
Page 10 ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, 2nd December 1944.
THE APPROACHINGULA SEDES RALLY 44 infalible para lavar, es el Jabón SAN LUIS arscrupur Arsen LA SALUD DE LOS ANIMALES. is relying on the frater American Society of Massa Maguichusetts Council of The Hall of the Loyal Phoenix Lodge, situated in front of the Costa Rica Soda Water Factory, will ring with meriment and eloquence on the night of Friday the 15th. instant, when the mem bers of the Scotch Lily Lod se of the Independent Uni BUSINESSMEN STUDY INTER AMERICAN ge.
ted Order of Scotish Mecha nics will present their Rally, TRADE based on the careers of so me of the outstanding past WASHINGTON, In anti, Club of Boston, Associated and present Kings and cipation of approaching re Industries of Massachussets Queens.
sumption of normal trade Boston Chamber of Commer It is understood that herexations with the other ce, Injustrial Committee of management Lod. Pan New. nal cothose chusetts is offering a train tail Merchants, New who have been asked to ing course in Latin Amerigland Associatio of Com deliver the orations. These can business relations by ba mercial executives, New En NEW SOCIAL GROUP LAUNCHED representatives, it has been sinessmen for businessmen. gland Lxport Club, Boston further mentioned, will not Inter American Centers in Retail Thade Board, Boston We welcome the newly siders furnished the merry be required to solicit funds nine other United States ci Maritime Association, Worformed social Group who hits.
bear the prior to on the night of ties also have undertaken cester Chamber of Commer name The Ca a The implanters of the the function. They will on special programs aimed at ce.
Blanca Boys. They and Group are Mr. Albertly have to deliver their re developing a filler unders The course, which is un.
their invited guests occupied Evans, Founder; Messrs. pective addresses, the footlights last Sunday af Crawford, Arnold Grant, Os tanding of inter American der the general direction of economic relations, with par Dr. Anton de Haas, Pro ternoon in the Hall of the wald Brown and Ferdi Gould ticular reference to Universal Negro Improve bourne his Associates. We CON ROMPE MANZANAS FUE long. fessor of International Rela ment Association. The River wish the effort long life and ATACADA ANOCHE KARLS range economic develop tionships. Harvard Universi RHUE ment.
much prosperity.
ty, covers the following sub In its announcement of the jects: LONDRES, UP. Bombarde AUCTION SALE OF THIRTEEN CHILDREN ros mosquitos de la Real Fuer training course the Pan Ame Background of Trade Re za Aérea golpearon severamente rican Society of Massachu: lations, Economic Geogra anoche a Karlshue, centro del sissetts says: phic Factors in Latin Ameri Under the auspices of the Parish on the evening of temaalemás de abastecimientos We have made a splendid can Development, Transpor en la Rnenania meridional. Los local Salvation Army an en. Tuesday the 5th, instant. inglese arrojaron numerosas stara in building relations, tation Problems and How tertaining Programme, bear Opombas. rompe manzanas. De with Latin America, Wh to Meet Them, Business Pro ing the rather attractive de The Major has hinted Karlsrhue radían las lineas fether these relations will be gedure in Latin American, rreas que aabastecen a las fuer signation Sale of Thirteen that the entertainment will zas alemanas que están batién a source of mutual profit Financial Procedures!
Children will be presented be quite novelty and wor dose con los tercer y sétimo ejér and understanding depends, and Facilities. Sources of in the Hall of the St. Mark thy a capacity audience.
citos Porteamericanos y el pri upon how much we know port and Export Methods mer ejército francés.
about our neighbors. and Facilities. Sources of Cooperating in the spon. Information, Effects of In sorship of the course are. 10dustrialization of Latin Ame SEN outstanding businessmen rican Trade, and Social Or con associations: Advertising ganization and Customs.
Im De Witt Pills quickly relieve CLOSING PROGRAMME BY ALPHA COTTAGE SCHOOL JOINT PAINS Mr. Davidson, Directhe night of Monday the 18 tor of the Alpha Cottage th. instant. We gather the School, has announced that scholars are all fully prepar the closing programme of ed to elaborately entertain the school 1944 term will their parents, guardians and be presented in the Hall of well wishers.
the St. Mark Parish, on THE PIONEER CABINET AND GENERAL CARPENTER SHOP OF THIS CITY Joint pains and backache warn you that your kidneys are out of order.
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SYDNEY BECKFORD. Propietor Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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