
9009 Caribbean Packing Co.
27 Saturday, 18th. November 1944 ATLANTIC VOICE Page 11 www. za PROPER SUPERVISION SAID TO BE NEEDED RALLY BY SCOTCH LILY LODGE The attention of the Atlan other interests of the inmedia tic Voice has been once again ite and surrouding regione.
invited to much discussed Pen In view the Guantum of pre CACAO shurst Tram Sistem.
sent day traffic and the anti cipated in crease, we are in It is claimed that the ser clined to the belief that the The Cacao Farmer Friend WE ALWAYS buy Cacao vice is in urgent need of pro call for greater control is rea per supervision in order tolly, required and willmore RAICILLA. IPECACUANA see that the men who operate effectivel y protect not only cars over the lines, exercise the utility service but also the care necessary to proctec the economic interests of ail RUBBER and preserve the life of the concerned. We trust that service whic is of vital impor due attention will be given tance to the agricultural and the matter We are Agents for FOR BEST FIT. WHAT? GO TO CLIFFORD THE RUBBER DEVELOPMENT CORP. OF THE GOVE STEELE THE PEOPLE TAILOR 334 OFFICES: LIMON. SAN JOSE THANKSGIVING NIGHT, NOVEMBER 23RD.
AT MITCHELL HEIGHT Thursday, November the 23rd, has been declared the North American Thanksgiving Day. In honour of the event Mix: John EL EXPLORADOR THE EXCURSION Mitchell will stage a real Tranksgiving Night Party in the famed Blue Light Dance Hall. Entrance will be by quota open to all POSTPONED With sincere peasure we, llest nformation regarding who desire to participate in an act of the Good Neighbour Poli!
ey. The Melody making Riverside Orchestra, which is now ex.
acknowledge the receipt of the general activities of the celling in Sanding and Jiving hits, has been engaged for the a copy of the first emission troups located in the different Due to the very unfavou gala Party.
of El Explorador. the affi parts of country. The present rable weather conditions we Friends from the Line towns are especially invited to come cial Organ of the National issue gives every indication have been experiencing, the in and enjoy a good time under wholesome auspices.
Corps of Boy Scouts of Cos that these efforts will be of Excursion, which was sche ta Rica.
the most interesting and ins duled to leav this port for MALARIA REPORTED PREVALENT ALONG The news organ will be istructive character. The subs cas del Toro and Almirante sued once a month from the cription rates have been fixed on the 4th. instant, had to be to OID LINE REGION Capita under the guidanee of the very modest amounts of postponed to a later date. 2003cline don José Guillermo López 0. 15 per copy or 50 per There is the likelihood of According to a report re campaing will, we unders as Director, and don Rafael annum.
its being effected during the cently released by doctor tand, soon be iniciated aga! Roig, as Administrador; Hhe Atlantic Voice wel earlier days of the month of Guevillas and Rebbel und En inst this serious deterrent to their effors being directed to comes this new Entry in January nex. Due notice will gineer Mora of the Inter the good health of the resil ward the advancement of our Journalistic Field, and, be given in the columns of merican Public Health Servident in this important sector Scout interests, as well as wishes it a ong, usefunl and this Weekly.
ce, einhty per cent, aproxima lof hour province. Is a hopel a for dissemination of the fu most successful life.
It is understood a redus tely, of the people residing full measure of co operation tion will be effected in the in the principal distrits of the will be given the efforts of MATINA CRICKETERS DEFEAT THOSE OF previousl y quoted round trip Old Line region are suffering the Health Authorities.
fare ninety colones. 90. 00 MADRE DE DIOS fron malaria.
FOR MEN Stand by us lest we fall support us with your united The players of the Victory, led Rowe, 0; Johnson, bovi strength Eat, and drink, day and night at LA MAGNOLIS Cricket Club of Madre de led Clarke, 0; Barker, bow Félt and Straw Hats.
Dixon little place West of the city Market.
Dios visited Mating on the bed and caught Clarke, O; Shirts and Underwear 28nd. of the recently passed Gilmore, bowled Clarke, 3; THE LATEST, CHEAPEST THE PASSING OF DONA CHEPITA DE SAXE month, and on our smooth Barker, bowled Clarke, 9; AND BEST Oval they engaged the Boys Sarneon, not cut, total for elev Do your shopping at Deeply do we regret havirsty and Cartago, o fthe Mighty Club of the en wickets, 14 runs.
THE PEOPLE HOUSE to mention the death of doña The sad event took place district. The homesters won In their reply, the Mighty the toss but gava preference batsmen accumulated a fatal Gilmore, 19. Robinson was the esteemed Chepita Gutiérrez de Saxe, at the famly residence in the to the visitors, who, unfortuna of 12 runs, earned as follows. top scorer with 35 runs, his John Saxe, the widely known instant. The Atlantic Voice wife of Mr. ancient Capital On the 10th.
tely, swam with the tide of de. Blomfield, bowled Gilmors: wickets fell bowler Smith. Af Manager of the Electice Light offers its deepest condolence feat in the following manner. run; Riney bowled Robin ter contributing runs, and Power Sistem in this ci to the bereabed ones. Lindsay, bowled Clarke, son, 5; Davis, caught Par.
Bloomfield was bowled by runs; Barker, bowiej kar, bowled Gilmore, 3; Bur Smith, who also, with a daisy Clarke, 2; Smith, bowled ke, bowled and caught Gilmo. secured the wickets of Cla; SEÑOR GANADERO: Clarke, 8; Hall, caught Dare 1: Altorno bowled and ke for nil. Bryan, bowled vis, bowled Rowe, 2; Webbe caught Gilmore 1; Rowe Smith, caught Johnson, 1; bowled Clarke, 0; Robinson bowled and caught Gilmore 0: Williams not cut man with bowied Rowe, O: Alstan, bow Minto (Captain. bowled Total 72 runs against the 14 PARA MANTENER SUS ANIMALES SANOS by the visitors.
Charges Reasonable. Precios Módicos CLEANER NOTICE JOSE ACHIONG NG.
Address all your Eng Para todos sus trabajos Comerciante detallista ineering Requirement to de ingeniria dirijase a Licores, Abarrates, Cristale ROIG ria, Materiales de Ferrete. BOX 923. TELEFONOS 5319, 3201, or 25 ría y Eléctricos, todo se cuentra este establecimiento.
SEO CADERA No se deje engañar FRESCOSAL en.
SAN JOSE en PARA SUS GANADOS, SALUD Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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