
THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK ATLANTIC VOICE arents WIKI STAV to true friend unbosoms freely, advises justly, assists readily adventures boldly. takes Editor: JOS THOMAS BOX 199 all patiently, defends courageously and contiYEAR LIMON. DECEMBER 2nd 1944 NO 447 nues a friend unchangeably FEROCIOUS FIGHTING ON BATTLE FRONTS OF WESTERN EUROPE AGAIN THE QUESTION OF NATIONALIZATION Troops of the Third Ar Central battle area, are re. the Saar territory which ena DOSSICO gand Repeatedly have we called the attention of 1! young my commanded by General ported to have effected an bled them to reach certain Pattori, operating in the appreciable advance over important points of thel pecple of colour, born in this Republic of alicu to the fact that it is nothing short of fallacy, au l wind WDR main Siegfried Line. This su iwhich will blow no goor for either themselves of their MOSCOW REPORTS FURTHER SUCCESSES ccess directly threatens the principai cities of the Saar.
loffspring, for their failure to secure full national status Present day Reforms and political activi The First French Army as move.
From Moscow comes the kilometers southwest of Bu also the Seventh American a pace. An Executive Decree, recently released. Xians, to fannouncement that the Sodapest. Other important po are believed to have surroun every one, born in this country. of foreign paro us, the viet troops, operating in the sitions north of the city ha ded fifty thousand Germans option securing their national status befor the weniy south of Hungary, have cro, ve also been occupied. The in the area between Mulhou first birth anniversary. It will be extremely difficult to ssed the Danube south of se new gains are facitating se and Belfort; while troops obtain this franchise after entering the state of onboad.
Budapest and established the Russians in their move of the First and Ninth Ame or womanhood. oing 0163 a bridge head ninety miles ment toward Vienna.
rican Armies have made fur We would emphasize the point that the child börn of long ant twenty five deep.
ther the progress along aliens, who had not been naturalized Costarric. does They are also said to have Late advices announce ad Roer river. The enemy out automatically secure national atatus, according to the captured the important coal dition Soviet successes in troops have been driven laws of the Republic enti a center of Pecs, located 10 Zhecslovakia.
from the district of Hurt Our youths should identify themselves with 15 gen, after a three days ba did democratic Constitution of Costa Rica and it by be ALLIED PARACHUTISTS BEHIND SIEGFRIED tie. Kleinhau and Koslar come qualified to seize any opportunity wh ch ari have also been taken.
We see no reason whatever for their continued FESTE LINE nation. We understand a well known ley, talon this Unit ofthe RAF. attack city, has expressed his willingnes to place the necesary Information coming from road communication with led two German strongholds solicitations before the proper Authorities for a are e the battle fronts in Germa the batle fronts of the Nazi in Geisteren jand Broeken, charge Once again we urge all concerned to act whi there ny disclose that Allied pa defence systems.
in the Mass sector, north of is time. OLYES rachutists have descended Venlo.
behind the Siegfried Line, Not a single train has been on the eastern margin orable, the report states, The Germans are said to the River Rhine, and have that the tidings taken to the be ceding territory in the succeeded in blocking all rail the Province of Baden.
sector beyond Aquisgran, in the vicinity of the River THE WAR WITH JAPAN Roer. They are also report.
ed to be using their best re The Flying Forbes of the North American air units, serves to replace the 100, 009 North American air fleet thirteer enemy ships, loa casualties they suffered is: killed, wounded and priso: continue their atacks of Jaded with troops to reinforce pan Capital Tokyo those on the Island of Leyners during the first three weeks of the Allied offensi with devastating effect. te, were last Wednesday sent ve along a frontage of 464 True stacks were effected to the botomimit etheoce ocean, kilometers, running over a estimated loss of from to Wednesday last. Large 5, 000 nren.
Holland to the frontier of Switzerland quantities of incendary During a period of ninety In various sectors the Na bombs were discharged over days the fleet under various important militar mland of Admiral Halsey ha zis are ferociously counter 20 year old Sepoy Kamal Ram 8th. Pujab regi.
ар: ment, who si the ftest Sepoy to be awariked the he his also and industrial zones causing ve destroyed 446 Japanese attacking but without the first member of the Indian Army to receive a in the a number of conflagrations planes sunk sixty two ships preciable results.
Italian theatre.
and much damage. None of of war and 378 merchant More than 1, 250 the attacking planes have, so vessels.
North total of seven American bombers fais been reported lost.
attach enemy ed railroads in the fighting convoys, consisting of report from General 103, 750 tons of transports areas as also several petro leum refineries with MacArthur Headquarters, and 18 escort shpis have disas lated las Wednesday, states been destroyed with an ag trous effects.
300 UN What as a result of attack by Igregato loss of 27. 000 men.
To Members of Cacao Cooperation (Mixta)
a Our Prices for the following Products are THEATRE ARRASTY MASS CELEBRATED 90. 000 35 CACAO, per quintal 42. 00 Colones The Season of Cheer and Good will is Our very good citizens Mr.
DO with us and Mrs. Einest Cecil Lewis, COCOANUT PITH, per quintal 55 00 Colones SAY IT WITH LOVING WORDS Proprietors of the Hotel His IS US pano America in this city, we WRITTEN ON BEAUTIFUL re pleasingly mindful to invi COCOANUTS, per hundred. 24. 00 Clones CHRISTMAS CARDS te the general public 08 3893 Happy Landing offers a specially unite with them in divine HULE, per quintal 145. 00 Colones worship in the Cathedral on 313 prepared variety at reasonable prices the occasion of the North BUY TODAY. TOMORROW MAY BE American Thanksgiving All Freight and Cartage will be at 5:penze TOO LATE, DONT DELAY.
of the acao Co operation Day, Thursday, nine days ago. Tre Revs. Frś. Johni BUTLER and Hubert officiated and RAUL VELAZQUEZ Proprietress, the Mask was of marked so Manager lemnity.
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