
THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK ATLANTIC VOICE Few who wander along the wrog pathway of life do so by mistake; they do so because they Editor: JOS THOMAS BOX 199 find is smoother and more flowery. They inYEAR LIMON, NOVEMBER 18th 1944 NO 445 dulge their own choice rather than approve it ALLIED FORCES OPERATE OVER 400 KILOMETROS FRONTAGE AUXILIARY RED CROSS AND IST. LIMON o do IN WESTERN EUROPE BRIGADE ON EMERGENCY SERVICE FLD CODE to Following in the wake oda shovf statica Irunthmated jess than twelve kito the troops of the Third All Germas frontier. Military seters írom the frontier of my who continue their su commentators are of the Germany.
The recent late October and early Noveni cessful offensive against the pinion tatat the capture of Six Allind armies, compos ber rains raised sad memories of the torrents Metz füxtifications other for, Metz will precipitate the ed of one million and a hall showers which prevailed in the early 19000s.
ces are reported to have en destruction of the enemq op men, and aided by a gigan This year the rains descended continuousle tered in action, last Thurs position on the Western War tic a force of more than from Saturday October 21st. to the foreno?
day, along a frontage of Front.
three thounsand machines four hundred kilometers Allied troops in the sou are sad to be now in action of Friday November 3rd. when a suspension of which covers the secotrs theast sector Holland, ha again. Germany along the a few hours was experienced.
from the frontier of Swite ve carried their offensive entire western war fronts. On or about the 30th October reports of a land to Luxemburg.
inovement to a point esti distressing character were received here of th: Aided hy strong artile, fire, the 1st French Army dangers confronting the residents and animals THE WAR IN THE EASTERN REGIONS initiated an intense offensi in the areas of Estrada, Matina and Zent, as a ve, last Wednesday, along Genera! MacArthur la An announcement by the result of wide spread inundations. Our worthy a frontage of more than test offensive to destroy the British Admiralty declares! Governor, don Abel Robles, and other officials thirty kilometers the last Japanese stronghold in that Br. tish submarines opel became much concerned and as the outcome south of the strategic Nazi the Island of Leyte is report nating in the Far East had positioa of Belfort.
ed under way in an intensif sunk sixty nine, Japanese of their efforts members o fthe Limon Red With ihe cature of an ad ied encircling movement ships between the 11th. and Cross and of the Number One Brigade left en dition number of the prin across the mountains in the the 15th. of the present Wednesday night, the 1st instant, for the af! cipal forts of the Metz de region of Ormoc. Between monthñ This brings the tofected areas. Among their other equipment ience system by the troops: three and four thousand e. tal number of Japanese they carried first aid supplies and two row of Gereral Fatton, and the nemy enemy soldiers are ships sunk by the British su near approach of other for threat ned boats placed at their disposai through the with annihila perficial or under water ces( it is believed the failltion.
units since the start of the goodness of Mr. Gordon Bryan of the Stella of the stronghold is not far ton.
war, to 159. Maris and Messrs. Eugene Garron and Sons off.
Airplanes operating from The Islands of Mapia and of the Limon Soda Water Factory. Estrada Suicid! German units are their mother ships, dealt Mams of the Philippine was reached at about nine o clock at night and said to be desperately endea another blow to the naval Group have also been invad vourity to maintain control and aerial strength of we are told the rescuing party carried on their the ed, it is announced, by North of the narrow corridor way of which they hope to cinity of the Bay of Manilies by Japs. last Sunday in the vi American troops. As Mapii work of mercy up to around three the following but 185 kilometers, morning. Many persons were saved from wateefect teir last moment escala. Two destroyers were Porthwest of Dutch New ry graves and placed at the Estrada Railway pe.
sunk, a light cruiser severe Guinea, the operation threa Station, where they were afforded food and North American troops, ly damaged, and eleven tan tens the isolation of the.
operating north of Metz, ha kers and cargo ships set on 90, 000 enemy troops located also rescued from drowning. The strong currother accommodation. Several animals were ve crossed a trib, tary of the fire. Twenty eight enemy on it.
Mosel! an. arived withirp anes were also destroyed.
ent of water in the flooded areas is said to have greatly impeded the work The expedition was composed of Mr. Alfredo Cañas, President of the Limon Auxiliary Red Cross, and Messrs. Francisco Garron, Jose Carazo, Tobias Kader, Camacho, Coblentz, Alfonso Garcia an dGabriel Bryan. The Price of Banana on this Atlantic Zone, the Central American Rev. James Evans was in charge of the rice of Fifty Cents, United States Currency per bunch, to Sixty Brigade and was accompanied by several of his workers. petition On behalf of the unfortunate sufferers and ESIRE TO ADVISE THAT THE our people generally, we tender our sincere gratitude to the members of the expedition and IS RE ESTABLISHED; all others who, in any manner, assisted in the work of mercy.
MEANWHILE PRECIATION AND GRATEFULNESS SAN BANANA COMPANY La Proveedora Iness to all the Bana na cultivators and others who stood Firmly kured.
CHANDLER WEHRMAN, MANAGER Central American Banana Company First class Merchandise and best of Courtesy always Please ask for anything in Grocery or other Articles of General dietry not readily seen.
LA PROVEEDORA LIMON CITY Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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