
The Season of Cheer and Good will is with us CACAO SAY IT WITH LOVING WORDS WRITTEN ON BEAUTIFUL CHRISTMAS CARDS The Cacao Farmer Friend WE ALWAYS buy Cacao Happy Landing offers a specially prepared variety at reasonable prices RAICILLA. IPECACUANA BUY TODAY. TOMORROW MAY BE TOO LATE, DONT DELAY.
RUBBER BUTLER Proprietress.
We are Agents for TU ON THE RUSSIAN BATTLE FRONTS THE RUBBER DEVELOPMENT CORP. OF THE GOYI After a truca of several tack the Russians have also oc OFFICES: LIMON. SAN JOSE weeks, the Soviet forces yos. cupied the Island of Csepel lo terday resumed their offensi cated in the center of the Ri.
ve against the German defen er Danube south of Budapest ces in Czechoslovakia and Fighting or a most intense captured several important po. gress in the Baltic area where sitions and took threz thous character is reported in po. OUT GOING SIXTH GRADE PUPILS FETED AN INFANT SOUL and prisoners.
gress in the Baltic area where Saturday the 18th. instant, ol Board, was identified with Despatches from the Hun. the Russians have also oc. registered fourteen years RETURNS TO ITS of thy festive Table.
garian front indicate that the their advance to the south if devoted and maternal atten. Many of the lassies, in In GIVER Russians are continuing their the Island of Saare with the ton extended the girls who, dian costumes, commended advance toward the important object of annihilaring the one from time to time, have been admiration. They imitated the railway center of Matvan, io my soldiers still in that area associated with the Yglesias aboriginal Indian dances. The Mr. and Mrs. Gladston Ma cated forty kilometers from School in this city, by our musical strain were furnished son, children and other relati Tokay and that they are also Moscow yesterday officially highly regarded Miss Olymp a by the Lebert Brown Staale ves, are now bereft of their thieatening Miskole, which announced that the Soviet Re Trejos, the Directress on this Orchestra. It was a very pleo dear little daughter and rela lies north of Miskole. which jublic of Estonia had been date, coincidentally, Miss o sing ceremony interwoven with tive, the seven year old Nor lies north of Budapest. As the completely freed of the Gerlympia, assisted by several of wholesome mirth.
ma, who departed this lifi fost result of a surprise attack mans.
the teachers and the scholars SATIRLAYA Monday morning obter what, is of the fifth grale, splendidly said, to have been a very sud.
feted those of the out going den illness.
SALOMON CHIN The funeral service was con The occasion was graced LA IBERIA ducted by Major Lynch of the SHIP OF PRAYER with the presence of don Gon Salvation Army. An apprecia zalo Cordero, Inspector of Estrada ble number of mournats and The Society of the Apost. rious growth of the Society, Schools Di Angelica Arrozola Precios Económicos sympathisters attended. We leship of Urayer, which had its which springing from an insig and others.
tender our sincere condolerke start on the 3rd. day 5f De nificant seed, has developed in others. The setting included a to the bereaved ones.
cember in the year 1844, the to so huge a tree with its bran rich repast, and Mr. Alian Feast of St. Francis Xavier, ches spread throughout the Hylton, amember of the Scho Patron of Catholic Missions, bength and breadth of the ci Stand by us lest we fali support us with your uniteo will celebrate its contennialvilized world, that it now ca FOR MEN strength Eat, and drink, day and night at LA MAGNOLI Jubilee on he 3rd, of Decem. rries a membership of Dixon little plaee West of the city Market.
ber proximo.
than twenty two milion peo. Felt and Straw Hats.
This Jubilee secs the glo. ple.
Shirts and Underwear FOR THE HOUSE VIVES It has been announced that THE LATEST, CHEAPEST MISCELLANEOUS the Vicariate of Limion will ce AND BEST ORANGE SPUNGE CAKE at a time, becting well otter Bebrate the anniversary in til Do your shopping at each addition. Beat in sugar ADVERTISEMENTS solemnity. THE PEOPLE HOUSE eggs, V4 teaspoon cream gradually. Remove egg bea.
of tartar, cup sugar, grated ter. Add grated in and oran. THOMPSON SUPPLY PLANNING RECONSTRUCTION OF ENGLISH rind of one orange, 3 cup ge juice. Fold fiour, sified AND WORKSHOP orange juice, 4 cups pastry with baking powder an salt.
CHURCHES flour, 12 teaspoons Royal Ba Bake in thre: ungreased Everything in the mechani king Powder, teaspoon sait inch layer cake pans in mode cal line cane be made, re Fourteer thousand Church With regard to the Coven Separate eggs, beat egg rate oven at 325 about 20 paired or supplied Assort, building were destroyed or da trg Cathedral, it has ben re whites with cream of tartar minutes. Spread orange cream ments of Beds, Springs and maged by enemy action in En leased that the new plans not until stiff. Add egg yolk ona tiling between layers other useful equipment. gland prior to the flying bomb only include the rebuliding or Building.
JUA attacks. It is stated the gover the Anglican editice, but also nment hopes fo defray the ac the erection around of com NO 89 Fifth Avenue toward tual cost of re. erecting the bined headquarters for the BROWNE ABRAHAMS the Municipal Bath. necessary st uctures, the va Anglican and Free. Churches Agentes RANT AND CRAWFORD nuus denominations corcer in their work for education, NEW HARLEM BAR ned seing to the furnishing housing and other social pro Venta de Mercaderías. Depósito de Azúcar AND RESTUARANT and equipping. It is, however, blems, all which will, it is ex understood that certain of the pected, be pursued vigorously First Aid Anticeptic. Alkaline Tablets Spens Day and Nigth. Clean ruins will be scrapped and the on a joint basis.
MUL EN OL y MA TA RAL ånd Cozy Reservation. Good Churches rebuiit sites This effort at co operation Native and Foreign Liquors which will prove of greater between the Churches is said Frente Unidad Sanitaria and experienced Mixers usefulness to new centers of to be making steady progress Building. population.
throughout England.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica. 10 more CO 1S.
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