
CONSTITUTION NEEDED IN EVERY HOME FOR Mujrai, Party have nominated Burns, Cuts, Insect Bites, etc.
MISSIONARY SERVI Once again has the old and Mr. Vivian Durham and the Also splendid as Cargle, Mouthwash wise saying it is never too Democratic Party the Rey.
and Dentrifice.
CES AND MEETING late for a shower of rain McLaughlin and Messrs IS GREASELESS, FREE OF SMELL AND been manifested. After year Gerald Mair, Lewis Kelly PLEASANT OF TASTE.
of agigated discussions, Self and Russell, and The annual Missionary Ser fos vices of the City Baptists government in the Island of Central Kingston, Mr.
will be in evidence Jamaica is now a reality The Glasspole. Mr. N4 Ne.
tomo MA. TA. RAL new rrow, Sunday the 3rd.
political constitution thersole has been named for at ALKALINE TABLETS the hours of 11 in the fore was recently approved at a Central St Andrew, Counci session of the Island Legisllor Mary Knibb for the noon, the afternoon and good for gases on the stomach, headaches, Muscular pains, lative Council.
Eastern, and Coruncillor in the evening. The Rev.
minoz colds, neuralgia, etc. Splendid after Fordthe Pastor of the Subctantial changes, lead Evans for the Western EXCESSIVE DRINKING OF LIQUORS Denomination, will sam?
ing toward full self govern constituencies of the officia SAN JOSE te.
ment, will shortly be effent parish. Dr. Fagan, Me TO GET YOU SOBER. Very effective, try it.
The discourses on Missions ed, we gather. Among these Alex Bustamante and Mr.
AGENTS AND DISTRIBUTORS are fixed for the folowing will be a Lower House or Newland are nomi: PAN AMERICAN AGENCIES, A. Monday night. Several welili Representative Body elect nees for the Labour Party.
known guest speakers will ped by universal suffrage, The Worker Radical Parts and an Executive participate, we understand.
Councii and Radical Union have se.
and wishers MAGNANIMOUS the customary hearty welco the whole, for the start of lawny in supporting Mr.
The new set up provides, on vision of the Parish of Tre GIFT me.
a Ministerial System Luther Stellman; Westmore According to a release by did act, we further gather will be carried out An electoral campaign land has named Mr.
under the San Jose Press, We note that the Company have con the direction of the Minister in the House of Represen Bloomfield and Jo for the personnel to function Segre; Manchester Messrs with the profoundest grattributed the sum of fifty of Labour.
fi tion that the United thousand colones toward the We wholeheartedly, add tatives is reported proceed sephs; St. Ann Mr. Martin Fruit Company in keeping expenses which must be met our thanks and gratitude in ing with fervent tensity. Rennie; St. Mary Mr.
with their well known mag in comection with the la those already tendered the Mr. Manley, Among the candidates areR binson and Clarendon hanimity, and interest in bour of cultivation, whica Officials of the Company.
Barris Labour Party Mr. Atkin all matters which tend ter at Law, for the People son. The Reys. Mitchell, the well being of our peo National Party Mr. Headmaster of Mannings ple, have placed the very Foster for the Democratic School, and Meally as appreciable area of five hun Party for the Central Con3 well as Messrs. Phi dred and fifty hectareas of SENOR GANADERO: tituency of Kingston For lip and Ramsay Yatës are ai their good, arable lands at Eastern Kingston, the Lib so in the Race.
the disposal of the govern ment with the view of as PARA MANTENER SUS ANIMALES SANOS sisting the eforts under way Stand by us lest we fall support us with your unitei to augment the Republic strength Eat, and drink, day and night at LA MAGNOLIA general food production.
Dixon little place West of the city Market. slab ACT AND GENEROUS of the Baptist ware is readed and moninated members candidate. The northern a No se deje engañar FRESCOSAL It is started thia three hun der hectareas of the lands are located on the farm Ger mania in the Old Line region of this Province; the other two hundeed and fifty being in the Parrita area of th Pacific.
In addition to this spien NEXT TUESDAY EVENING DRAMA VICTORY o PARA SUS GANADOS SALUD Caribbean Packing Co.
CACAO The pendulum of time, outstanding perfomances, swings toward the Drama there is every assurance tha Victory to be portrayed in all who attend the function the Methodist Church, in will be amply compensated this city on the evening of for their suport.
Tuesday the 5th: instant.
As rehearsals are procee ding behnd scaled doors we MISCELLANEOUS are unable to offer any hints but judging from former ADVERTISEMENTS FROM SIQUIRRES THOMPSON SUPPLY AND WORKSHOP Voice from Siquirres has released the information Everything in the mechani that among the Yuletidecal line cane be made, re special features will be ma paired or supplied Assortriage of two of the townments of Beds, Springs and shop prominent young perl other useful equipment.
sons. The happy event will Building be solemnized in the St. Ma ry Anglican Church, and NO 89 Fifth Avenue toward will, we understand, be atten the Municipal Bath. ded by many of our citizens GRANT AND CRAWFORL It has also been bention NEW HARLEM BAR led that our very good AND RESTUARANT The Cacao Farmer Friend WE ALWAYS buy Cacao RAICILLA. IPECACUANA RUBBER We are Agents for THE RUBBER DEVELOPMENT CORP. OF THE GOVI triends, the Bethany Sisters OFFICES: LIMON. SAN JOSE will give a dance, on Christ (Opens Day and Nigth. Clean mas night, in the Hall of and Cozy Reservation. Good the Anglican Missions, when Native and Foreign Liquors our city will be again appre, and experienced Mixers ciably represented. Building, Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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