
22 AM potom NOTICE CLOSING PROGRAMME OF SECONDARY ed in the office of the com ROIG Saturday, 25th November 1944 ATLANTIC VOICE Page 11 23 MOVE IN THE INTEREST OF OUR BANANA INDUSTRY THE PIONEER CABINET AND GENERAL When faith is justified by for the securing of same, pro ther assurance that so soon CARPENTER SHOP OF THIS CITY events, there is reason to be grofers will be able to supply. as conditions worrint a Fund lieve widespread enthusiasm The Company is reported o will be created and paid out EVERYTHING BEAUTIFULLY AND STRONGLY will result. This has been evi be willing to grant financial by the Company in addition is BUILT FOR denced by the coming tage assistance to cultivators why the purchase price of Fifty their of an appreciable numo are members of the Arlantic Cents. This asset would be HOME AND OFFICE er of our promirant Banano Banana Growers Association turned over the Board of Producers, in complete co. ope in order to enable their effecy for the purpose mentioned High grade Shellac Polish with a mirror finish specialized in ration with the laudable in ting, improyemetits to the The Association has arro the design and construction of Coffins.
dust al programme of the plantations or to ests sh unced that another meeting Central American Banana Co new cultivations. Mr. Ehrman will be convened on Tuetta 4th. Street. Entrance to Gamez Ltd. under the management is also said to have givět fur night December the 57h.
Lumber Yard.
of the very amicable and ge. 3d arw nial Mr. Chandler Ehrman Several of these interested Charges Reasonable Precios Módicos SYDNEY BECKFORD. Propietor 220 agriculturists are convinced that the best results will be obtained by group initiative, giá ban3 18 ence a meeting was conven.
Address all your Engloga Para todos sus trabajos ineering Requirement to de ingeniria dirijase a pany in this city on the night COMPLIMENTARY SCHOOL of the fourteenth instant when the ATLANTIC BANANA BOX 923. TELEFONOS 5319, 3201, or 25 GROWERS ASSOCIATION hod 10. MSAN JOSE marvellous demonstro tingly. They camed warm pla its birth. Among the cultivation of effective preparation, udits. Miss Joy Murdock pro tors present were Mesrs Stan one carrying the weightiest ve da budding musical talert ley Hill, Charles Rose Ja.
importance in the lives of with her piano selection en mes Stanisted of Matina. Oli our youths, came to view last titled Goodbyo to Maples. ver Mcintosh and AGAIN RECOMMENDED Norman Sunday evening in the Re. Her effort was crowned with Piummer of Siquirres, Samuel creation Hall of the General cheers. The chorus, Cincois Wolf of 28 Miles, Fedrick Gi The Conference held re measures. It has been urged Tomás Guardia School in the da. was next rendered by the vans, Antonio Alvarez, Eusta cently in the United States that the use of this system ity, on the occasion of the school. Miss Mirzi Grau effec ce Binns and Kelvin Jannson of America, on matters con in world wide commercial resentation of the closing protively recited Serenata de lof Estrada, Uelis Henry of e nected with international and other transactions would se some of th: Complimente. Schrubert. The school was Bananito region and Accmmerce, is said to have eliminate the many difficul ry School. The exercises pre again heard with the. chorus Mason of Old Harbour discussed and recommended ties now experienced besented were of rare intellec Good Night. Miss Alia Sar The primary aims and ob the universal use of the me cause of the different systual worth kis cloquently delivered the jects of the Association will tric system for wieghts and tem encountered in interWith Miss Clarito Canichia poem The Prisenss is sad be directed ward the impro national trading.
Zulani presiding at the piano, The audience was greatly emo vement of the production of the National Anthem of Cos. tionized with the presentation the Banana, its marketing on Folk of the city, Lines and Coast! Without your support ta Rica penetratingly of the dance number Leda. der conditions which will hest we shall be knocked out. Please support us. eat and drinks chanted, while one eye could the words of which were writ serve the interests of the cui at LA MAGNOLIA. ixon little place West of the city not escape the Republic illus ten by doña Luz Chaves, the tivators, the stabilization of Market.
trious Emblem sa significantly drawing teacher of the Boys the price of the fruit and the placed in the platform ador School and the music set by sacuring of some guarantee nment. The following were the Prof. don Daniel Zúñiga. In in order to proceed with new WEEKLY SAILINGS entertaining items.
his dual capacity as ths Delo cultivations.
So, 022A my Opening Remarks, woechily gate of the Minister of Educa The meeting went on re.
delivered by doño Lia Madri. tion and President of the Ad cord that the Central Ameri.
From LIMON to CAHUITA OLD HARgal de Montero, the Directress ministrative Committee, don can Banana Compony is ready BOUR. CCLORADO BAR PANAMA ri of the School. dramatiza. Carlos Mora Aguilar stirred to conclude contracts for the ACCEPTING PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT tion by several lessies in fairy his licteners with his very ap purchasing of the fruit and For particulars, see or communicate with like gowns followed eachan propriate address.
the issuing of weekly noticos BRYAN BARRIENTOS, Agents di Ylavon Post Office Box 144 or at their Office on the lower floor of Pension Caribe in front of Park Vargas. COMFORTABLE AND RAPID SAILINGS CAN BE RELIED ON UNIVERSAL USE OF METRIC SYSTEM was Limón Trading Company THE DESTRUCTION OF THE YON TIRPI Raicilla de Ipecacuaná 39 way. Inown flight of about 400 ntiles Among the German hit and run sea and successfully sank the riders, the Von Tirpitz 45. 000 ton pride of the held out the longest, we German navy in a Norwe.
think, the hide and seek gian harbour. The eredil for giams. However, the pilots the deed belongs, it is stat.
of the Royal Air Force were ed, to units of the Lancaster resolved on its déstaruction, Squadron. The crew of the so they recently effected a ship consisted, it is believed. 000 oficers and men.
Compra a los MEJORES PRECIOS HULE infalible Cacao, Cocos y Copra.
para lavar, es el Jabón SAN LUIS. NO LO OLVIDE den ministerio de Cultura y Juventua, Costa Rica.


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