
VIANTART La Proveedora Página ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, 9th. December 1944 re ITALY BLOCKING ETHIOPIA wno bave not all joiner the United Nations cause. Em STRUGGLE FOR OUTLET TO SEA ans a humillating defent for Ethiopia. It means that the Italians will retain their Washington, Strong indi Recent demands from the OFFERS YOU CORRECT WEIGHT cations that Ethiopia will Italians for a grants of full colonial holding in Africa Somali.
remain a land. locked na status as an Anglo AmeriPécially Italian LOWER PRICES tion, withouth an ouplet to can ally before considering long, which bars the Ethiopi IMO TA TARAS the sea, and that Italy will themselves at war with Pa.
an the sea on a long coasline; First class Merchandise and best of retain her collonial holdings pan, has aroused strong fe it means that the Italians in Africa in the reorganizáelings against the pro Ita Courtesy always will never be made to pay Roosevelt Please ask for anything in Grocery or other tion of the world at the peaian attitude of indemnities to the Ethiopians Articles of General dietry not readily seen.
ce and security conferences Churchill and Stalin.
for the wanton attacks upon after victory, are evident All the possibilities men LA PROVEEDORA her in 1935 and the destruc in the current rise of Italian tioned and mroe are seen in LIMON CITY prestige and fortunes tion wrought through the in today shape of things to Waslyngton, London and come as a slap at Ethiopia, ength and breadth of the Moscow.
which with the exception country; it also means that Italian war criminals will ne of China, is the most wron ver be sent back to Ethiopia. SACRED HEART SCHOOL The feelingis that the Ita. Tged of all the swet and tears lí ins will be called into then the common defense to the scene of their crimes, to inner councils of the United word crushing defeat by the be tried and punished.
TO PRESENT ENTERTAINMENT Nations, if not offered fu! Axis coalition In presenting their case a gainst the special and soft fledged membership, with Is is being said in impor We are told that the Sacred. ars are all prepared to acquit the democracies, whom the tant quarters in London and treatment of the Italians by Heart School, associated with themselves in a pleasing man Roosevelt, Churchill and Stathe Catholic Parish, will preesnt ner.
se same Ita ian3 batrayed at Washington that successes The general public will be in, friends of Ethiopia app its closing programme or the ev.
future world parevs.
nchieved by the Italians, eal to the decen forces of ening of Thursday the 14th, ins. warmly welcomed to an evening tant. It is understood the scho. of real treat.
the worlr and remind them THE MOST ELEGANTLY DRESSED MAN WILL of the horrors that came to this age old kingdom at the TELL YOU TO GO TO CLIFFORD STEELE, hands of the Italians. MUL. EN. OL THE PFOPLE TAILOR FIRST AID ANTICEPTIC REACCION DE LA PRENSA NEEDED IN EVERY HOME FOR ITALIANA ROMA, UP La prensa Burns, Cuts, Insect Bites, etc.
En su ayuda al comercio, ruégole no olvidar la CAFETERIA italiana comenta el discurso LA MAGNOLIA. 60 varas Norte del Correo.
Also splendid as Cargle, Mouthwash Churchill en los Comunes: 30 ABIERTO TODA LA NOCHE. VISITENOS matut no 11 Tempo dice: Chur and Dentrifice.
perfectamente IS GREASELESS, FREE OF SMELL AND Londres no desea que la vuelta PLEASANT OF TASTE.
GOVERNMENT PROTECT SMALL a la libertad de los pueblos cupeos ocurra entre movimien.
los y CULTIVATORS OF GUACIMO parallcarian el esfuerzo bélico.
chil! no puede admitir que esta MA TA RAL guerra es también una gran revo During the past few weeks the, tors, who have for lengthened Pelución. Califica de bandidos a a.
ALKALINE TABLETS proposat that the Government riods settled on the lands and quellos griegos que descendiendo de las montañas chocaron good for gases on the stomach, headaches, Muscular pains, lands, acquire certain there earned their livelihood.
located el gobierno minor colds, neuralgia, etc. Splendid after in the region of Guacimo, and owned by the International Bal EXCESSIVE DRINKING OF LIQUORS sa Company, has been receiving Is is understood that the 65 FOR MEN SAN JOSE vernment generosity will favor thie az téntion of the Nat ona rably affect about one hundred Feit and Straw Hats.
TO GET YOU SOBER. Very effective, try it.
Congrc85. Lengthy and heated families, whose continued oeen Shirts and Underwear AGENTS AND DISTRIBUTORS scuesiins were statū to have pancy of their holdings will, it THE LATEST, CHEAPEST PAN AMERICAN AGENCIES, A. sken place, but the suggestion is hoped, stimulate the genera AND BEST boiled cown finally, we gather agricuitural activities in that Do your shopping at in favour of the small cultiva region THE PEOPLE HOL SE EFFECTIVE OPERATIONS BY BRAZILIAN AIR FORCE 59 dc hos ehlil es card TAG con Limon Trading Company Raicilla de Ipecacuaná. From Rome we get the ad. out a total of 345 assaults vice in their first montn of over enemy positions in the opertions in the litalian bartle North of that country. They zones, the First squadron of dishtarged 75 tons of bums, the Brazilian air foree carried and suffered the loss of only two machines.
Compra a los MEJORES PRECIOS o HULE CO Cacao, Cocos y Copra NO LO OLVIDE BRITISH AIR CHIEFS ON THE NORMANDY FRONT. Air Chief Marshal Sir Arthur Tedder, Deputy Supreme Commander of the Allied Expeditionary Forces. Air Marshal Sir Arthur Con.
ingham (left) Air Vice Marshal Harry Broadhurst (centre) and Air Chief Marshal Sir Arthur Tedder.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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