
Page 10 ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, 18th November 1944 FROM ESTRADA га 7Our cutivations have been GLORIA DINNOCK the poor on Prior to the recent inundations, the watter rose to tion of our district, a large, more than fifteen feet and number of the residents exflooded buildings in some of perienced a deal of sorrow which the occupants had to as the result of the dismieling te rafters and other ksal of our highly esteemed device to save themselves. pre se scuela fellow resident, Mr. Arthur Many animals, were drown una cap del señor Hunter, from the service of ed; while some of the surthe Northern Railway Com viving cattle, overcome by pany; who, we believe had hunger were observed prey før period of two ing en cach other. An At and one. half years, afſtempt was even made. 15 fiqiently performed his du eat the hair from the head ties as telegraph operater at of an old man who was this station. It is unders lying asleep on the platform tood he fell into disfavour of the railway station. Wanacademia in consequence of one of MELODY IN HALL OF ASSOCIATION those human errors, or destroyed and every which Estrada feels a liga means of inha CHRISTENED ter penalty might have been bitants of Estrada other The Party presented by the Thomas spoke for the ensem imposed.
wise their li Coloured Youths Frien ily be. The front line officers of Treaung on the flood velihoió is entirely parali Little Gloria Pinnock, the Club in the Hall of the the guest cub are Messers. Ez there is every truth in saz zed. Help by Government dauhter of Mr and Mrs. Du Association, was a spera Greands, Founder; Sin ing a new view of nature and others is urgently nee ley Pinnock of this city effec cial attraction among last sa clair, President; Gordon, was witnessed. At some loca ded. SUFFERER ted her first step on the Chris turday Night events. The Vice President; Roy Mc Rae tian Ladder when the Soiree was uniquely balan Secretary and Simms, trea Snd. nstant she was baptzed need and complished along asurer. The aniversary night LOST, LOST, LOST by the Rev. Fr. Hubert our new angleſin that line of me of the 1918 Armistice, was, Cathedral, with Mr. and Mrs. rriment. Four seater ossupied on the whole, cheedidy cele The loss of a very costly lady gold watch (wrist) Peter Blackman as the God the oblong border of the hall brated under the idea genero has been reported by Mrs. Eubanks by having drop. parents.
for the acomodation of the sity of the members of the ped off her wrist in this city. Any one finding same is During the late afternoon participants, white the deco Youths Friendly Club. The requested to turn it to the undersigned and receive of the same day, the Babe rative feature in the spacious Atlantic Voice offers its con reward.
grandfather, our good friend building was pictoral. gratulations Mr. David Pinnock, sponso JOS. THOMAS red an exceedingl y pleasing The luxiours refreshment reception in honor of th event. service and splendid dance MISCELLANEOUS INTERESTING DRAMA TO BE STAGED Several widely known citi music in melotone were for ADVERTISEMENTS zens participated and contrinished free cost to the invi Coming amost on the eve other captivating aspects. buted their good wishes.
tees. The Riversiders in of the Yule tide Season, will The portrayal will be borde cluded Messers, Barley, THOMPSON SUPPLY be the staging of the Drama red by rich reciting and sing AND WORKSHOP Th Path acros the Hill, on ing contributions. The hope TIPOGRAFIA ATRIBUN FOTOGRABADO pet; Sterling, trambone, Everything in the mechanisaxophone; Brown, troun the evening of the 29th, Theis entertained that our citi. Hall (Blue. crooner; is based on a narrative inter zenry will accord our Bapcal line cane be made, reTe von 1934 Gums, drums; Brown and woven with profound insighttist friends their accustom. Sineplair, guitars; Whiments of Beds, Springs and paired or supplied Assort.
into human nature and with ed whole hearted support.
te, bass, and Gumbs, she other useful equipment.
101 kers, Building The Eagle Aces Friendly 011 Club were well represented. Nº 89 Fifth Avenue toward Among therm were messrs. the Municipal Bath.
Maitland, Daley, Wade, GRANT AND CRAWFORD White, Smith, Wal NEW HARLEM BAR ters nad Bailey.
AND RESTUARANT If you suffer frequently from backache Mr. Sinclair, President you can be fairly certain that Kidney o fthe Coloured Youths, deli Opens Day and Nigth. Clean Trouble is to blame. The kidneys are vered a brillant quening ad and Cozy Reservation. Good two of the hardest worked organs in dress. Mr. Maitland respon Native and Foreign Liquors your body filters preventing im ded on behalf of the Eagle and experienced Mixers purities and poisons from Aces. On request, Mr. Jos. U. Building.
escaping into the blood.
Werk and sluggish kidneys cannot Folk of the city, Lines and Coast! Without your support do this important job properly. Not until those kidneys are active again we shall be knocked out. Please support us. eat and drink can you be certain of getting relief from aches at LA MAGNOLIA. ixon little place West of the city and pains.
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SYDNEY BECKFORD. Propietor Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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