
Página ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday 2nd. December 1944.
PH HOLY BAPTISM ADMINISTERED THE DAMAGE CAUSED BY THE JAMAICA AUGUST STORM IN FOND AND LOVNG MEMORY of our dear GWENDOLINE GRANT DE PRICE December 2nd. 1942 Today, ihe second of December 1944 stils anew the agony of our beloved daughter and sister whose memory we ever cherish, was separated fron our cares and caresses by the Grim Reaper.
In the communion of saints, In wisdom safety and delight, sound of the Angels comes to us That the soul or our dear Gwendoline.
Is with the Lord.
Dougal Grant and Wifs. Mother, Roel Grant. Mrs. Edith Grant de Nasymth, Brother, Sister MEMORY IS EVER FRESH Like an envergreen plant is the freshness of my memory for my beloved husband The Sacrament of Baptism Mr. Stanley Wade.
vas administered by the After the ceremony at the formation then to hand reRex Evans in the si. Church, the Sponsors and a gaiding the serious damage a storm had effected in the Mark last Sunday, on the relew other guests participate cent gift to Mr. and Mrs. in va Repast at the residence Island of Jamaica, during Earnold Roper. The babe of Mrs. Blake, the infant the month of August last, has been named Arlene Gret grandmother. We add the and have patiently waited chen Shc was presented by prayer that the Grace and to see if any individual tné Misses Lucille Gouldbour Blessing of God may be bės organization would have ta ken the initiative, from ne and Carmen Grant and towed on her.
charitable and humanitarian 090000e co21900 0000000 நeasaana viewpont, to get together so FOR SALE FOR SALE mle finanđial assistance for our sutfering brethren in GOOD BREED HAND FED PIGS the Isle of Springs also As we believe the real MEMORY IS EVER FRESH extent of the damage and Wingfield Farm, 12 Miles (Swamp Mouth) sufferings is not yet gene: ra ly knowr. we quote the RICE DAWN following from a press re lease.
DAVID STEWARD Proprietor BOMOCO09 0000000000000000000000006 The Jamaica August storm has rendu ed 25, 000 PLEASING REUNION persons homeless and with damages in the vicinity of Mrs. Iris Mc Phun and her ma for many years. She is four million pounds. At homestead are enjoying the accompanied by Miss Cleo least, three thousand buil reunion of her sister, Mrs. McFarlane. The At antic Voi ding were either completº Florence Ashley, who has ce extends them a sincerely destroyed or seriously dabeen residing in the neigh with the hope they wili maged by the hurricane bouring Republic of Pana richly enjoy their visit. which swept over the north eastern and north eentral portions of the island.
for Seeing has been stated that thou ONLY TWENTY NINE Mr. Donest Barley and his sands of the sufferers are churches DAYS DISTANT Riversiders are busy rehear yet crowded in sing special new numbers schoolroom in Port Marla is As time peeds on, it for the rear Farewell func said to be the Balm in Gi would be wise for the invi tion.
lead for four hundred per tees to the Messrs. Crawford sons, who lost all they pes Cole Party, slated for the af JOSE ACHIONG NG.
sessed in the stricken arens ternoon of the 31st. instant, Our special purpose for in the Hall of the Universal Comerciante detallista this le is the hops that Negro Improvement Asso Licores, Abarrotes, Cristale. some human eart may be tos ciation, to early effect their ría, Materiales de Ferrete. ched and a mive underta preparations in order that ria y Eléctricos, todo se en ken to organize the Relief they may not be found wan cuentra en este which we understand ting when the time arrives establecimiento. still ungently needed GEORGE WILLIAMS who departed this life or the 2nd. December 1936 Today brings the eigth sad anniversady of his death Eight years ago you went from me, Profund has been the yent in my heart.
Fo the loss of ons whom so dearly loved.
None was so dear, so loving true to me But Faith sweetly whispers bear your Cross.
SUSANA IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of our Grand mother MRS. MARIAN MEIGHAN (Mammie)
who departed this life December 1st. 1942. cerce we loved is stilled, place is vacant in our home Which never can be filled.
Loving hearts will always linger Arcund the grave where you are iaid.
Mrs. Leonicia Byfield and Children, Mrs.
Blandina Mitchell and Daughter, Miss Aurelita Casova, Mr Stanley Blake and wife, and other elatives.
Limón Trading Company IN MEMORIAM In never fading remembrance of our darling Mother PAY THE BEST PRICES FOR ELIZA COTTMAN who was summoned into the land where stravigers go and without returm on November 25th. 1943 While here we linger with sin oppressed You are gome to rist, but not forever.
We know you are free from sin and suffering And we shall meet on that glorious Morn.
Dried Ipecac Root Cocoa, Coconuls and Copra RUBBER Nathaniel Matheson and other Children it be DE UNITACH REMEMBER BROWNE ABRAHAMS Agentes Venta de Mercaderías. Depósito de Azúcar First Aid Antiteptic Alkaline Tablets MUL EN O! y MA TA RAL WE PAY THE BEST PRICES Frente Unidad Sanitaria Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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