
HOTEL HISPANO. AMERICA SEÑOR GANADERO: CIUDAD DE LIMON No se deje engañar Saluda a su numerosa clientela y sus favo SUNDAY, December, 17th, PARA MANTENER SUS ANIMALES SANOS recedores y les desean p. Carol Service, MUY FELICES PASCUAS 1944 SUNDAY, December, 24th.
el que pongo a sus órdenes, deseoso de a. Holy Communion. a. Sung Mass.
satisfacerlos. p. Young People p. Evensong. SAID. Greets its many patrons and favourers and 11. 30 Midnight Mass.
desires for them a MONDAY. December, 25th.
and much 00 a. Holy Communion.
in which we shall be ready to satisfy your TUESDAY, December, 26 th, orders. The Innocents Day)
LOS PROPIETARIOS 00 a. Holy Communion, Many of our esteemed readers Its Editor was an eminent WEDNESDAY, December, 27 th. will, co doubt, recall that durwriter, Mr. William Makin. John the Evangelist) ing the years 1938. 1939 the Jo. who, says a London report, was urnalistic Field in the island of killed on one of the European 00 a. Holy Communion. Tamaica took a great stride re. Battle fields, while serving as kultant from the advent of the War Correspondent the SAP THURSDAY, December, 28th. news organ known as the Ja. London Daily. With the death (S. Stephen Day)
maica Standard a paper which of Mr. Makin journalism has The yearly special service for up in front of the fire engine Seirlessly championed the cau. lost a great exponent.
the men of our Volun aer Tire and their photograph was taken 00 a: Holy Communion, se of the masses.
System was elebrated interwo by don Alfonso Sole of the Soc al venly with the eight o clock Assicance Offise.
SUNDAY, December, 31st.
Mass of Sunday the 10th. ins. The continuous rainsand other a. Holy Communion, tan in the Cathedral of this oi unavoidable circumstances a. Sung Mass.
pre ty. The worship was well at vented the social features, usua p. Evensong. SAID. p. Young People tended. At its termination, they 242ciated with the anniver 11. 15 Watchnight, Ciudad de Limón firemen, accompanied by their sary. May they start the new God mother, the very attractively:ar of their valuable service MONDAY, January, 1st.
Señorita Margarita Rojas, lined with renewed vigour, Se complace en saludar a su distinguda 00 a. Holy Communion.
clientela y en desearle unas DEATH OF DISTINGUISHED JOURNALIST VOLUNTEER BOMBEROS ATTEND DIVINE SERVICE on TIENDA LA BARAJA BETHANY SISTERS GETTING READY MR. HORACE MC RAE FELICES PASCUAS 1944 PROSPERO AÑO NUEVO 1945 VERY PLEASING REPORT BROWNE ABRAHAMS With a view of effecting snooth, The mus cal feature, we unders sailing for their barque, liszedtand, will be strangely syneepa for a navigation on the water ting. On the other hani, we are surrounding the Dance for told that the Sisters have gia By means of a recent press Christmas night, we gain MOISES KADER, Señora e Hijos tinc ciously decided to sumptoussy report we have gathered some Very pleasing informat on that serve dainty and delicioue exceedingly interesting inforniare.
pur good Bethany Sisters, 40 freshments, without further cust lion regarding Mr. Horace ciated with the Anglican Church McRae, second on of Mr.
to their guests. We wish fui: Me Rac our highly esteemed of the Siquirres township Tuccess will crowr Costa Rica, of its quietude and the efforts citizen and proprietor of are the of the Bethanites, getting everything in tip to sha of its happy people, and yearns Modern Drug Store, and the pe for the approaching tality, to return in the hope of being late Mrs. McRae of Kingston, able to accomplish the work te Jamaica feels awaits him a work 10 The Press release stated Mr.
telp his fellow Costarricans. ro Horace McRae has been resid. There is no gain saying the Many of our much regarded ing in Barranquilla, Colombia, fact that the nobler a life, the readers may no doubt, recall for more than twenty five years more it longs to dedicate itself that the subject of this news and occupies the very important to the service of others. to item is one of the sons of the VENTA DE MERCADERIAS position of Assistant General Ma accomplish that great thing late Mr. Aldridge, who was am.
nager and Treasurer of Armco Service ong the pioneer English Educas Colombiana. a subsidary of In this connection we mentior tors in this province, and who, Expresan sus más profundas gracias por la the Armcc International Corpo. Mr Aldridge, a young on returning to his Island home, ration, which is in turn, a sub. Costarrican, who now preferenscia que les han demostrado duran sidary of the American Rolling in the Island of Jamaica, and hem, they being then of minor labours Jamaica, took his children with te el año 1944 y desean a sus numerosos Mills Company of Middleton, displays ars ever. green memory ages. Mr. Aldridge is, we Ohio, He is also said to of that religious cradle wherein understand, an employee, in amigos y mantenedores be closely connected with com. he was rocked in this city. Our Morant Bay, of the St. Thomas mercial circles in the Republic esteemed Limonense is said to Branch of the Jamaica Public of Colombia. He is a member have expressed a fond remem. Sanitation Department.
of the British Community Coun brance of the land of his birth, cil at Barranquilla and served the Colombian Government with distinction in 1932. 1934 during 98980eo Dee 0000000000000000 the Colombian. Peruvian Bor.
der dispute, which was settled in an amicable manner through EUGENIO GARRON HIJOS the brilliant efforts of ex Presi dent Dr. Eduardo Santos who PASCUAS then represerted Colombia befo.
Desean FELICES AGENTES DE ADUANA re the League of Nations. The FELIZ AÑO NUEVO League appoint a Committee Saludan a sus estimables clientes le investigate the matter and a todos sus muy estimables clientes named the three member y les desean Colombia was asked to name a y amigos Secretary, one not connecter 00800090 000000000020000000000000000000000509 with either of the two countries.
of Colombia Minister of War the. mittee carried out their work. suggestion of the members reupon asked Mr. McRae to He received the grateful thanks the Committee, he named one of after LIMON serve, he accepted and lived for of the government of Colorabia his daughters Leticia. a year, in Leticia, a town in the for his services and as a memo. the town.
disputed area, while the Com. rial of the occasion, and on the MUY FELICES PASCUAS MUY PROSPERO AÑO NUEVO LIMON SODA WATER FACTORY BRYAN CIA. LTDA.
MUY FELICES PASCUAS PROSPERO AÑO NUEVO Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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