
ATLANTIC VOICE the Ponor sector e city of Strasburg on the Ri POWERFUL AERIAL SUPERFORTS BOMB is To 31 no THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK The best way to meet most difficulties is to go face them. To push on to the goal through all tor: JOS THOMAS BOX 199 obstacles is ussually the most satisfactory and CAR LIMON, R. NOVEMBER 25th. 1944 Nº 446 manly course. Ease begets weakness, inefficiency, and those who drift with the wind FRENCH IN COMPLETE OCCUPATION OF STRASBURG never arrive.
fo the result of what is desded by General Patton have eight and tweiyo German Jiwa Doc. good 900000000000000 900 COS2000 Sed as a meteoric advance launched a new attack alongsions have launched fiere thirty. two kilometers a frontage of 18 kilometers counter atacks against THOUGH SURROUNDED WITH HARDSHIP a French forces, under com against the Sigfried Line in Firts and Ninth American and of General Leclerce ha the Sarre Re ween and second British armies.
THEY MURMUR NOT secured occupation of the.
As the aftermath of the recent torrential Rhine and one of the prin TOKYO rains our citizenry are undergoing a new expal forts of the famed Ma not Line of defance. It During the daylight hours perience. Though our city did not suffer direct The attack is said to have ought that this victory will of yesterday Tokyo suffered given special attention to the damage, yet the destruction of crops and others sal the fate of some 100, 009 severely from an artack by a war industries located in the articles in the regions whence we get our food erman soldiers now trapped force, estimated at about 100 Capital, where there are supplies have wrought much hardship OF etween two columns of the of the most powerful super. less than forty thousand tac these has been added the suspension of railu ist French Grmy.
fort machines of the Northe tories. The Japanese admit Three of the Allied armies that the attack, which lasted Capital.
road transportation between the city and the operation on the Western SOMETHING OF THE mage among their more im.
two hours effected sericus da Despite these set backs we observe, with ont are reported engaged in erce fighting with the Ger.
TOLL OF WAR portant installations and cau more than passing interest, the considerate leter ans in the vicinity of Cosed several conflagrations.
manner in which the majority of our people gne and Dusseldorf, It is stated that the attack are adjusting themselves to the serious situaAfter crossing the river Washington release sta. was directed from bases loca. tion. Substitutes of a large variety have taken iaas at various peints, and tes that Secretary of War ted in China and the Mariana the place of the many things which were regarmipleting the isolation of Stimson has announced that Islands, and that thazy will 362 ded as of primary necessity in our diet. An alhe German forces on the left the casualties suffered by the continue until the North Ame ank British troops threaten North Americans throughout ricans invade the home terri.
most new line of life has appeared, and it se districts of Venlo and Gei the war aggregate 528, 725, tory of Japan.
would we think, be of benefit, if when the kirchen, notwithstanding the including 117, 453 killed. The General MacArthur reports bright and anormal days re appear we all kept anacious resistence of the army casualties, up to the 7th the destruction of the 1st, and in the furrow.
of the current month inclusive 16th Japanese divisions on SOMO he districts of Aspech, reached the total of 454, 180, the Island of Leyte. The siaIt is of course a fact that many of the now torchweiler and Giromagny of which 88, 245 were kiled, king of two large enemy tran unobtainable articles are essential for our phytuate north of Mulhouse ha. 354, 283 injured. 56, 442 mi, sport ships with their been occupied by forces of sing and 55, 210 taken pri. and at least 15 000 soldiers sical well being, but no murmurs are heard Allied Armies.
while on their way to Leyte because of their absence. Some of our more The 3rd. army.
comman, American force.
is also reported.
thoughtful ones charitably regard our present day conditions as insignificant when compar.
ed to the sufferingfs and privations by our SEGURO SOCIAL AVISA: brethren beyond the seas; and we wholehear an tedly agree with them.
We thank our highly esteemed Colonel Even LOS PATRONOS DE TURIALBA JIMENEZ rique Esquivel, the Commander of Police, ar an his subordinates, who have not relaxed in their 1º Que a partir del 19 de Diciembre de 1944 se implantarán los efforts to se that no home goes, at least, withseguros de enfermedad y maternidad en Turrialba y Jiménez out its allotted supply of Sugar.
para obreros (empleados y TRABAJADORES AGRICOLAS, públicos o particulares, que sean menores de 65 años.
Están excluídos del Seguro los trabajadores que SOLO temporalmente se emplean para la recolección de café.
29 Que inicialmente se implantarán dichos seguros sólo en el Distrito 1(Central) de Turrialba y en el Distrito 19 de Jiménez (Juan Viñas) y para todos los trabajadores de la Northern Railway Company.
To Members of Cacao Cooperation jo Que antes del de Diciembre de 1944, los patronos de esos lu (Mixta)
gares deben inscribirse en la Sucursal establecida en la ciudad de Turrialba, usando las fórmulas preparadas por la Caja. Our Prices for the following Products are PATRONOS TODA LA PAPELERIA EXPLICARA TODNES NECESARIAS. LA FALTA DE INSCRIPCION OPOR.
dores que deberán realizarse a partir del 19 de Diciembre en los respectivos periodos de HULE, per quintal. 145. 00 Colones STE re 400. 00 y recibirán las prestaciones tomando como base esa misma suma. La contri.
All Freight and Cartage will be at Expca: le Seguros.
of the Cacao Co operation SUCURSAL DE TURRIALBA SERA ESTABLECIDA EN EL HOSPITAL DE LA CIUDAD RAUL VÉLAZQUEZ Manager crews soners. SER Notice Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

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