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Page 12 ATLANTIC VOICE DAGS3 10. Saturday 25th. November 194 SUMMITATITIR BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN liallantry that all of them have to do 600 youths have been trained the first priority.
war against Japan. Now th their share. for this work and more vo. Many schools in France ho. re are member of th of a French Negro lunteers are now undergoing ve reopened, each trying to WRNS in seventeen Navi DEFENSE WORKS instruction overcome its own particular shore establishments includ One of the most recent They have doubled theor The corps wears khaki uni difficulties, saucwiching clasing Naval Air Stations storpries of the bravery of the timber production. With the form, with the RAF Albatros ses together, a ranging for India, Ceylon and East Af: Negro sold er in the European enthusiasm they have turned on the shoulders, and a bush text books to be shared, and ca.
theatre was reported recently their energies to the pressing hat. Training included a impressing on parents the ur.
by Roi Ontley, the noted Ne needs of the moment, and three weeks course in foot, gent necessity that their chil Their number is creasi gro author, in a radi taik heve built no less tham thirty drill. RAF discipline and ge dren should come back to steadily and it is a sign from London. He said that airfields, besides constructing neral police duties. Selected school.
the in portance of the prior to the capture o the a large number of camps for trainees are now learning to Capitan, who is in char work there that such as French port of Cherbourg by the use of the tin mines and drive in convoy.
ge of education sent a messa nior oficer as Miss the Allies, only one claredeiofields increased, they had ge to the children at the begin Goodenough, B E, show!
man lived in that city. He was to be propenters. They buil: IN FRIENDSHIP SECURE ning of the Michaelmas term have been appointed Supe a young fighter from the Is. store houses, too, and carried Returning to your schools to intendent WRNS on ti land of Martinique, in the out defense works of all des The war has encouraged us day. he said, you can walk staff of Admrial Sir Bru West Incies, a member of the criptions.
The increasing to make friends, not only of with your heads held high be. Fraser, Commander in Cho crew of a French destroyer. needs for transport meant nations but of our immediate cause you are chil tre of a Bastern Fleet, to supervi When Dunkirk was exccua that ships, lorries and rail free country. Learn from your the welfare of Wrens in ted, this young Negr) was way. vans had to be forthco Partial differences have been to climb from the abyss into neighbours teachers how France was able East.
among those captured by the ming in large numbers forgotten in the face of parti which she fel! four years ago. Many Franches Germans. He was Cofined DOG cular danger. We have nee Lift your thoughts to in a concentrtinn camp for PILOT MILL those GE two years and underwent al.
ded and beenthankful for the who gave their lives for their 3922 Over thirty categories most inhuman treatment. In The gonvernment gave all friendships which have hel.
assist country.
WRNS ratings serve wis order to increase nis chances the help in its power. saw ped us to secure and assist the Eastern Fleet, rangir for escape, he teigned insani mill, because it was meant to each other in the difficult In Belgiurn, jules Hoste, from the teleprinter oper ty, and completely deceived his pilot others into a business phases through which we ha Under Secretary of State for tors, coders, wireless tei captors. They reieased him and that can expect a good mar.
ve passed.
Education, said in a broad graphists, and visual sign permitted him to go about ket after the war. As the The result of this common cast over Radio Brussels that llers keeping open the line Cherbourg unr; ested, belia main concern has always amity of nations and peoples if Belgian scannis coul re of communication, to ving him a harmless idiot.
been to supply the needs of can be seen in the successes open their donna in a free clerks, pay writers and scHaving gaine. his freedom, home consumption and to rai of the Allied armies. Let us country, it was in great part ly assistants dealing with the crai ty young man joined se the standard of living ge learn from our triumphs in due to the effort of the Brit. sailors necessities, the the French underground rove nerally, there will be many war that gift of friendship ish people, and their fight ters from home, pay, fou ment. When the Allied armies new demands in the future.
is equally necessary in peace against the coming enemy and clothing, to the rad drew near to Cherbourg, he Those who walk on plain He told them that British edu mechanics, repairing arte great deal of timber will made his way through the Gerbe necessary for new housing ground need not lend each cation pays great attention to testing in flight and rad man lines to the Amer can li.
nes and led detachments of projets. More wood wii be rebther a hand; but tose who the formation of character and equipment of naval aircraf wold reach the mountain that Belgian eduction should cinema operators, plotte Americans to the rear of vi.
quired for agricultural impie and a host of others. WRI tal enemy positius and help.
ments and for making furni peaks must be roped together not neglect this aspect climb more securely. If we of Our first task. he con officers are engaged in ture.
ed capture them.
the United Nations wouid cluded, will be to wipe outdozen different branches With a rifle which he took Now that Britain has tem work, from a dead German, this porarily lost the Far Eastern reach the summit from which from our education the lies specialised man, whom the Nazis belie. rubber plantations to the Ja We shall gain a clear prospect which the enarny has tried to them Fleet Mail, Signal Secretarial and Torpedo ved to be an idiot, kilele panese, West Africa realizes of peace, we must, then too, introduce.
be roped together by unbrea ven nemy soldiers during the the importance of the deve Students Deported fight at Cherburg and per.
lopment of her own rubber kable bonds of friendship.
As far as possible, life fo sonally captured one hundrec production. Trained African Miscefforis tuided the anessin amonstractors are touring Ni Europe Children back tion is slightly different. Many that in the WARNS at hon is. locating weak spors in the geria advising the people on to school would be students have been They live in Quarters ai Cherbourg defenses, the best and most efficient deported to Germarıy others. there are similar off du.
methods of rubber collecting feel that their services are of activities, cricket, hocke When the Allier! tanks and Nigeria will help to Already output has increased lorries move forward, and their more value initie Armed For swimming, sailing, picnic from nil to 000 tons, repair Blitz damage rumbling dies away in the dis ces. The shortage of profes parties, lectures, debate sors and tutors is even more but in he two and a hi tance the liberated peoples 500 Ceylon boys helping have have innumerable pro acute than in the schools, and years that these Wre The people ob Nigeria STOC in many cases, libraries have spend overseas blems to face. Not the leasi been ransacked and apparatus other lands, they have come the RAF forward to pay Gಳ.
of these is education they own particular tribite FORCE 100 31 either destroyed or taken away with other customs, as to the steadfastness and cou Young admirers of the to Germany Shortage of Text Books spend happy leaves in rage of the people of Lon. RAF in Ceylon are taking o hills with British residen However the authorities in don during air raids. They ver important duties from who with outstanding hos In many cases they kept both France and Belgium in.
have offered to contribute to airmen in the island.
qality welcome them in the restoration of the Guild force of more than 600 their children away from scho. tend to re open the Universi their homes.
hadl, by furnishing and pa. Ceylonese youths, has been of because they did not like ties as soon as possible, mak.
inelling a small room in Ni trained in special police du the new order curriculum, ing necessary repairs, cnd im Unique Opportunities gerian timbers.
ties. They and many children have been provements in preparation are guarding Timber mainly mahogany camps and airfields, carryng There is a marked short. ge away for months or even years.
It is not surprising that and walnut has always ount sabotage work and re of teachers, and the been one of the main expats lieving airmen for other dur Nazis Wrens help to fight the addition to the Wrens ov suppressed many text toks twenty one who are liab from West Africa. The in. ties: ELEVEN because they were contrary to Japs for Service overseas, the crease in Nigeria timber tra their doctrines. There is nei are many younger girls w!
de since the war is one of KHAKI UNIFORM ther labour nor material Wherever the Navy has ivolunteer to serve abroa the outstanding examples of 90 reprint them.
shore bases, the Navy needs for with the WRNS th what Lord Swinton, formeriy senior RAF officer had But, despite these problems, its Wrens. For more than have the opportunity whic Minister Resident in West the idea of forming this corps the Belgian Govermert and tthree and a half years the comes to comparatively fe frica, meant by saying Efronm Ceylonese boys who the French Committee of No. re have been WRNS officers British girls of experiencis yerywhere Africans feel dee wished to help the RAF. În tional Liberation are determi and ratings overseas, work for themselves the fasein ply that this is their war, and just over a year more than ned to make this job on offing with the Navy in the tion of the clourful East.
SIC amor sessor.
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