
THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK ATLANTIC VOICE More poverty exists in this numbers pressed by real neces world than is generally imagi sities which they enceo our ned, not only beeause many: to conceai, are forced to pur Editor: JOS THOMAS BOX 199 whose possessions are large, chase the appearance of com, YEAR LIMON DECEMBER 23 rd. 1944 NO 449 indulge larger desires, and mic petence anu civeerfuines at the ny, too, masure their wants expense or any converts and ZANIM PRESIDENT PICAVU ANU PARIY OVER NIGHT GUESTS OF LIMON by the gratifications enjoyed conveniences of life.
our others the sounding or the reings. He further mentioned effectively explained all mat.
wh. tie of the train which had that a supply of first necesitels of interest to the Party.
aboard His Evcelency the ties had been dispatched from The Caribbean Packing Com President of the Republic, Lic. the Capital, by way of the Pa pany was next and don Jo don Teodoro Picado; the Mi. nama Canal, and added that sé Adis, the moving spirit, fur THE BIRTH ANNIVERSARY nister of Fomento, Lic. Fron an amount of sugar would al nished the required intorna cisco Esquivel; Lic. don Fron so be arriving by airplane (tion As a momento of this vi 21 OF THE PRINCE OF PEACE cisco Fonseca Ch. Vice Presi and it did.
sit, a photograph of His. Ex dent of the National Con With respect to the unscrucelency was taken by Mr.
gless, and one of the repre pulous speculation being in. Howard, the Rubber Techni. December 25th. is the day set apart, alrnost sentatives of our Province, and duiged in by many, His Excel cian. The Party then moved throughout Christendom, to commemorate the Colonel Madrigal, hurdreds llency expressed his strong di on to the Jamaica Town Sett Nativity of Jesus Christ, who came to earth as of men, women and children spproval and emphasized that lement, where the canal was hastened to the railway sia it would be dealt a crushing inspected. They then went the Prince of Peace. This glorious commemotion last Monday where a de blow with weighty fines through the machine shops of ration is widespread and the passing of the atening and spontaneous wel and perhaps imprisonment the Northern Railways Com. centuries can never remove it from the devocame was accorded them.
being imposed on the guilty pany, the Municipal Bath Hou tion of those who have followed, in spirit that parties.
se and on to the Goberna.
brilliant Bethlehem Star; those who carry on Soon after came the Presi. On Tuesday morning the Preción.
dent thriling and profound sident Party was augmented Shortly after, don Teodoro the canvas of the mind that greatest of all ly sincere speech, as he beca by our esteerled Governor, and his Party entrained for 25 scenes in th estable at Bethlehem of Judea, and me the center of attraction, don Abel Robles, General Ri. Miles and Manila to obtain those who continue to praise and magnify on the upper floor of the cardo Monge, and Señores Ro further first hand knowledge. His name. The immortal memory of that new Municipal Building, In gelio Pardo, Miguel Andre of particularly in the interests of first Christmas Morn can never fade. What a part, don Teodoro stated that Siquirres, Joaquin Hernandez, the workers.
he and his party could have Federico Picado and Sáenz Limon is deeply grateful pity that another Christmas finds no sign of effected the trip by airplane, representanting the Sindicato to the President and those as that Peace on Earth which was heralded by the but in order to see to him of Workers and Vanguardia, sociated with him for the sin angels on the birth of the lowly Nazarene. How selt the points on the railroad several others and the writer. cere interest hey are display happy would Christmas be if there were existwhich had so greatly contribu. The following points of inte. Jing in he difficulties which ing true, goodwill among the peoples on this ted to the hardships of the rest were visited.
face our people, We hope people of community, The Balsa Industry, where much of god will resut from planet. We cannot fail to be struck by the way o they had utilized the train the Chief, Mr. Julian Weston, their visit.
various classes and faces are clashing today.
service, which enabled them If mankind could only believe and live up to to traverse on foot and exa ALLIED FORCES OPERATE the belief that humanity, in spite of their many mine the interrupted lines at differences, are in the deepest, truest manner, Torito, Las Lomas and Pa, IN VALLEY OF THE PO all alike; that all of us lock in our hearts the cuare and to also secure an oppreaciable view of the floo From Rome comes the re. heatened with extermination same hopes the same doubts which cheer us ded areas at Estrada, Matina port that the New Zealand inless they capitulate. and cast us down. We would then be more in and Zent. He assured the entroops, who operats with Canadian vioops are said thusiastic crowd that his dee Eighth Army in Italy, after to have extended their offen keeping with the tenets of Christmas, more o pest sympathy was with Li driving the enemy from the sive, meantime, in the lacali ready to lend a helping hand, say a cheering, Emon and its perple and that strategic area of Faenza, are ryby. ng 16 kilometers uit Faen word to our fellow traveller who at times stuma every effort was being made in control of the highway and za, Strong patrol detachments ble along the, hard roadway of life. Oh, if we by the Economic Defence Co railroad by which the Nazis of the Eighth are also said could only give full thought to and accept the mmittee, through his govern could have effected their re. to have crossed the River Se.
wonderful grace that is open to us by the birth ment, to alleviate their suffe tirement they are now no, despite fierce German oppo o fthe Prince of Peace on that grandest of all sition. Polish troops have cap Christmas Morns! Let us turn a new page in tured the districts of Limisano and Cassete in the face of the checkered book of life and re dedicate ourtenacious enemy resistence, selves to the real and true purpose of the argeneral offensive yill, it gel message Peace on Earth and Goodis expected, soon be under wlil among men. This is our sincerest Christway the Allied troops in the Valley of the Po, and that one mas Message to our highly esteemed readers To Members of Cacao Cooperation fo the first objeties will be the and in the fulness of our wishes for a Joyous (Mixta)
cit. of Bologna. It also belie Christmas.
ved that the famed Bremner ZA Our Prices for the following Products are Pass will be the subject of attack THE MANAGEMENT AND STAFF OF CACAO, per quintal. 44. 00 Colone THE ATLANTIC VOICE COCOANUT PITH, per quintal 55 00 Colones LISTED FOR CAIRO: take this Opportunity of wishing their much esteemCOCOANUTS, per hundred. 24. 00 Colones Tere is said to be in the ma. ed collaborators, patrons and well wishers a king several sporting events for Cairo on Monday the first day MERRY CHRISTMAS HULE, per quintal 145. 00 Colones of January 1945. The princi and pal feature will be a chicket cu HAPPINESS AND SUCCESS All Freight and Cartage will be at Expense test between the Trafalga Club of the district and the Cheerful in 1945 of the Cacao Co operation of 27 Miles. Both teams said to possess formidable pla They thank every one for their kind RAUL VELAZQUEZ vers, a fact which should make patronage during the year that Manager the propoged math full draweth to its close interest.
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