
Saturday. 2nd December 1944.
ATLANTIC VOICE Page 11 UZVIZDO 72 su amor Polvos desodorantes NEUTRODOR De venta en todas las boticas THE PATH ACROSS THE HILLS WEEKLY SAILINGS RETENGA From LIMOIJ to CA HUITA. OLD HARIn full harmony were the been ruined and mother sent BOUR CCLORADO BAR PANAMA expressions of thankfulness to an early grave as a result by the Rev. Forde to tho of the evil. Resolute, at for USANDO ACCEPTING PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT se who seemed to had deci. revenge, Post almost caused For particulars, see or communicate with ded, come what may, to at Samuel to climb the rugged BRYAN BARRIEISTOS, Agents tend the Drama The pathhills, but his heart of flint across the Hills, fixed for eventually melted like the Post Office Box 141 or at their Office on the lower floor of portraval in the city Baptist proverbial butter aganist Pension Caribe in Tront of Park Vargas, COMFORTABLE Church on Tuesday night of the sun by the lessons of love AND RAPID SAILINGS CAN BE RELIED ON the week in course. Incessant and forgiveness imparted to showers fell from the dawn him by Gradma Davis, a role of that day and when the shapiously portrayed by Miss FORTH COMING ATLANTIC BANANA daws of evening felly the hea Iris Williams.
Los malos olores ahuyentan el amor GROWERS ASSOCIATION ly laden vapors had no sym In a memory record man Este magnifico absorbente del sudor, evin ta los olores agresivos y las manchas en pathy for the multitudinous ner and side splitting laugh la ropa, porque contiene antisepticos do alta calidad, Su efecto es rápido. Refres The Atlantic Voice learns will effectively aid in resus wishes for a rainless and ter expressions, in addition ca la piel y la mantiene reca y saludabla, sin contrarrestar las secreciones naturales that he tidings taken to the citating the almost defunt moon lit night.
to a cute display of coquertry differem Ipcalities of the industry, a large number of Responding to our social Mrs, Leonie Jackson repreprovince, by those who at cultivators have signified obligation, we directed our sented Zuzu, the servant of XXIS steps to the Church a little the Crawford home.
tended meeting connected their intention of getting in But with the establishment of line with the Association. It afther hour of eight, fully that was not all, for with OUR CONGRATTU the Atlantic Banana Gro li expected a very interest: expecting to note the was a stout heart she went to the wers Association, have been ing time will be evidenced hing out of the entertaiment; great metropolis and retur LATIONS joyously received.
at the Session fixed for the but, lo and behold, we had ned home with her husband night of Tuesday the 5th.
the pleasing privilege of fin Salamander Alexander John On the 4th. December, It is further understood instant in the office of the ding a capacity audience who Henry Jones personified by prior to or on the night of that cousequent on a wides Central American Banana, thoagh surrounded by a chi Mr Canute Stewart, whose Weekly was adorned with pread feeling that the move Company, Ltd.
lly atmosphere were never talks, with a real down South!
the photograph of our young the less warm in spirit and utterance were the back friend, Master Guillermo paying interested attention ground of a sufferer of glos Sinclair, in connection with No loafers waiting room! No gosip station! The ideal place for to the unfolding of the dra sitis to the brilliant manner in yourself and son is Dixons Barber Shop West of the city Marke ma.
BO The ather brilliant perso which he had terminated his The narrative had its marnators who attracted atten. General Tomas Gwardia vellous sectting on an act of tion and were admired were primary education at the bearing another burden Miss Olive Gourzong, as Lu School in this city. Today, VISIT BY FORMER LIMONENSE 14 with inpending danger to one tio, who had unccasingly lo we have the very pleasingeid TA self a deed wonderfully sta ved Walter Cinrod; but who duty of extending him Our former much esteem. goods imported into the Re rred by Mr. Ben Escoe, who left home to take in the big note of congratulation for od citizen. Mr. Richard Rod public.
as Samuel Crawford, placed city lights, and falling the his splendid attainments in gens Lorens, was with us dur she staining of his own cha way of the transgressor was the higher studies he is por ing the earlier days of the It was rather pleasing to racter at stake and endarge rescued by Mr. Post. Dr. Jimsuing at Colege in San Jose. week in course. His visit have had this further visit red his own happiness in mie Reid was Mr. Chas. Gour We sincerely hope he will was associated with the im by our good friend; he was order to save those of his son zong, an most who as an employee of trust. Ruth Conrod, but was snat tional successes which will as Inspector of the Banco Na cordial greetings from pers in a Banking Intitute, had ched away by Tela Gray a not only be of glory to him cional de Seguros Depart sons scattered over the chec committed embezzlement. Sa real society character, splen self, but a credit to his pa ment of Insurance convering kered pavement of our com muel action was also intendidly acted by Miss Vera Girents, our good citizens Mr merchandise and other munity Ife.
ted to protect the names of llings.
and Mrs. Hubert Rodriquez.
his two grandchildren em.
bracingly and talently perso SCHOOL DIRECTOR AND STAFF FURNISHED The prelude brought forth FOR MEN nified by Me, Beatrice Me Mrs. Walker and Mr. Os MERRY HOURS Rae as Ruth Conrod and Mr. car McRae, Mrs. Stewart Felt and Straw Hats.
Victor Gourzong as Walter and Mr. Alfonso Taylor in Shirts and Underwear During the late afternoon, teachers were noted.
Conrod. The injured soul duets, respectively. Mrs. THE LATEST, CHEAPEST AND BEST hours of Thursday the 23rd was Robert Post, amazingly velyn Murdock and Mr. Al.
The youngsters enjoyed cultimo, the Director, don the fastime under the en.
represented by Mr. Alfonso fonso Taylor were also heard Do your shopping at Tristan Brenes, and his Edu chanting melodies of Ithe Taylor, whose father THE PEOPLE HOLSE had as soloists.
cational Staff of the Gene Lebert Brown orchestra.
ral Tomas Guardia School, ANOTHER HAPPY gaye full co operation to the scholars of the Fifth Grade WELL DRESSED MAN OFFERS ANNIVERSARY in their send off party to CHARM SALOMON CHIN the outgoing, Sixth Standard Saturday, eight days ago, boys. The presence of don LA IBERIA HERE IS YOUR MOST UP TO THE MINUTE TAILORING the calendar of time, a wake Gonzalo Cordero, the Inspec ESTABLISHMENT AND CAP DESIGNING AND Estrada 10 FURNISHING HOUSE ned memories of the impressi tor of Schools for this pro ve service conducted by the vince, Miss Olimpia Trejos Precios Económicos THE WELL KNOWN, WELL ESTABLISHED, Rev. James Evans in the the Directress of the Girls WELL EXPERIENCED AND RELIABLE Mark Church, in tribute School, and several of her to our esteemed citizens Mr EXCELSIOR TAILOR and Mrs. Wm. Daysley, on the ocasion of the Pearl Charges Reasonable. Precios Módicos CLIFFORD STEELE anniversary of their marria NOTICE New situated in an improved and conveniente building. We sincerely tender them In going to take the train and in coming from the train our sincere congratulations Address all your Eng Para todos sus trabajos am in your way ineering Requirement to do ingeniría dirijase a for their having been spared COMMERCE AVENUE, NEXT TO THE BRITISH to add another year to the ROIG VICE. CONSULATE AND AIRPLANE BOOKING OFFICCE Pearl. with the hope they BOX 923 TELEFONOS 5819, 3201, or 25 will be granted the pirivile SAN JOSE Selfe of reaching their Ruby.
early admirer of continue to add to his educa portant position he occupies the recipient of the MO ge.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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