
Page 10 ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, 9th. December 194 THE PASSING OF NOTED METHODIST MINISTER HAPPY LANDING DIRECTLY IN FRONT THEATRE ARRASTY CONSTRUCTING LARGER FLYING. in Jamaica, but also in this SUPER FORTS one Dr George Lewis, Direc The People National Party. MR. SAM WATSON AND FAMILY OCCUR, THE RALLY OF KINGS tructed in the country With the profoundest regret Kingston, Jamaica under the head mastership of we, mention the receipt of the son of Mr. Michael and the widely regarded educatos, information of the death of Mrs. Elizabeth Glasspole oi the late Rev. William Clarke the Rev. Theophilus Glass that Island Capital Parish, Murray. Prior to entering ihe The Season of Cheer and Good will is pole, Methodist preacher of the late preacher was born ministerial battle field, the with us renown. The sad event is said on the 3rd. day of June 1859, deceased did an appreciable SAY IT WITH LOVING WORDS to have taken place at his resi he obtained his education at amount of travel away from dence on the Slipe Pen Road, ne then York Cast ia Covese, his island home. His ordina. WRITTEN ON BEAUTIFUL TEXTIDIRELATIZO tian toou place on the 11th CHRISTMAS CARDS Folk of the city, Lines ana Coast! Without your support day of March 1859; he obta Happy Landing offers a specially we shall be knocked out. Please support us. eat and drink day of March 1896; an du.
at LA MAGNOLIA. ixon little place West of the city ring the ensuing fortytwo prepared variety at reasonable prices Market years was actively associited BUY TODAY. TOMORROW MAY BE with the denomination, not on TOO LATE, DONT DELAY.
Republic and other parts of BUTLER Central America. He is survi Proprietress.
ved, it is stated, by his widow and five children; of Washington release sta the goverment of the United whom is Mr. Glasspole, tes that air ships, much ar States of America.
prominently ger tham gigantic flying super forts, 29, which are tor of the aronautic investi and their cand date for the NEW RESIDENCE row operating against Ja gations of the National Co Eastern District of Kingysion, pan from a? great distance mmittee, informed represen in the electioneering campaign are under construction by tatives of Congress that the now under way in Jamaica. The residents of the region, was spent, seasoned with of Nine Miles have new airplanes are 35 36 The others are, Miss Florence Totes lliant speeches and the se and B142, the largast yet cons of the Island Posial Deport with much admiration the ef ce of delicious cakes, forts displayed by Mr. Samwiches, ice cream othe: ment; Ms Thaia of the Is land Trecere; ss Haicyona Watson in the construction of ty edibies. Among the his new residence at 10. Mipants were Mr. and AND QUEENS MR. VAN HORN ON of the tragu Union Council, structure Alberga, Messrs.
and Theo. Ulyses of the Lonas les. The ottractive The fifteenth of the month in SICK LIST Department. To these and all in a credit to the owner, buil gess, Bernal, Nairne, the other bereveadved ones, der and other workmen who Eustace Binns, Ewers a course approaches, and on that right the Scotch Lily Lodge of the ATLANTIC VOICE extens laboured on it, and adds aly, Miss Joslyn and the Independent United Order of that Mr. Herbert Van Horn, our Sympathetically we mention its profound condolence great degree of adornment to others.
Scottish Mechanics will stage the the locality much heralded Rally, based on undergoirg optical treatment: It young friend, is in the Capital The traditional dedicatory Mr. Watson and family the lives of many renowned past is expected he will be a patient and present kings and queens.
ceremony was in evidence on ve been the recipients of in one of the sick institutions for widely known Band of mu.
Sunday the 3rd. instant, when vent congratulations and la few weeks.
sic has been engaged for the func TIPOGRAFIA, LA TRIBUNA FOTOGRABADO an imposing exercise was per pressions of good wishes, tion, and several of our city Mr. Van Horn is an ardent Cantares ca 100 membeves elementon foumed, with Mr. Abbot which the ATLANTIC VOICH vocal talent will be contributing. worker in connection with the Sir José COSTA RICA as Master of Ceremony. At its adds its well intentioned quo It is hoped by those associated Methodist Denomination We Teme 2134 with the Lodge, that weather hope he will completely regain close, a pleasing social time ta.
conditions will have favourably Sis sight at the earliest possible impreved by then.
time VUUTTA.
IZZATI BROWNE ABRAHAMS Agentes Venta de Mercaderías. Depósito de Azúcar First Aid Anticeptic. Alkaline Tablets MUL EN OL y MA TA RAL If you suffer frequently from backache you can be fairly certain that Kidney Trouble is to blame. The kidneys are Frente Unidad Sanitaria two of the hardest worked organs in your body. They act as the body filters preventing impurities and poisons from esca ping into the blood.
Weak and sluggish kidneys cannot do this important job properly. Not until those kidneys are active again Having, on the first day of the can you be certain of getting relief from aches and pains.
At this time of writing our es.
present month experienced th That is why De Witt Kidney and Bladder teemed young citizen, Mr. Os first anniversary of their mar Pills are prepared especially to act directly on mond Daley, c: the 25 Miles riage, the ATLANTIC VOICE ex the kidneys. Quick relief from backache follows Abaca Industry, is numbered lends its hearty greetings to it first dose for that very reason. Within 24 amor. the patients in the local very good friends, Mr. and Mrs ours of your first dose, De Witt Pills get hospital. He is suffering, we ga Roderick Adolphus Heslop of the the source of your trouble the kidneys.
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We wish him a they be privileged to enjoy very speedy recovery.
many more.
Once in the kidneys, the beneficial in purities are filtered out of the bloodstream.
dients in De Witt Pills set to work Your backache and joint pains quickly thing inflammation, healing and restoring, vanish.
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Address all your Eng Para todos sus trabajos ineering Requirement to de ingeniría dirijase a AND cenu TRAJOS DE IMPRENTA CONSUL PRECIOS los Talleres de Qumes economice secaro Apartat 13171 BACKACHE GOES when kidneys are active again!
MR. OSMOND DALEY GREETINGS IN HOSPITAL In a very DeWitt KIDNEY AND BLADDER Pills ROIG Made specially to end the pain of Rheumatism, Backache, Lumbago, Joint Pains and all forms of Kidney trouble. Of chemists and storekeepers everywhere. BOX 923. TELEFONOS 5319, 3201, or 25 SAN JOSE Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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