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Page 12 ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, 28th. October 1944 WIR UNA BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN crow was uy 31 Mersa Matruh and he has several steel po Indian Army Officer Foreign Workers in Monster Turns up Re uniting Europe Japs never found Tricked Rommel Germany resist in Burma Families Union Jack in porou On the day Rommel was Tkp. Algiers radio recently! Lurma is said to have its conservative estimate of few hours after the.
Promoted Field Marshal, an claimed, quoting the Nazi en Loch Ness monster. the number of homeleses or panese landed on Abemar officer of the Indian Army paper, Das Reich, that a number of Major Gene displaced persons in Euro in the Gilberts, they sent who had been captured with bout 15, 000, 000 foreign ra! Lentigne men of the pe, exclusive of the Soviet che Senior Government a his men tricked him into workers at present in Ger Srd Indian Division claim territories, is between icer on the Island, a your allowing him to address his many show no interest in a to have seen it. The haunt 21, 000, 000 and 30, 000, 000Native Magistrate name men. He did so. in the Ur victory by Germany, but ac of this alleged giant serpent This figure is made up of for Tobinabina. Before he ains cu language and told tually pray for her defeat. Ske creature is Indawgyi ced labourers in Axis counsered their summons Toh theni where to go if they The Berlin correspondent Lake, the 15. mile longries, civilian prisoners and cabina put on a thick lea wer. akle to escape from for the Swiss paper, Die Tat, stretch of water 20 miles to persons in concentration her belt with a huge bra.
teapt vity. The Indians listen said, in an article. the Al the west of Mogaung, and camps, war reiugees, hospuckle bearing a ed oitentively, feigning des giers broadcast reported recently in the news as the lages and thousands who and the letters NM th ponosacy, and a fair num that sabotage due to fo se for the sunderland heve been routed from their constituted his sole insign ber vi them got away to re eign workers has lowered Flying boat operation racial and living space of office.
join the British armies. the total production of Ger hich played such a doctrines.
He said afterwards: This story, one of the most many by at least eight per successful part in this year All over Europe there are didn know what was goin, remarkable of the war, is cent. 663 26 HTM North Burma campaign. people whose only ambition to happen to me, but want related in The Tiger Kills. Crcdit for the total des.
is to find the relatives of led to be in British unifor pub shed for the Govern truction of several factories, Dropped Depth Charges nen of India by Sta in Germanlye was given by whom they have not heard just in case never got.
a word for three, four or charce to wear it again.
tionry Office, price Thelth Agiers radio to foreign Describing how he first even five years. How are all When they saw the bes bool describes the work of orkers, who set fire to the spotted the monster, Capt. these millions to be reunited the Japs burst into laughte the Indian Divisions in the factories before the arri. John Lee Warner, Recce again?
and told Tobinabina that he North African campaign val of Allied planes and! Corps, whose home is at Seawould have no further us and records the many feats tous mereased the effecti grave, Înear Loughborough Tackling the Problem for ornaments of that kir of heroism performed by veness of the Leicestershire, said he was It is a difficult problem But Tobinabina had oti Indian troops in stubbern According to reports ema crossing the lake in a motor which will have to be dealt ideas. etre it and victorious ad. nating from Switzerland. boat with three other with partly by the military He hid the belt in the busi vance.
thousands of young Czechos men when he shaw authorities and partly by so that it would not fall int.
The officer who hoodwin. lovaquia workers employed wo large bumps sticking the Alied Governments to the hands of souvenir huni ked Rommel Lieut. in munition plants in Aus out of the water 50 yards gether with organisations ing Japanese soldiers. Thes ol e Morris of the 13th tria and Southern Germany away, which have already studied he waited patiently for th: Frorter Force fles. Ene deserted then YugoeslaNess monster! said one of the Inter governmental Com toe light to wear it again jobs to join Blimey, it the Loch the matter. UNRRA and day when he would havi tanks Tito Japs dismissed hir ard his fellow prisoners we. Austria had to close down ned the boat toward the Interrational Red Cross, and from office as being ine rem: rched off to Rommel wings to the cau bumps, which created a innumerable voluntary orrably pro British.
head tarters.
sed by these desertions. wash as they moved through ganisations who are anxious Tears In His Eyes lied bombings of Austrian the water at full speed. The to provide help.
On the day when the cities facilitated the escape little engine was not fast Maps are being prepared mericans landed to liberat Taking Snapshots of czech workmen.
enough, however, and the showing the routes along Abemama, Major Holla On the list of executions monster disappeared. Us which organised repatria a British officer who came Iommel strolled through onipiled from various sour. ing party swept the area in tion is most likely to flow a hore with them, had wal the group of prisoners with ces, mostly German newspa. ing hand grenades as depth from areas where slave la. ked only a few yards alo a camera, taking pictures ers, by the Inside Germany charges the party swept the bour is at present concen. the road nearest the vill various Indian types. re. Reports appear the names area in an antisubmarine trated. UNRRA officials ha! hea he met Tobinabing cord the authors fjof several Czech owrkers attack but only a few dead ve been working with Shaef his approach the youn of the book. Colonel Mo in Germany who had been fish came to the surface. officials and representatives gistrate stood smartly rris ocught and obtained per serrtenced to death disten an antisubmarine attack of Governments in exile to tention and Holland mission from the Marshalling to foreign broadcasts but only a few dead Fish plan advanced radio there were (tears trick to say goodbye to his men and organizing oposition to came to the surface. nouncements as to standstil, down his cheeks. He and tell them how to beha the Nazis, orders, registration forms weariag his belt and the ve in captivity. Standing in workers in Germany who L:gendary Beast?
and health ſertificates. brass buckle was gleami frent of his men with the had been sentenced to draft agreement has been as brightly as ever, for tha Germans listening respect death for listening to foreign The story quickly got a. prepared by the European morning he had given it the Fuly behind he addressed broadcasts and Srganizing round and soon others clai tions pledging mutualmost thorough polishing or his men in Urdu.
oposition to the Nazis. med to have seen the ser. or operation by the signato its life. Tobinabina had so irst he told them that 3800 pent like bumps. Capt. Leesy nations to control orga mething else with him, toc the Germans had given him Warner told his story to the nised mass movements of a Union Jack which he permission to say goodbye 1919 headman of Chaugwa, who such displaced persons and had also kept hidden troug.
and iben proceeded to give soners scattered in all di se opinion was that it was to apply to them the prinhout the Japanese occupather explicit instructions rections. 163, a large crocodile.
ciples of equality of treattion.
how to escape. The Indians 52 Another very unofficialment with their own natioThat night the Comman threw themselves into the Met Both Leaders theory is that the monsternals and to facilitate their der of the American landpart, looking despondent is none other than the le speedy repatriation.
ing party slept at the House and unhappy while listen Iowards dawn, Colonel gendary Burmese griffon, of the Senior Government ing to the careful orders Morris and a fair number with eagle head and wings Tracing Relatives Officer on Abemama. The Wait till dark. Scatter of his men were picked up and lion body which the houst was Tobinabina and head to the east. Knock by a New Zealand patrol. 3rd Indian Division Chindits UNRRA has estimated that anybody on the head who General Auchinleck was in have adopted as their bad it will take six or seven has devised means of com yels in your way, said the the neighbourhood and at ge.
months to repatriate eight munication between displa.
Colonel once sent for him. Colonel millien Allied nationals from ced persons and their relati A: the prisoners were Morris is is probably the the only a Germany to their own coun. ves during the transitional being marched off, a Bri orficer who has been inter ted with action pictures and tries, moving an average of period, and has tried to es.
tish armoured car came out viewed by both Commanders maps which make it easy to 35. 000 a day.
tabiish an efficient system of nowhere with machine in Chief in the counse of follow the operations in The Intergovernment Com by which they will be able guns blazing The guards the same action.
wh. ch the Indian forces mittee, together with Unrra to trace relatives whose whe went to ground and the pri The book is well illustra playel so gallant a part. and the military authorities, re abouts are unknowm.
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