
ships Our daily habits carry in them the buds and prophecies of our future character. We Editor: JOS THOMAS BOX 199 grow in the direction of our daily living. If we YEAR LIMON DECEMBER 9th 1944 NO 448 train ourselves to look upward, to walk erect, to gather our soul food from the tree of life, ALLIED FORCES ADVANCE FURTH OVER GERMAN TERRITORY our whole being will grow toward spirituality and heavenliness te continued intense, this is the iast important dis ve lost a daily average of.
Oww. tion, troos of the Third trict occupied by the Ger. 10. 000 men since the tar: American Army have incremans in the north of Alsace. of the Allied offensive on the HOW SHALL WE CELEBRATE VICTORIUS sed their advance, from their The Ninth army is repor 8th November last.
thrce bridge heads on the ted to have destroyed all the CLOSE OF WAR!
Saar, by from eight to tenenemy positions on the west miles. According to Berlin, margin of the river Roer; MANCHURIA they are being supported by while troops the First move ter divisions of tanks and nearer and nearer to the ri. SUFFERS FROM We are of the firm belief that the topic, upfour of motorized infantry.
AERIAL ATTACK permost in the mind of the average free person, Trops of the Seventh Ar. The most intense fighting is that concerned with the termination of the my, who operate to the south is reported in progress in the raging conflict between the Democracies and North American aerial 01 the Third, pursuing their vecinities of Saarbrucken Totalitarians, as represented by Hitlerism in offensive, west of the Rhine, and Bernstein, where the Ger or the 29 class are reported have captured Bischwiller mans have been vigorously, to have celebrated the opening Europe and Shintoism in the Far Eastern war Regions. as ao of the fourth year of the and launched an attack in but fruitless y. counter atta.
the region of Haguenau, four cking Further and definite against Japan by violently attack So rapidly do events move on the various miles off the german fro advances are also said to haing the important industrial battle fronts in Europe that we are optimistiport ve been obtained by the 90th. Darien in Manchuria and concally disposed with regard to an early cessation division of the United States ting severe damage.
ABACA PLANTATIONS Infantry whitin the Sieg.
of the universal struggle What then of our plans for the celebration of the final victory by fried Line defense system. Tokyo was also said to have IN CENTRAL AMERICA the United Nations?
The Allied Supreme Co. suffered heavily from the ar TOTAL 42. 000 ACRES mand have released the infor se number of incendiary bombs Many, no doubt, will wish to celebrate it mation that the Germans ha ained on it the same day.
in the drinking saloons, temperance bars and Iníormation proceeding firm other places of amusement This should not be.
Washington, in connection with 25. 000 JAPANESE TROPS IN DANGEROUS And we say this is consequence of an insignifithe Abaca Industry, discloses the very interesting fact cant happening some days ago somewhere in that POSITION this city. Let us not promise ourselves a good the area actually under cultiva time with the Booze when Nazism shall have ton in this and the other coun Veterans of the Sixty seventh ving toward Ormoc with matetries of Central America aggre North American Division, procee rial and men to aid the defend been finally destroyed Let us, rather, prepare gate forty two thousand acres ding from the Island of Guam. ing thoops, they were all sunk to humble ourselves and thank God for the deliwith an annual production ofere reported to have landed on a ong with an estiuie suid tuta from the threatened totalitarian dominavery 100 million pounds of fibre. The Leyte, in the rear of the two of four thousand men.
Oming year production tion. The authorities of our religious denomihasty five Japanese troops station Nineteen enemy ships are sta been estimated at from 126 10 ed in the garrison at Ormoc, ted to have bevin sunk of Ley nations should bear this in mind and make prete, last Thursday In other 147 million pounds and whose position is now rezens of the Philipp nes. parations for the form of service to be observed.
The most important. planta Sarded as exceed ngly dangerous cargo ship Wwere also destroy.
Between the two extremes those who tjons are said to be located ed and sixty two airplanes shot have learned the value of prayer, and those who Panama, Guatemala, Honduras While the landing of the Amecown.
do not yet comprehend, the holding of the sugand Costa Rica, with an avera rican so kher was in progress, se production, per manzana tran enemy convoy, composed of gested service, may be productive of much good; pling that of the Philippines.
FALL ON BUDAPEST and this could be enhanced. greatly, if our govthirteen ships, was observed me ASSURED ernment would decree the closing of all establishments, where alcoholic drinks are offered for sale, during the hours intercession. We It has been officiality, hope our modest idea will be accorded wide conreported from Moscow that Soviets troops have destroyed sideration.
the German defences northw.
SAVITE AT est of Budapest along a fon.
To Members of Cacao Cooperation tage of 75 miles and to have THAGUO ZOTKA (Mixta)
reached the Danube, at a point WELL DRESSED MAN OFFERS located immediately north of TAST 20A CHARM Our Prices for the following Products are HERE IS YOUR MOST UP TO THE MINUTE TAILORING trheotened from three distinct ESTABLISHMENT AND CAP DESIGNING AND CACAO, per quintal 42. 00 Colones The city is now said ti be FURNISHING HOUSE ponits, The and. Ukranian ar.
COCOANUT PITH, per quintal 55 00 Colones my under command of Gene.
THE WELL KNOWN, WELL ESTABLISHED, ral Malinowsky operate from EXPERIENCED AND RELIABLE the northeast, wile other tro.
COCOANUTS, per hundred. 24. 00 Colones ops, uniting with those of Mar NO EXCELSIOR TAILOR shal Tolbukhin are engaged HULE, per quintal. 145. 00 Colones infierse tigthing in the crea YAHT CLIFFORD STEELE about twelve miles southward.
New situated in an improved and conveniente building.
All Freight and Cartage will be at Expense The reported removal of the In going to take the train and in coming from the train of the Cacao Co operation seat of governmen from Bu. going to take am in your way dapest to Viena, under ordens, of Kitler, is regarded as evi. COMMERCE AVENUE, NEXT TO THE BRITISH RAUL VELAZQUEZ dence of the enemy convic.
VICE. CONSULATE AND AIRPLANE BOOKING OFFICCE Manager tion of their inability to pre.
vent its tall.
nine Notice the city TAQWELLER Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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