The Cacao Farmer Friend WE ALWAYS buy Cacao RAICILLA. IPECACUANA RUBBER 299 Fiona TORRotail PUNTO DE SALIDA We are Agents for THE RUBBER DEVELOPMENT CORP. OF THE GOVE OFFICES: LIMON. SAN JOSE VeuoH 190019 LA RAZA SUPERIOR, 38944 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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