p. 12


Toes Page 12 аме докг ракагазыя сро ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, 9th. December 1944 BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN troops ara llow up LOS 940 CE In them.
Lion rescued Princessbucurus peces Burma Welcomes our Sayings 06 When Wingate, organised We believe that we his force of jungle commandos to make their long range refugee problem is like on the last lap, but this is a penetrations 11. Japanese.
ly to present itself to Civil race in which failure to exerts held territory in Burma he gaAffairs authorities who fo the fullest effort to the end ve them the name of Chindits Allied troops in may protrae that end to pe.
Their name and their badge unendurable their advance into Burma. riods almost ea gold Chinthe on a blue Men of Major General Fes. The Prime Minister.
blak background were deri.
ting 36th (British Divi It must obvious to all th Wed from an ancient Burnesíon) now fighting their it would have been imposible se myth.
way down the railway from to plan the invasion of Eu.
Once the beatibul daugh Myitkina towards Katha are rope on the scale on which ter of a Burmese king was helping in the initial stages it was undertaken had the kidnapped by a forest nat DAD by providing food, clothing Home Guard not been here or spirit, and taken into the and medical supplies for lo strong in numbers and po.
heart of the jungle.
cal inhabitants.
werful in efficiency, to hold The king, a loving father, RAF Rocket Typhoon sets off to strafe germans in Normandy Sickness and a slow reco the citadel at home. Su made repeated NEW NAVAL COMMANDER, SOUTH ATLANTIC.
attempts 10 very due to their state of John Anderson, Chancellor o Tecover the Princess, but always met with failure. One RAF last to leave, first malnutrition has meat that the Exchequer.
Britain greatest only a comparatively small With proper organisation day a courageous Chinthe, to return battleship percentage of villagers who Jin Britani after the war the now Chindit, or lion, rescued Secou adhibba remained in their honies re should be work for everyo the Prinsess and restored her The recent bestowal by the The greatest battleship are yet strong enough to ne for at least ten years.
to her father.
King of the Hellenes of the ever built in the British Is work.
Sin Stafford Cripps Minister Grand Cross of the Royal Ur les, destined to play a role of Aircraft Production.
der of George I, with swords, in the Pacific war against FLED TO JUNGLE Later, the lion of legend to Air Chief Marshal Long the Japanese, has just been There is one control tha will have to continue for so became corrupted into the Some of the villages more links up the great part launched by Princess Eliza theraldic in me time the control of pr Jeogriff (haiflion this valiey, which is nos a ces.
played by the Royal Air Force beth, it is announced. Capt. Waterhouse thalf griffin. It is now vegar in the cevacuation of Greece The new battleship spe scene of desolation and was Parliamentary Secretary ded as a symbol of protection and the recent liberation of cifications are a military se te, are little more than Board of Trade.
and guardianship.
Athensis po cret but it is said that she charred shells of buildings As a figure of stone it gu.
At the time of the evacua will be one of the most. Many of them formerly ards the four entrances to tion Air Chief Marshal Long poweru. in not the most po containing as 100 houses are templed and monasteries in more was) Air Officer Com werfu. wait, in the world. many as 100 houses are sessions and at rice with Burma.
mandig. in Chief, Middle East Her name, alsoa secret, is now completely empty.
The sword is a graceful ges an honored one in British na Pinbaw, which oace contain Eye witnesses have spoTime Alone will not beat ture of appreciation both to val tradition. Many greated 25 houses, ta ez fangu«s ken of the way in whic!
these him and to the air forces whi shirs, from the time of the alone remained to welcome the Japanese treated Japs 1959 General Bļamey said the ece under his command.
ch fougth so gallantly in Gre Spanish Armada rown, have our troops.
villagers, often after giving borne it.
Gradually oth: families them employme. In some enemy in the Western Paci The RAF were the last to The new warship will ha who fied to the jungle, whe cases they toor everything fic would not be defeated by leave Greec when the enemy ve many of the latest devi re they have lived, for seve even bullock ca is, and lef time or any factor other than overranitin 1941, and were ices, nal including electric months, are coming whole families to starve bo our military superiority. It the first to retum in the ope eyes to pieite darkness and back, bringing their few pos the roadside.
was easy and comfortable to rations which preceded its fog and io enable the ship espect that the Japanese liberation, to detect the position, speed Jap occupation and caps would seek a favorable pea ANSWERED CALL FOR HELP and cour. e of the enemy themselves around the slip tant hammering of their ce when their main ally, if It was in November, 1940, Albert Alexander, First way to watch Princess Eli defences by the Allies nas the militant and military Ja that the firstp British tinhter Lord of the Admiralty, who zabeth send off the battle meant that litle or no рас.
panese surrendered, escept squadron equipped only with attended the launching ceship. bottle of Empire wi dy could be planted and under force of arms.
ne was used to christen her the Gladiators, answered the call necony somewhere in Bri whole area is ar 71 8P 6?
and the vessel slid slowly evergrow and achievied brillant tain, said of Britain latest wilderness Lasts down the ways, to the loud year Successes lass than a quais Blamey said: We of the cheers of the onlookers.
odds. Before eaving Greece ter of the usuai acreage was This ship is a challenge Allied Armies, and ous For the 18 year old Prin cropped and win the Tapa Allied naval and air forces, for more than a hundred Ger. ple who have thought and Cess this was her first im nese stealing a suge portion this same squadron accounted to the minds of those peo won back from Japanese do.
man and Italian aircraft. who still think that the portant occasion at which of the available rice, onls mination the greater part she officiated alone, without the suuplus 1942 crop mal During the operations RAF le and the day of the bf New Guinea by swart, and bombers and flying boats tes battleship have ended.
either of her parents besi de it possible for the people by the blood and lives of cued important de her. And from the flags to eke out a bare existence personages am persuaded that our fighting men. We Austra from Yugoslavia, taff over the launching plat including ship of the caliber and the lians, now rested and reorga King Peter.
form equipment that this ship standard, Aized, and ready for whate When the order came for will have will be a formi: with the Cross of St. Geor WELCOMING OUR ver new tasks may be allot the withdrawal of our forces dable central factor in any broken out for the first ti ge and the Tudor Rose, was ADVANCE ted to rus, may with justice from Greece, bombers, flying naval task force which can me. As the Princess mount profess our claim to have do boats, captured enemy aircratt be devised for the future Small wonder it that ne our full share in the stru fighters and training aircraft, She will sail in tropical wached high on the moving cra tants are overtaken by om ed the steps rivet boys per when the former inhabiggle against the Axis power. packed with human cargoes, ters against an enemy we Recently the Allied forces ha flew them to safety and re, particularly want to beat.
broke into the song, troops the problem of their ve moved forward, seizing turned for more. Our fighters. For She a Jolly Good Fe Rehabilitation will of necess Although the launching llow ferritory as jumping off pla heability outnumbered, protec had been kept secret from ty be a long one for Civil ces for further moves mo. ted the continuous stream of the British nation, 10, 000 The Princess wore a light Affairs officers. Small woi ves in which as we assume ships that went back and forth shipyard workers jammed gray ensemble consisting of der, tco that those who hs our assigned role again, we; to Greece suit and coat. Her halo hat ve remained, timidly bu will take our place with all had a light gray ribbon trea thankfully welcome the ar theforces that nation com NOW THEY ARE BACK enemy after supporting tre ted though a broad upturnevance of the British troop.
mitments will permit the Go landing of our forces and their brin at the front Her of the 36th division. an verment to place at our dis Now the RAF is back again entry on October 14 into the shoes were blue and she, the consequent hores posal in force, harassing the heeing Greek capital.
wore a string of pearls. beginning their lives anew for beses na galinhait viremendous navai acquisition. 10 a her own nes Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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