
RECIPIENTS Greaily stirred were our earth and stones de bury Also splendid as Cargle, Mouthwash fu capacity congrega people on hearnig last Wed ing the machine and Shany and Dentrifice.
tion was seen in the Cathe nesday afternoon, of the te of the men. So horribly imuri IS GREASELESS, FREE OF SMELL AND before the last rrible accident which had ta lated was Jorge Fortado, when PLEASANT OF TASTE.
dral want young perken place on the railway who operated the showel HATA KVH at TE VISOS TH their First Communion as forfty eight miles, and reaching the San Juan MA TA RAL There were thirty five lads which up to this time of Dios Hospital. The infured and twenty three lassies. writing has taken the life ones, Custodio Vega, Her ALKALINE TABLETS Und the gu dance of the of one of the workers and nán Astorga, Leonel Chacon good for gases on the stomach, headaches, Muscular pains, Rev. Fr. Hubert, and led caused serious injuries to and Agustin Solano were minor colds, neuralgia, etc. Splendid after by three acolytes, the very four others.
taken to the hospital in Tuimpre. sive procession EXCESSIVE DRINKING OF LIQUORS had The information states rrialba. It is hoped they wil its sta. at the Hall of the that while a gang of work all be able to survive their SAN JOSE Da Sychool in Third Ave men were occupied along seriou; injuries. To the wy anjuries TO GET YOU SOBER. Very effective, try it.
nue. On arriving at the en with a large steam showel dow, parents and other AGENTS AND DISTRIBUTORS trance of the Cathedral, then repairing the damage the latives, wro nowi rpura PAN AMERICAN AGENCIES, A.
recent heavy passing of Jorge at th: Rev. Fr. John, who, ne othe railway system at Fortado, we extend or pra in tur effected the presenthas suution of the road bed foundest sympathy.
RECENT CONFERENCE ON LABOUR ISSUE tation to His Lordship the an enormous quantity of Bishop. At the close of the It been released that are assured, for nigh three soleml. conducter Mass the a conference was held, re hours and dealth with im Young People, accompanied No loafers waiting room! No gosip station! The ideal place to: cently in the Capital, in porta matters for improv. by the Priests and other dis.
conncation with the yourself and son is Dixons Barber Shop West of the city marka much ing the workers general con Cathe 1:al, proceeded to the debated Labour question. dition, the subject of an in Catedral proceeded to the Those who attended, we gacrease of salaries was also Recreation Hall of the Ygle ther, included Mr. Turnbull tacklut It is understood that sias School where they we LIMON FURNISHES FORMIDABLE PUGILIST the Vice President of th the Company favourably re re ser ed a dainty repast.
Unite: Fruit Company and gards the conditions outlin Mr Hamer, the Manager of ed during the discussions SALE OF THIRTEEN Costa Rica pugilistic cir. was gaining point after po.
the local Division; Congress for the betterment of the cies were rather stirred a few int. Eye witnesses, however, man Manuel Mora workers, and has also ad. CHILDREN weeks ago when the All Camp say Leonghardes fought giam wal a 80 present in the invanced its plans for the in bell Agosto Leongardes, boxely on and in the eighth roana terest the workers. tensification of its cultiva In keeping with their fixed ing bout was announced and succeeded in landing his tere The conference lasted, wetions in this Republic pdogramme, the Salvation Ar later staged ai the Mendoza ble right to Campbell pla my will observe their Harvest Stadium, San José, on the xus which sent him down on THE SALVATION ARMY ON THE WAR Festival tomorrow, 19th. ins. night of Wednesday October his knees. On his rising, Leong tant, with three services. 25th. último.
hardes again landed, areá Can FRONTS It has also been mentioned The sporting fraternity of pbell was only saved from the that the Army Command ha the interior towns are said to final count by the Gong.
Through the good offices, Col. and Mrs. Estill, who af Major Thos. Lynch of the were in a German Concen monstration entitled Sale of on Leonghardes (White) mak brought forth roaring opols.
ve arranged to stage o de have pinned their confidence This action of Leong harde Local Salvation Army Com tartion Camp in Sweden for thirteen Children in the Hall ing a mince pie of the Colou use, we are informed but mand, we are in receipt of more than four years, have of the St. Mark Parisa on red Hope All Campbell, a did not exempt him from the the news that officers of the been liberated and recently the night of Tuesday the 28th. Limonense known to us almost punishment he was encounte Army in England are now reached England.
of the present month. The gal from his cradle days. On entering from the challenger lane within the arangements of further report states lant Major has hinted that ing the Ring on the night of which amply justified the de the London Military Autho the Salvation Army has rities, to look aften the spiplans underway for all Ca this will be a real novelty and the contest, Leonghardes was cision of the Judges in award should not be missed.
ritual welfare and to rennadian soldiers on their re the recipient of thundering ing Campbell the fight at the der other aids to the cheers Campbell follwed bra. end of the men turn from war activities ten rounds. Al vely, soon after, with Herman Campbell (Egbert ampbell and women in the services The proposal covers, it is ga FOOTBALL MATCH of the Allied Nations on thered, the purchasing of Roa as the Referee.
is the son of the late Camp.
the Eiropean battle fronts buildings in the principal ci As soon as the gong sound. bell, who was a barber of fong The juveniles sasociated ed Campbell exchanged pun. standing in thes city. While Orders to proceed on this ties for a Dominuon wide Important work are said Chain Hotel for the purpo Football Clubs were seen in titude uttered deafening ex. Campbell was in this city in with the Cariari and Jupiter ches with his rival and the mul preparing for this encounter to have been issued to Mase of transiently housing, jors Edward Nicholson, with provision for food, ete a contest during the afterno ciamations on the background der the training of Mr. Netde Bramwell Jeavons, Ernest the service men and cheiron of Sunday the 12th. ins. that a fight of sensational calmiah Chambers. We extend Livermore. Males) and families. The government tant Much activity was evi libre was inevitable.
our congratulations to both for denced with the Cariari, of Christine Slater and Gertru of Canada has, according to Leonghardes is said to have the success obtained. Mas de Candy the information, endorsed the year Champion Club, se received an injury to his left they be the winners of min The pleasing information the project.
tting a lively pace. The yo shoulder during the second more bout, and All ascende has also been released that ung players earned much ad round which necssitated his full championship honourg in miration for the cutenes they continuing the fight with one our Republic.
all displayed in the exercise. damaged arm, while Campbel The recent WEEKLY SAILINGS heavy rains had greatry impaired the ground, but the boys waded From LIMON to CAHUITA. OLD HARTIENDA HOLLYWOOD through the small lagoons BOUR. COLORADO BAR. PANAMA which appeared here and the ACCEPTING PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT Ofrecemos: For particulars, see or communicate with As the Jupiters encounte: ed dreat difisulty in mak, Surtido extraordinario de VESTIDOS BRYAN BARRIENTOS, Agents ing the grade, they were, in y PAJAMAS PARA NIÑOS consequence, left at the base Post Office Box 144 or at their Office on the lower floor of Pension Caribe in front of Park Vargas. COMFORTABLE while their opponents made SALOMON BERENZON AND RAPID SAILINGS CAN BE RELIED ON Lit possible to register two Ciudad de Limón points.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    EnglandFootballManuel Mora

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