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62 4;2007. 10 SS 31826Couran tacto CÀ CHI 33 Page 12 ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday 2nd. December 1944.
BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN Kaasbote Malaria ve a ided widespread sme as ma was same the evacuee one. loys from Australia for Britain Victory over Royal Marines Montgomery Nigeria Helps to restos Children in Britain fight anywhere the Attacker Guildhal!
100 Last May the Germans. new page in the histo Frield Marshal Montgome The Court of More than 70, 000 toys ha retreating to Rome, Comm flood ry of the Royal Marines bas ry recent address to the Council of the Corporatii contributed in res ed the Pontine Marshes. Had been written by the mer men who fought with him ponse to the appeal by the it not been for the prompt who stormed their way asho at Alamin has recalled the ted an offer of the Gover of London gratefullyy acee Lord Mayor of Melbourne action of the British troops, re at Westkapelle under des astounding record of offen ment of Nigewia to conti for Christmas toys for the the result would have been ly sheling for the asault sive successes with this dy bute to the restoration United Kingdom, for chil.
on Walcheren Island wrojnamie fighter has achieved dren who have suffered in terrible and Guildhall by furnis the malarial epidemic. One te an eye witness of the in the last two years.
of ing and panelling a air raids Red Cross groups the first measures taken by peration. He added that na Alamein is now seen room in Nigerian timbe sentoys by hundreds; em the British, after their ad val men who had seen all the first major, fully succes ployes in factories with vance into this area, the Allied landings in Euro sful Allied offensive action, nufacturing faciities made starting point of the the distribution of six mil pe said the opposition en the hundreds more in their hours lion anti malarial and the 51st Highland Di Atabrin cloufnteaed was worse ever march on Berlin. What Moro off duty. One donor whose sion were among the fi tablets to the civil populathan in the Dieppe raid of gomery called the great fa to land in France; WA hobby in bathe work in ivo 1942.
mily of the Eighth Army tion. At the time, others remain with the ry, hearing of the dearth of their aircraft sprayed These Royal Marines be has now spread like a lea sent Eighth Army in Ita the doll eyes, sent a gross of breeding long to a corps which busven thruogh the United Na Montgomery Eighth them fashioned from tooth new mosquito foughi combined operations tions Armies on almost eve!
brush handles. Doll makers grounds with deadly larvae for nearly 300 years. It was ry front. Some are fighting the Allied offensive my, which has symbolis spi who had been unable to buy killing powders, and oils.
found in 1664 and has ta the Japanese British and them seized upon them in One great feature of this ken part in almost more than any other arn every Indian Divisions in Biprmal was drawn from almost e mediately. Ten girl art stu wall has been the British great attle on or nea: cand Australians in dents painted dolls faces. An Army unremitting fight sea in British history since South West Pacific; others ry part of the Commc wealth and Empire, alth Ame: can officer handed in against malaria Wherever then.
are smashing their way intu gh the bulk of its man a large koala bear inackowl British troops have been Germany from Holland wer naturally came fro edgr. ant as he explained, of North Afrioa. Iraq, Syria SEA SOLDIERS Britain. no less than what the people of England, Palestine and all territories Dara had done for the rest of the where! malaria The Marines were found are evan trained as occurs per cent of its total casi chutists On shore they fight ties from Alamein to ed fo: fighting duties world. twelve year old boy they have taken stern and sea. and today this is stii as infantry and gun end of the Tungsian ca at from the United highly effective measures Kingcom brought a bºat he against the disease. In the duties British battieship an important part of their ners. Two marine A. rev:paign weife suffered ments were in action in Bri personnel.
had made, and a girl evacua Middle East technicians of norma ly carries about 10 tain against flying, bonibs.
ted from Malaya sent a toy the Niath and Tenth Ar.
a part elephant, with love to a mies eliminated malaria sys 50 to 100. They man marines and a cruiser from and shot down 122 from claiming hits which brave child from a little En tematically, district by dis of the main gun turre tra could be fully verified African Pioneer Coi glish gir. Many toys bear trict. In Beirut, the local ditionally. turret (the on a further 200. Sinc: the Receives Recognition such personal meesages. Artab press pointed out that four main turrets are desig armament of landing craft from the donors. Some are more had been done by the nated B, and Y) Usua are maned entirely by Royal The King has given a marked Not to be opened Britiss one month than lly they also man one Marines, they have been in till Christmas. Many servi mad previously been accom the secondary turrets of proval for the world AU the forefront of every land and ee units and many convales plished in several years. In some of the guns.
liary to be ommitted ing operation.
cent patients in service hospi Falestine, a big drainage sys when required they ac as the title of the African tals made substantial contri tem pu: under control the landing parties xiliary Pioneer Corps. THEY WEAR NO BATTLE butions. men in malaria which had tog: ther status of the Corps has be.
been with naval units, but today HONOURS naised in recognition of London will unpaczk the completely checking the landings are usually de The Royal Marines have achievements in the Mido toys for delivery to the Lord expansion of Haifa. Thrnul on a far vaster scale than always prided themselves on East, North Africa, Sic Mayor of London ghout, the A, has coever before and these åre being able to fight anywhe and in Italy. The Afric operated with the British planne as combined prerare and under any conditions personnel of the Corps land forces by spraying the tions of all the Servies in the present war they ha are employed not only 33. 61 ise spots inaccessible to land volved.
ve enhanced this reputation. pioneer duties, but also Svinbols of Britain transport CITO No branch of the Sa vices It is symbolised by the fact tradesmen, on fully com This is of course nothing has adapted itself more fu that they wear no battle ho tant guard duties, and Britain was first to delare new as far, as Britain is con Ny to the new and com nours. it is taken for grant British anti aircraft ba war on Germany and her in cerned. For over half a cen plex demands of moderned that they are in almost ries, were recruited fr austries tury she has been fighting were the first to. warfare In addition to every battle. Today it is mo the South African High and conquering tuin over to all out war pro malaria their normal duties with th re than true, as one of Bri mission Territories of B: duction She has therefore in her Colonial Empire.
Fleet, the Marines di innu tain greatest admirals said to land, the Bechla unala, been the key technical po merable jobs. Some fly Fleet of them, that thousand Protectorate and Swazila wer of the Uniteed Nations New Factory to Made Air Arnı, others man the colours could not contain and the British East Yet because her factories we guns oi merchant ships and their brilliant record. West African territories.
re within a few minutes House Exhibited escort vessels. They 8 the 7th. Armoured Units of the African lying distance of Luftwaffe new type of plywood nalling, handle supplies and and 50th Infantry Divisions neer Corps were attack Vases, security considera house is being exhibited in to the Eighth Armyf: tions forced her to mask her Britain with the double pur There is an inner and ou re the inspiration for this the latter part of 1941, industrial achievements. pose of solving the post ter plywood layer glued to design. Presen factory capa took part both in the fi This was especially the ca war housing necessaty, and an insulating core by a spe city is about 100 houses a ing retreat to El Alame se when Britain was still bea the retention of labor emplocial synthetic resin. Such week. This can be stepped and in the subsequent ri ring the main share of the yed in the war effort. The construction gives strengta, up to about 1, 000 houses of the Axis forces in A3 fight ng on house is chiefly me rigidity and lightness with weekly when synthetic ma ca, Basuta and Swazi o almost every sample house front, since it was felt that de fof Canadian birch pls: the added features of fire terials, interchangeable with panies of the Corps who the oppressed peoples of Eu wood. It does not have a and heat resistance and plywood, are obtainable. As compained the Eight rope would be encouraged frame. covers an area of sound insulation. It takes it stands, the house consumes through Egypt, Cyrenai: most by getting the fullest 600 square feet. It can be 800 man hours in the factu Ies tumber than a convention Tripolitanſia tand (some possible picture of the help prefabricated in eight section ry to make such a house al brick house os simi Tunis, Sicily and Italy, beginning to come from over and is designed to erect ea and 200 man hours at the lar size. Internal accommo intensely proud of their seas.
sily On a pre cast concrete site of erection. Deckhouses dations of the house are sui sader flashes and of Oppressed Europe has look base. Construction is adapt on motor torpedo boats de ted to the needs of the mo fact that they served ed to Britain for leadership, ſed to plywood aircraft me signed ostand up to years dern housewife in every de long under Field Man.
and has found it thods.
of service in heavy seas, we tail, Sir Bernard Montgome a Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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